Today we’d like to introduce you to Breauna Villarreal.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
Originally I was a full-time school educator at a private school I stepped out on faith and chose to quit my job became a full-time entrepreneur. In addition, I thought to myself what is something that I love to do and could have a stable income from this career, The first thought that came to mind was owning and running a cleaning service. Initially, I started developing prosperity cleaning investing my own money to buy products, marketing material and maintaining goals. We have currently been in business for two years, during the first year we serviced 300 clients. Today as we are in business we currently have 800 clients. I am very thrilled and happy! I genuinely love what I do.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The struggles that were along the way that I’ve have experienced is learning to be patient there are a lot of steps ups and downs being an entrepreneur sometimes you will have a good day and bad day, the challenges such as sleepless nights, hiring the right employees, lack or no support system from family, friends, and peers. I thought to myself at times of giving up. I told many people I quit my job they laughed and took me for a joke. I often thought is being an entrepreneur something I really want to do especially when there are slow days at times when I couldn’t get at the beginning or I didn’t meet a certain financial goal that I intended to meet. Lastly, losing self-esteem I got tired of people labeling as just a cleaner or making me feel like I didn’t matter just because I clean for a living. Overall, after seeing results and accomplishing goals. I’m very much glad I didn’t give up.
Prosperity Cleaning – what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
My business is Prosperity Cleaning we are a residential and commercial cleaning company servicing families, senior citizens, and businesses in Houston, Texas and surrounding areas. We specialize in the following customized cleaning, organization, post-construction cleanup, move-in move out cleaning and organization. We are most known for our glowing floors, outstanding marketing, exceptional customer service, and outstanding work. As a company, we are most proud of the numerous amount of clients we have currently serving 800 clients in Houston and the surrounding areas.
What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
The proudest moment of my career so far is receiving the support just from the people of Houston, signing a contract with Zillow real estate company. Also, signing my second contract with an airbnb. I’m very determined to excel in this company to the highest of my capability. It also makes me very happy supporting other entrepreneurs, businesses and meeting other entrepreneurs like myself.
Contact Info:
- Address: 7201 Tobruk Ln.
- Website: www.prosperity-cleaning.com
- Phone: 7138758056
- Email: prosperitycleaning001@gmail.com
- Instagram: www.instgram.com/prosperity_cleaning
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/prosperitycleaning
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