Today we’d like to introduce you to Holly Davis.
Holly, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I wouldn’t call myself a dreamer, I wouldn’t necessarily call myself a creative…so how in the world did I end up as a professional photographer? I have read the stories of peers, and time and time again they involve being gifted a camera from a dear love one at a young age. They learned to process film in a darkroom and so on. Well, that is not my story, not my story at all. Mine is definitely less romantic, but none the less, uniquely mine.
My first DSLR was purchased in the cafeteria of my children’s school while watching their class play. It was truly a “keeping up with the Joneses” type of suburban decision. Everyone had a big, black, cool camera while we had an older, tiny Canon Elph. The order through Best Buy was placed before the final curtain call. No research, no idea of what we needed, just that we had to have one, too. The camera arrived a few days later and the switch was turned to the auto setting and I expected “National Geographic” quality images to just magically appear when I clicked the shutter.
I quickly realized that there was much more to it. My innately inquisitive, technically inclined brain started churning and I wanted more. This unleashed an incredible whirlwind of seeking information and scouring all of the layers of information on the Internet. I was a tireless sponge drawn to both the in-camera and editing side of photography. I would say the top three ground breaking resources at the start of my journey were: “Understanding Exposure” by Bryan Peterson, Photoshop classes by Damien Symonds and a few photography forum style groups on Facebook. I have eternal gratitude for so many peers that so willingly shared their knowledge with me.
As my knowledge grew, so did my desire to upgrade my equipment and capture portraits for others. My children were 7 and 10, so they were not overly keen to “model” for me as often as I needed to practice. I started to reach out to friends and family and my brand started to develop from there. I was not a business yet, but the concept of creating one began to form.
I am tirelessly drawn to technique, to science, to fact, while many other photographers are drawn primarily through the art and creative expression of it. There is a delicate balance of both within me, but the driving force has always been the facts, the methods and the strategy to capture the end results that my heart longs for.
Flash forward 5 years later and Holly Davis Photography just launched a second brand, Holly Davis Seniors, in 2017. Holly Davis Photography is timeless, fresh portraiture for families and children. Holly Davis Seniors is an energetic, bold portrait experience for high school seniors in Houston and The Woodlands, Texas.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
I love this question and will venture to say that my road and journey might differ vastly from others in my industry. Has developing a top portrait photography brand in Houston been a cake-walk? Definitely not, but I have managed to by-pass many of the entrepreneurial pit-falls by being steadfast in research, networking and strategizing what is important to me and for my brand prior to action.
While my story starts with what others might classify as a “mom-tographer”, it has never defined me and something that consciously drove me to surpass all expectations. I will never forget the day in which my dad said to me “someone is going to pay you $100 to take pictures?” A photography business was beyond his realm of thinking and portraits have never been something that he valued. I didn’t take his comment negatively, but was certainly energized to seek well beyond that portfolio building price and find those that did see the value in what I was offering. He has been extremely supportive/proud of me and likely never remembers even saying that.
However, that was the day, despite being at the infancy stage of my business, that the light bulb turned on. I have no desire to be the photographer for everyone. It is physically impossible and I just needed to seek those that valued me, my vision and what I could give to them.
Pricing, image style…all of those aspects are critical, but emphasizing the experience, the precious moments captured, the visualization of the loving bonds between a mother and her child, the sweet first steps of a child, the beauty and joy of senior year. Portrait photography is unique in that its value actually increases with time. While the monetary investment is in the present, they become priceless as the years go by. That concept literally melts away any struggles or bumps in the road that I have faced.
So, as you know, we’re impressed with Holly Davis Seniors and Holly Davis Photography – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
Holly Davis Photography is a top family portrait brand in The Woodlands, Texas. My clients come seeking classic/timeless imagery with a modern, fresh, colorful and fun style. What they get in bonus, is a complete portrait experience. It goes well beyond just setting an appointment and me clicking a button. Each and every portrait client is walked through ideal wardrobe styling, location planning to set a brilliant stage for your family’s love-story to be captured and all of this is framed within their end goals of how they want to showcase these portraits.
Holly Davis Seniors offers an energetic, “model for the day”, glamorous experience related to all things high school senior. Graduation is a magical celebration of hardworking paying off, childhood memories and preparation for immense success as a young adult. It is a mix of emotion for parents and I fully recognize that as we will work together for a unified session vision. The classics of your sweet little girl or the handsome face of your precious son, but we will also let the wondrous sides of them shine through, too.
Beyond the scope of portraits, I have a massive passion for printing and displaying photographs. In today’s digital world, all too often and despite good intentions, ones most precious images often are posted on social media or on a hard drive, then left to die there. This often happens because people get stuck on what they should do with them and do not realize all of the incredible ways there are to display them. I will help you with that.
Surround yourself and fill your home with those you love…we all want that, right? Rough days happen. We all come walking into our homes with our heads down, exhausted and weak from the world at times. The power of a glorious wall display showing you at your best, surrounded by those whom love and support you even on your worst days will absolutely lift your spirits. They instantly remind you of the beauty of your unique life’s story, the power of a treasured photograph is remarkable.
So, what’s next? Any big plans?
The future….plan for it and expect for surprises. I am an eternal optimist, and thinking ahead excites me and I will embrace the beauty in the ashes, always. Holly Davis Photography and Holly Davis Seniors will continue to evolve in its scope and offerings, yet stand steadfast in service and the classic.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.hollydavisseniors.com and www.hollydavisphoto.com
- Phone: 832-818-4743
- Email: holly@hollydavisseniors.com and holly@hollydavisphoto.com
- Instagram: @hollydavisseniors and @hollydavisphotography
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/hollydavisseniors and www.facebook.com/hollydavisphotography
- Twitter: @HDSeniors and @ Hollydavisphoto