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Meet Brian Spitz of GoodDeed in Houston Heights

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brian Spitz.

We are disrupting the real estate title industry by solving the unsolvable.

Brian Spitz, CEO and Founder of GoodDeed, has been an entrepreneur and real estate professional since 2005 for Texas based companies that have aided thousands of Texas homeowners in overcoming title obstacles, resolving family conflict and finding the best solution for selling their homes fast.

Over time, we realized that not only was solving title problems one of the most valuable services we provide to home sellers needing unique solutions…

But it was also our competitive advantage.

And, after years of collecting data and evaluating trends, it’s predictable.

Using years of both extensive data and grassroots efforts and experience, we formalized our expertise into systems that can be applied not only to our organization but to other organizations and individuals as well.

Close to 25% of all real estate transactions need some sort of title curative work before being able to sell and nearly 30% don’t ever close. At GoodDeed, we believe everyone is entitled to a good deed, and our mission is to ensure that 100% of homeowners can successful sell their homes with clear title.

What is GoodDeed? Quite simply, GoodDeed provides instant real estate title solutions.

It understands why title problems originate, asks the right questions to understand the story, mines public data and generates both problems and resolutions.

We hired a team of NASA’s technical writers to work with our SMEs and document hundreds of Title problems and solutions. The solutions follow State Statute and have been reviewed by title attorneys.

This software will allow anyone, assisted by custom technology solutions, to cure a problem Title.

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
As a tech startup company, we’ve faced several challenges:

1. Educating people outside of the real estate industry about the massive problem and inefficiencies in real estate title (especially affecting homeowners, who may feel powerless in what can be a very confusing process when selling a house)

2. Funding. Making sure we scale strategically so we don’t spread ourselves too thin.

3. Educating people IN the real estate industry. They understand the real estate title inefficiencies and are excited about technology entering such an outdates business space, but are still cautious of tech and automation in general.

4. We are creating something that has never existed. The business model, the technology behind it. We feel excited to be innovators, but also feel the challenge of having no examples to follow.

GoodDeed – what should we know? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
GoodDeed is a title curative tool, first.

The tool asks a few simple questions and can diagnose potential title issues and resolutions within seconds.

GoodDeed also provides feedback on how difficult it will be to cure title issues, giving real estate professionals a unique value proposition when working with clients.

Secondly, GoodDeed provides title curative services.

While the GoodDeed tool gathers and simplifies the documents and steps needed to close, many real estate professionals still struggle to clear title efficiently.

We help expedite closings by working with real estate and title professionals to make sure title clears.

We are known for being the first company to automate the discovery and curative work surrounding real estate title.

What moment in your career do you look back most fondly on?
Besides closing over $10M in deals over 24 months, I am most proud of our ability to uniquely help hoe owners. After years of whiteboarding, planning and working with consultants, we have the first-ever title curative software in history and in the world that people are utilizing and enjoying.

While we are thrilled to help fellow real estate professionals, we are even more excited about how this impacts homeowners who were previously unable to sell their houses because of title problems.

For example, one of our recent sellers was unable to sell her home previously due to no fault of her own. Her title and ownership were clouded with previous fraud and other issues she was unaware of. We are working with her to clear title problems other companies were unwilling to assist with.

Ordinary wholesalers, title agencies, real estate agents and even home sellers are taking advantage of our third-party real estate title curing solutions to solve problems they’ve been trying to solve for years. I’m also proud for…

🢣 14 years in home buying and selling
🢣 30+ combined years in title expertise
🢣 Cleared over 3,000 messy title files
🢣 Raised over $500,000 for technology development
🢣 Bought hundreds of homes from motivated sellers
🢣 Technology made by REAL real estate investors

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Kolanowski Studios

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