Today we’d like to introduce you to Courtney Garrett.
Hi Courtney, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
Thank you for the opportunity! I’m married to John and the mom of our two boys, ages 7 and 12. I’ve been a Houstonian for almost 18 years. After graduating from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2004 with a masters degree in Christian Education, I accepted a job as the Director of Women’s Discipleship at Grace Bible Church in the Heights. After serving in ministry for several years, I began to see there was a missing piece for people who did not grow up in the church or those who were curious or seeking.
Many people have a lot of unanswered questions about Christianity. Without understanding basic foundational truths, it is very difficult to have a framework for understanding the Bible and how it applies to our lives. I wanted to give people a starting point–for those who are at ground zero, to those who need to be refreshed in the faith, to those who grew up in the church but have stepped away and want to reinvestigate Christianity. Since I couldn’t find exactly what I was looking for, I wrote two simple Bible studies that provide a starting point so people can walk through the basics of Christianity in a nonintimidating way. These Bible studies launched my ministry, 101 Christianity. With this ministry, I also help equip Christians to share their faith by utilizing the studies and tools we create.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey has been a fairly smooth road?
It is continually challenging to convey biblical truth in a secular society. There are a lot of barriers to overcome. But at the end of the day, behind ideas are people and stories. We all live our lives by a system of beliefs. Everyone has a worldview or way of seeing the world, whether or not they can articulate it. We all have the same questions about pain, the real meaning of life, and where God fits into our stories. So while it can be challenging to share the beliefs of Christianity, it is very helpful to realize we all have the same questions. Finding sufficient, concrete answers makes all the difference, and that’s what I believe Christianity offers.
It’s always refreshing to see how open people are to having spiritual conversations. The fulfilling part of my work comes from hearing stories of those who have taken one of the 101 Christianity Bible studies and gone through it with a friend or group of friends.
One of my Bible studies has been translated into three different languages: Arabic, Turkish and Spanish. The contextualization and translation process was laborious, but it’s been rewarding to know that people in other countries are able to learn about Christianity in their own language!
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
As I have taught the Bible over the years, I have become increasingly interested in taking more complex theological topics and making them accessible to everyone. To that end, I’m continually adding new free printables on my website to help people grasp spiritual concepts. Additionally, I’m working on a parenting guide to one of my Bible studies in order for parents to be better equipped in answering the spiritual questions their children have. Long term, I hope to write two additional Bible studies that overview the Old Testament and New Testament in a clear and simple way. It may take years, but I’m hopeful to complete both of them!
What would you say has been one of the most important lessons you’ve learned?
The most important lesson I’ve learned in my journey is to remain faithful no matter what. As a Christian living in a postmodern world, it can be very discouraging to live in a culture that continually embraces the message that there’s no need for God. I know that in myself, I don’t have the answers to the biggest questions of life. None of us do. But that’s often the loudest message–that we can find the truth within. Christianity points to something greater outside of ourselves which has the power to both save and change us. My job as a believer is to keep proclaiming this truth so that others will hear the message of the freedom and hope Jesus Christ offers.
- Bible Studies available on Amazon $14.99 and $15.99
Contact Info:
- Website: 101christianity.com
- Instagram: @courtney_garrett_
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIo4mQbCr8qByMm0wA8pbOQ
- Other: https://www.amazon.com/Courtney-Garrett/e/B088X4KG67/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_book_1
Image Credits
Heacox Creative Co.