Today we’d like to introduce you to Diane N. Roche, Ph.D.
Dr. Roche, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I’m a Licensed Psychologist and the Clinical Director at Roche + Associates Psychotherapy and Consultation. In 1998, after completing 3 degrees in Canada, I moved from Vancouver to Houston, for what was supposed to be one year, to complete my training. Turns out, I love Houston, and especially the Heights (although I admit, I do miss the mountains and the Pacific Ocean). So far, I’ve stayed for over 20 years, longer than I’ve lived anywhere else. After I completed my predoctoral internship at Baylor College of Medicine, opportunities presented themselves (as they do, in Houston!) and I just never left. I have since completed a fellowship, bought a couple of houses, married an American, become a dual citizen, had a child (who is now a middle schooler), worked in a wide variety of settings, and about eight years ago started my own practice.
After being at the medical school, doing work on government contracts, and having the benefit of nine years on a multidisciplinary team, running a boutique practice has been a great fit, where I feel like all of my training, warmth, and experience comes together. I think we do a really job of understanding the needs of young and mid-career professionals and their families who are navigating this messy but awesome life. If we are honest, its never perfectly in balance, and just when things seem to settle, something changes. We get it, and we live it.
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
Is the road ever smooth? I think that’s an urban myth. Or maybe if the road is smooth, you are playing it a little too safe and not really engaged in the journey. If you don’t count the trials and tribulations of finishing a master’s and a PhD, I think some of the biggest struggles for me have been around wearing all the hats without going insane — Psychologist, mom, wife, practice owner, administrator, human. Probably the hardest has been keeping enough focus on my own self-care. I’m super good at keeping everyone else chugging along, but sometimes I need to do more for me. Pretty sure it is the human condition, especially for working moms. Mom guilt is real! But along with what I know professionally, I’ve come to believe that what we are going for is “good enough,” which often looks a little messy. Start again. And again.
Please tell us about Roche + Associates Psychotherapy and Consultation.
We help people slow down, engage, reflect, and realize solutions. We specialize in treating and supporting busy professionals and their families who demand high-quality services and individualized attention. You will not find us doing “cookie cutter” therapy — most definitely not my thing. Roche + Associates clinicians take an integrative approach that uses the techniques and approaches that are best suited to an individual or family’s needs, the context they find themselves in, and the demands they face. We are well-trained and experienced, but also authentic, warm and engaging. Maybe even funny. We hope that we are informed and incisive but also inspiring. We want to help you get where you want to go. It is driven by you, so we treat your process with the care it deserves, but we don’t take ourselves too seriously. In some ways, it is hard to describe how we are different, but clients say we are.
If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
I really believe that our experiences get us to where we are and the best place to look is forward, so I don’t spend a ton of time looking backward, but I guess if I had to do something differently, I’d probably go back to tell my 25 year old self to relax. Do your best, but don’t kill yourself. Focus on the process, but the content doesn’t have to be perfect. Work hard, but don’t make yourself crazy. Wherever that line is for you, find a way to enjoy the journey. Before you know it you’ve lived in Houston 20 years and you have a middle schooler. I know everyone says it, but honestly, it goes by quickly. I’m continuing to work on being present and enjoying the journey. Even if it is the madness of middle school! Thanks for reminding me.
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Roche + Associates Psychotherapy and Consultation
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