Today we’d like to introduce you to (Deborah) Emmyrose Nowinski.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I walk the path my son Dustin set me on when at 15 he died of bone cancer in 1997. Prior to his death, he told me that “I shouldn’t get angry at people; some people’s souls haven’t evolved. You were sent here to teach to the soul.” With these amazing words, my path was set. I have also been an empath, tarot reader/ spiritual healer all my life, but never walked into it full time. As life has it, one gets detoured on their true path until they realize by some impact you need to re-direct your life and live your true self.
Prior to doing tarot/healing full time, I created a theater for actors who were disabled and non-disabled. This helped not only my healing of losing a son but also changed the lives of many through the creative avenue. And proudly the only true inclusion theater in Texas. I loved this path but spirit called.
IN 2018, I had a strong calling to go back to my tarot/healing; perhaps it was my son’s spirit that wanted me to do more to help as so many were in need and desperate to hear hope. I also wanted to accept that being a tarot reader/ spiritual healer was a gift and gifts are for giving.
In 2019, I had a vision that 2020 would be horrific. It was then I found a permanent job in Galveston at a beautiful metaphysical shop and set up my website. My vision was correct as 2020 brought us to disaster with Covid. Getting people through 2020 and even to now has been incredible. I love working with tarot. It’s a beautiful tool to help people realize their potential and help them empower their mind heart and soul. Many who come to me just need to know that they are loved, valued, listened to and have hope to move forward and not “drive backwards.” I am so blessed to have been able to heal those that have lost, have been lost themselves or those that need to evolve their soul to the next level of their life’s journey. Also, giving people a “heads up” as to what can be avoided or how to work with the energy they may be feeling at the moment. I teach those to walk the white light, listen to the Spirit we all have inside of us and know that the universe really can help us live a more positive life!
I also go by my middle name now: Emmyrose. I always loved that name but was given the first name Deborah.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Being a tarot reader/spiritual healer can be difficult. First, you have to accept you have the gift. I started having visions when I was younger so of course, my parents thought that I had a “wild imagination”. It wasn’t until I was a teenager that my mother accepted who I was and had me study tarot under a friend of hers who was a master tarot reader. This helped me hone my visions using tarot as the tool. I do thank my dear Mother. People will make fun of you as they think it’s all “hocus pocus” or “the devil’s tool and it’s evil” or will somehow try to challenge your abilities. Hollywood certainly had a good time creating the negative side of psychics. And of course, like in any profession, there are those who abuse their powers and make it harder for those of us who truly want to do good.
When I do confront those who are skeptics, I just try to educate them and tell them how the tarot is just another tool to have a person face their truths or help them through their difficulties. Some of my best clients were skeptics at first, now believers! It’s all how you approach your work and those who need to understand. I also remember my sons’ words, “teach to the soul.” I take everyone, “as is” when I work with them.
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I’ve done so many fascinating things in my life – I guess when you life this long (fossil? not a gem?) and you live your passion and love life, you get to lead an interesting life.
As said prior, I was Founder an inclusion theater in Houston now have transitioned to my where the universe wants me to be – back to tarot reading and spiritual healing. And being proud of who I am. I had to learn that with this gift I’m not “weird or strange” just was giving a different way to embrace life and help others.
I love to heal people and take them on the path they need to be on or help them create/visual a better life for those that feel they have lost hope.
I am always proud when a client comes back and has achieved their goals: be it a new business, degree, partner or found self-respect and dignity with themselves. It’s not all sunshine rainbow and unicorns – there are some that live in fear and are afraid of change. Or live with those that are toxic and can’t get out of the situation. You do the best you can to help that person. One can never give up.
What were you like growing up?
I was a child who saw visions very early but was always told I had a wild imagination. Having this gift, I was a loner for the most of my young life. I would pick up so much energy from people that I didn’t know what was going on – until a teenager and had a wonderful master tarot teacher. I also found like-minded creative people that helped me accept myself.
I was always interested in the creative/the spiritual/mythology/ancient religions. I am looking forward to the Age of Aquarius where spirituality will be more understood and accepted. I really believe if people understood astrology/tarot arts, people would be more attuned and empathetic to each other.
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