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Meet Jan Huff of SYOLife (Save Your Own Life) in Southwest – Outside of the Loop

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jan Huff.

Jan, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
SYOLife (Save Your Own Life) is based on my personal story and research. In April 2017, I was diagnosed with prediabetes and very high cholesterol, and I was overweight. My doctor wanted to put me on medication to get my numbers down, but I didn’t want to do that. I researched how to get my numbers down naturally, which amounted to the following: eat healthy foods, drink water, exercise, and sleep – none of which I was doing very well. This explained how I had gotten in such bad shape. My health pattern was as follows: eating lots of junk food and sweets; living off of tea and coffee (not much plain water); because of the caffeine intake, not getting very good sleep; not exercising very much because there was no “time” to do so. I was so busy taking care of everyone in my life that I wasn’t taking very good care of myself.

I used my research to create a 24-hour challenge (basically a perfect day) because I knew I could follow perfect healthy guidelines for 24 hours. I completed the challenge, and the following morning, I felt better than I had in a long time. I decided that this is how I wanted to live my life going forward. After being addicted to sugar, it was most surprising that I no longer craved it. During the challenge, I made sure to eat fruit instead of processed sugar because the body processes it differently.

Living this new lifestyle gave me so much energy that I told anyone who would listen, including my primary care doctor. He said that what I was doing seemed like a good idea, but he wanted me to come back to his office in four months and retest to see if what I was doing was getting results. Game on – challenge accepted! When I went back, my numbers had lowered to the point that I was no longer prediabetic and my very high cholesterol numbers were moderate. My weight was also lower. He was so impressed that he said I needed to figure out a way to get what I had done out there to help others. I met with a friend who taught me how to create a website (

When I went back for my annual checkup in 2018, my numbers were down even lower and I had lost 42 pounds without dieting – only living a healthy lifestyle. I eat more now than before, but my choices are much healthier. I mostly drink water and make sure to exercise regularly. My sleep is much improved, as well. My doctor looked at my website and asked what to do after the 24-hour challenge. That’s how the SYOLifestyle was created. It shares how to live and is based on the challenge. My 2019 checkup showed even lower numbers. My doctor reviewed my website once again and stated that it was “medically sound.” Music to my ears! My 2020 checkup revealed that my cholesterol numbers were finally in the normal range – never needing medication. It was a long road but so worth it!

My weight has remained the same over the last two years. Living a healthy lifestyle keeps the weight off. When going on a diet, the weight usually returns once the diet is over. Once you are used to making healthy choices, you don’t have to think about it as much. It becomes natural to want healthy foods. Where the mind goes, the body will follow.

Finding exercise that you enjoy makes the journey much sweeter. It could be as simple as walking through your neighborhood/park or dancing to music at home. I enjoy gardening, cycling, kayaking, and walking on the beach.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
My healthy journey has been somewhat smooth. It took me one year to lose the weight and three years to get my very high cholesterol numbers down to the normal range, which was a slow process but worth it. My biggest challenge has been to monetize my passion. I created the website and social media accounts to help get my message out. I don’t want to charge individuals for my information because I want to reach as many people as possible. I’ve been told I should start a service for one-on-one mentoring, which I am seriously considering.

My original plan was to have companies sponsor brochures that I created. Unfortunately, I haven’t found many sponsors yet. For example, a doctor, medical clinic, or hospital could sponsor the one that includes my 24-hour challenge and research. My dental health brochure is geared to dentists and orthodontists. The brochures would be located in the waiting rooms and would help patients beginning their healthy journeys. This way, we could help each other to reach more people.

Tell us about SYOLife (Save Your Own Life) – what should we know?
SYOLife (Save Your Own Life) is a movement to help people turn their lives around and get healthy. I feel that I saved my own life and want to help others do the same. The website shares my story, research, recipes, blog, etc. and the 24-Hour Challenge and SYOLifestyle. My social media accounts also share information to help others in their health journeys. I participate in health fairs and events, and I speak on the radio and with groups to share my story and tips on how to live a healthy lifestyle.

I am most proud of the difference I have made in others’ lives so far. One friend started as a person with diabetes and is now prediabetic and almost off of her insulin. Several have shared their weight loss stories. Others have shared how my information has helped them with arthritis and other inflammatory diseases.

What sets me apart is that this is based on my personal story, so I have been able to resonate with more people. I’m not just some medical professional, who may or may not be overweight, trying to tell someone how to live a healthy lifestyle. I am healthy and am living proof that anyone can turn their life around. I also share that this is simple, not complicated like other health plans. It just takes a made-up mind.

Any shoutouts? Who else deserves credit in this story – who has played a meaningful role?
Stephanie Coleman was a huge mentor to me when I started my business. She taught me how to create my website and gave me the idea to create the brochures. James Huff is my video and podcast editor. I couldn’t do that without him. My husband and family are huge supporters and let me bounce my ideas off of them. My cheerleaders are too many to name. I don’t want to leave anyone out. My sponsors/partners are shown on my website.

Contact Info:

  • Address: 9002 Chimney Rock, Ste. G #313
    Houston, TX 77096
  • Website:
  • Email:
  • Instagram: @syolife
  • Facebook: @SaveYourOwnLife333
  • Twitter: @SaveYourOwnLife
  • Other: YouTube – @SaveYourOwnLife; Podcast – Save Your Own Life

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