Today we’d like to introduce you to Byson Burt.
Hi Byson, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Firstly, known as RedTintedFaith or even by my Producer name Beats by RedTintedFaith I started making music in May of 2021 during the summer. I had only recently finished my Sophomore year in high school and the pandemic was making the life I lived more difficult than it already was. Growing up I was not able to do much because of the things that happened to me when I was younger.
Due to this, I was not able to do any sport. Also because of my past, I was not able to live with my ma and Dad in Houston, Texas but moved to Atlanta, Georgia to live with my Grandma from the age of 5 years old until I was apparently 18 years old. This made me feel very much left behind and lost making me feel as if there was nothing special about me, that there was no way for me to grow up and become “Something Great” which is what I longed to do for years but I was held back and every year I would ask my Grandma to play football, or basketball, or to be able to do track, but nothing happened. I soon ended up asking to do almost every sport I knew but no change occurred which lead to be becoming depressed without knowing so until Years later.
My Depression got so bad that in early may of 2021 I tried taking my own life which would have been successful until I realized I very much wanted to live. It was raining and my aunt and Grandma left the house for some random occasion so it was just me and my uncle who most times kept his door closed making me pretty much alone. This gave me the time and freedom I needed but maybe a little too much.
All the rooms including mine were upstairs and the kitchen was downstairs so I quietly went downstairs and got one of the big silver knives attempting to cut my own throat but I couldn’t, it was as if my own life flashed in my own eyes making me quit altogether in tears. So I then reached out to God and said “ if you help me out of this deep ill feeling I will stay committed to and keep all my gifts to you.” So then I went back to my room to pray and cry and find answers.
After this, I fell in love with writing Poems and Sonnets. I was always great in English class getting only A’s in that class. I could write great stories and poetry that one would love to share, I even made a few for my Ma for her birthday and for my Grandma and Aunt too but it wasn’t enough to make a huge impact. So I asked God what I should do with my life and he lead me to write my first rap song called “The Warm-Up”.
It wasn’t nothing too long or great to me but my friends loved it so much I put it on SoundCloud but I need my Musical Artist name which soon became “RedTintedFaith” and all the rest is history or now in Progress.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Throughout my life as a Musical Artist, it has not been smooth or even easy to say the least. For example when I finally got verified on Instagram before I got hacked the ones that doubted me or even said my music was going nowhere wanted me to “put me on” as they said or “hook me up” so I told them no because you didn’t support me then so why should we be cool now? Many of my friends had either got jealous or just cut me off to talk trash about me and even some of my family members didn’t believe in me but I made due and kept going.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
So, I am a Musical Artist and also from time to time a Music Producer too. I make rap music. Each of my songs is determined by the mood I am in when I make each song which I believe is really unique. There are so many other rappers out there too but the difference between me versus most is that I aim to make a lasting impact through music that isn’t always about killing, drugs,s*x, money, etc. but about parts of life most can relate to to and agree with is what makes me different than most Music Artists out there today. This is also what I am most proud of because being a rapper changes people into things they are not, into what they should never be and I stayed myself all this time no matter what.
Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
Well, as of now I am 18, I was born September 30th, 2004 in Houston, Texas. I specialize in Rap, I cannot sing to save my life. I also aspire to lead others to follow their dreams even when it seems impossible.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://redtintedfaith.wixsite.com/redtintedfaith
- Instagram: https://instagram.com/redtintedfaithofficial?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
- Twitter: http://twitter.com/redtintedfaith
- Youtube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCTosz4bf7cngoKafYF0Cb6w
- Other: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1XXyKprRCUJRfMnExeH8JR?si=SVZk_LfITzqgCZaxEphBIw
Image Credits
Devona Jackson, Revenue Cycle Director/Mom
Michael Anthony Jackson, Musical Artist, Movie Director/Producer/Stepdad