Today we’d like to introduce you to Devra Lindsay.
Devra, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
Holistic Wellness Practitioner, Devra Lindsay has been asked the same question for the last 20 years:
“How did you find yourself in the unique profession that you are in today?” Her response: “because it saved my life and became my life’s work and ministry…”
My journey began the day that I said hello to the world. You see, I was allergic to my mother’s breast milk. Which, if a mother is able to provide this for their child, is so very important for establishing a strong digestive and immune system response as they grow. That would lead onto many food sensitivities, allergies to mother nature and fabrics, and acute and chronic constipation.
I was in and out of the hospital searching for answers only to be told there were none. At this point, my elimination process was weekly. As I grew older in my teens and young 20s, I was eliminating once per month. Eliminating once a month is not life sustainable without health challenges, period.
Then came a day in 1994 that would forever change the course of my life’s journey. I was at a health fair at The Houstonian Club. There I met an individual that would become my greatest mentor. This day changed my overall health and my life’s path direction into a whole new career.
That was the day I met Dr. DicQie Fuller. She provided an assessment for me known as biochemical individualism, her science-based body typing. A specific measurement placed me into one of four biochemical types. Not only did I finally understand what I should and shouldn’t be eating, I was also provided with the insight of an over-stimulated gland from the endocrine system, my thyroid, that had been causing health challenges for me for years. No other testing was able to determine this until now. Importantly, one of the genetic predispositions for the biochemical group that I was in was constipation. Finally, I received answers that I had been searching for for so long.
I started taking Dr Fuller’s plant-based digestive enzymes and probiotics from Transformation Enzyme Corporation. She gave me her personal phone number that day. Two days later, I called her. It was very emotional for me over the phone. I was crying tears of joy, because I had only been on her enzymes for a few days and noticed such a dramatic difference in my energy and overall health and well-being. Here I was in my young 30s recognizing that I had not been feeling well for all of these early years of my life and believing that this was just as good as it gets. And that is not true. There are way too many people out there that are silently suffering, searching for answers.
Through my tears, I thanked her and told her that the enzymes where a miracle. Here is what Dr. Fuller spoke to me: “The miracle is in how wondrously designed we are, that when we give the body the right tools that it needs and clear away the waste, it can manage its resources.” On that day, Dr Fuller would also refer me to a colon hydro-therapist, where I would begin a series of colon hydrotherapy sessions that would take me from my elimination process of once a month to everyday after every meal, which is exactly as it should be. Colon hydrotherapy and Dr. Fullers science-based body typing & enzyme therapy changed my life, and I knew my path was now headed in a completely different and unexpected direction. My life and my health were forever changed, and I wanted to bless others in the same way that Dr. Fuller blessed me on that day…
In 1999 Devra and her husband Adam, of 25 years, would acquire a colon hydrotherapy practice and grow it into being recognized as one of the largest clinics in the United States utilizing HYDRO-SAN PLUS closed gravity flow systems. And, the foundation that brings it all together is their BioDézyne Wellness & Detox Programs and Science-Based Body Typing (biochemical individualism).
Someone once said to me: “You have a story to share that can change the life of another.” Those words have never left my heart. You see, I believe that we are all each other’s teachers. We all have a story to share that is way bigger than just ourselves. When we share our story which changes the life of another human being, we have just touched the heart of another soul.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
The road traveled has not always been smooth, and the struggles along the way have been challenging at times. I wouldn’t change any of these experiences, for these life moments have become a beacon to guide me to my true path and purpose in life.
Life’s journey is full of twists and turns, and that is when I remind myself that everything I want is on the other side of fear. Then I choose to face everything and rise.
I believe as human beings our paths can often lead us to unexpected places. We walk through life, from one stepping stone to another, making choices. With each challenge we learn and grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. Sometimes we walk, other times we run, and still others we may change direction. With trust and faith we move forward in search of wholeness of mind, body, and health in hopes of becoming the best version of ourselves.
So, as you know, we’re impressed with Pathways to Health Wellness Spa & Clinic – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
Pathways to Health Wellness Spa & Clinic is proud to be celebrating 20 years as your trusted wellness advisors and be recognized as one of the largest clinics in the United States utilizing HYDRO-SAN PLUS closed gravity flow systems. Your overall wellness begins with good digestion. We are here to guide you in protecting your most valuable asset, your health. We Specialize and are Experts in: Colon Hydrotherapy, Lymphatic Detoxification, Infrared Detox, Raindrop Therapy, Reflexology, and Cranial Sacral. Our unique foundation that brings it all together is our Customized BioDézyne Wellness & Detox Programs and our Science-Based Body Typing (Biochemical Individualism)/ Nutritional Programs.
Just like a GPS system in your car, through a series of tests we will be able to pinpoint exactly where the stress indicators are within your 11 Body Systems utilizing science-based body typing. Thank you to Dr. Dicqie Fuller for “biochemical individualism,” which will allow us to understand what you should and shouldn’t be eating. With the right nutrients, specific plant-based enzymes, and detox protocols based on your testing and your genetic predisposition, we are able to customize a wellness program to support you on your journey of what you deserve most, “The Healthiest You.”
Everyone here takes pride in our reputation of providing you with continuing education, support, and extraordinary personalized care. We Are “Therapists with Heart”!
So, what’s next? Any big plans?
There are many people that suffer silently from autoimmune disorders. This is very near and dear to my heart and why our continuing focus in this new year is on our customized BioDézyne Whole-Body Detox Program, initially shining the light on candida.
The candida overgrowth and autoimmune disease connection is very real. Not only is Candida widespread, it can actually set you on the path to Autoimmunity.
Our BioDézyne Detox Program begins first with our BioDézyne Optimal Wellness Program, followed by the OmniCleanse 14-day Detox. Once the 14-day detox is completed, we will begin your customized detox journey. Specific testing will determine if The Candida Clear Program should also be combined with Heavy Metal & Mineral Balancing, Mold Release, Parasite/Amoeba Release, or a combination of the previously memtioned programs.
This is where our M.E.A.D (Meridian Energy Analysis Device) and/or Reflex E System is utilized to determine if, in fact, you have any or all of the above listed and can be included in your program if you choose. Based on the findings of this specific diagnostic testing, we are then able to create and customize a program to “Meet You Where You’re At.”
The M.E.A.D. diagnostic will test Ryodoraku organ points. This system was created by Dr. Yoshio Nakatani M.D., Ph.D. at the University of Kyoto and utilized first in Japan in 1957. This advanced technology measures and analyzes the body’s energy. Measurements are done on the “representative” points from both sides of the 12 meridians.
The Reflex E System technology is based on a testing method proven by Dr. Reinhard Voll, which is now known as Electro acupuncture according to Voll (EAV). This diagnostic and treatment system was created in Germany in the 1960s. This will allow us to determine and customize which homeopathic medicines and supplements your body is in need of receiving.
Using the diagnostic precision of science in combination with the flawless, innate abilities of nature, we find the necessary balance your system needs for better health.
From each of us here at Pathways to Health Wellness Spa & Clinic, we are filled with gratitude as we move forward into a new year and new decade and are honored to continue our future journey to support our clients in achieving their optimal wellness goals. May 2020 fill your heart and homes with Peace, Love, Good Health, and Joy… Blessing to each of you. Happy New Year!
Contact Info:
- Address: Pathways to Health Wellness Spa & Clinic
14477 Memorial Drive
Houston, Texas 77079 - Website: pathwaystohealthhealing.com, colonicshouston.com
- Phone: 281-679-7575
- Email: pathwaystohealthwellnessspa@gmail.com
- Yelp: https://biz.yelp.com/r2r/J6Lmr9uqvo-gLbn80sb5xg
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