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Meet Jane Davis of Not So Plain Jane in Kingwood

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jane Davis.

Jane, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My journey started in 1993, designing custom fashion jewelry, and evolving into scripture-based angel pins, way before angel jewelry was introduced to the marketplace. Because of its uniqueness and the message is carried, this part of God’s business grew nation-wide quickly.

Going from making pieces for one person at a time to mass-production was a learning experience that took much prayer…and God graciously answered those prayers by supplying the people and expertise that we needed, when we needed it.

God continued to flood my heart with new angel pin designs and other Christian gifts-with-a-message for 10 more years, when a personal crisis occurred in my life that added a new dimension…that would ultimately change my future.

In 1992, my Daddy was in a one-man car accident in the Texas Hill Country, and as he was struggling to survive after months of rehabilitation, I was struggling to accept what I knew the ultimate outcome would be. One quiet morning as I sat in my prayer chair, I was crying out to God, “Lord, I’m a believer. I know that You are closer than the air that I breathe…but it would be so comforting to me to have something tangible to hold to remind me that You are here, now.” A pastor-friend had given me a heavy, sharp-edged brass cross to hold, but it was cold and uncomfortable. So God told me, “Jane, I’m giving you a Clinging Cross today.” I certainly had no idea what that was, but when I get a message from God I write it down, and I did.

When I went to work that day, and entered my design studio, which is a room filled to the ceiling with pearls, metals, crystal, beads, etc… there in the middle of my empty drafting table was a box of clay. Now having a box of clay on my work table was most-unusual, and I knew right then that God had been there and I was about to find out what a Clinging Cross was. So I prayed, “Here are my hands, Lord…take them and use them as You have planned.” I don’t remember any details, but within minutes, I was holding the first Clinging Cross…a not-so-perfect cross that fit into my hand like it made for only me. It touched my heart and warmed my soul and I knew that I was holding something very special. I’m a pretty excitable gal, and went running up and down the hallways of our offices squealing, “Look what God has done!”

And for many months, that cross was just for me in my need.

After a time, I started to get requests for more and more crosses and couldn’t keep up with the demand, so I just stopped making them. Finally, one day, I learned how to have them manufactured overseas…which we did for several years. Then one night, God spoke again. “I want you to pull them back home and have them manufactured in the US.” That was a big undertaking, but I’ve learned to be obedient to what God says, so that’s exactly what we did. Costs were higher, and profits less…but blessings beyond measure.

I’m in my early 70’s now. Holding on to my promise to protect God’s masterpiece that I only had a small part in. Thanking Him daily, and praying over our retailers, our manufacturer, our staff and ultimately every person who clings to one of these crosses for comfort, peace and hope. Our God is big, and He’s in control.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Over the years, I have learned to let God lead me. When I try to take control, I make mistakes. But when I recognize Who I am doing this for in the first place, He always makes it work out.

I guess what some might call a challenge more recently, but I say “God knew what He was doing”…

Three years ago, God woke me up to say that I needed to stop designing jewelry and focus completely on the Clinging Cross, which is the most amazing design He’s ever given to me. I did just that. No more jewelry design. Smaller staff. Less square footage. Just the Clinging Cross and items pertaining to that.

Shortly after that transition, I developed peripheral neuropathy in my hands and can no longer even hold a jewelry tool…at all. But I can package Clinging Crosses!!! I thank God for this.

So, let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Not So Plain Jane story. Tell us more about the business.
Right now Not So Plain Jane is located in approximately 1800 square feet. We employ 2 full time, plus 2 part-time employees, plus my husband and myself. I work most days, and because my skills are a bit limited these days, spend a lot of time packing Clinging Crosses. I love to encourage our staff members and anyone who comes by or writes needing hope and encouragement. I guess I’m known most for that…encouraging and praying for people.

We are known for our Christian testimony and our excellent customer service. If we receive orders early enough in the day, we ship that day, which is unusual for companies like ours.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
No luck for us…just God’s total and complete blessing in everything we do.


  • Our crosses currently retail for $22.50

Contact Info:

  • Address: Jane Davis
    1210 Hamblen Road, Suite 100
    Kingwood, TX 77339
  • Website:
  • Phone: 800-440-3374, ext 228
  • Email:
  • Facebook: clinging cross

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.


  1. Rita Owens Grantham

    June 28, 2017 at 4:05 pm

    Hi Jane, was telling my story about U 2 my cousin who came home with a Cling Cross she won. Not sure you remember but you walked in asked me if I thought earrings you showed me would sale. I said yes. They were gorgeous I bought the pianos. This was before you started business. Rest is history. Told your story over & over. Your life is a blessing. I’ve not seen you in a while wondered how you were doing. Will add you to prayer list. You always been kind to me & I thankyou. God Bless you my friend🙏 ❤️ my angel pins. WHE – Rita

  2. Rita Owens Grantham

    June 28, 2017 at 4:18 pm

    1st 2 need to be delated & I don’t know how as you can tell. Sorry😂😂

  3. Betsy Gould

    June 28, 2017 at 7:37 pm

    You probably don’t remember me but many years ago I sold your angel pins!! I have always admired you and love ! Thank you for the blessing you have been to so many including me!! Betsy Gould

  4. Carolyn Drake

    June 30, 2017 at 11:16 pm

    I am a nurse ~ I was born “To Nurse”. God blessed me with a nurturing heart and the ability to Share The Care.
    I have given your clinging cross to many in the hospital/ Hospice and to friends in need. As a patient advocate it is in my ministry to go where “God said, Watch Over The Children”. We are ALL God’s children and after an accident that left me with T11- L3 fused, 2 rids, no lumbar 1, titanium cage & plate/ paralyzed diaphragm. I will serve where HE places me, from Nursing Schools to mentoring the students and those considering nursing, the homeless, the hungry. Your crosses are a wonderful gift to have something to hold into when it seems that there is nothing left. Thank you Jane for going with a divine inspiration!!!!

  5. Enrique

    September 2, 2018 at 2:00 am

    Beautiful story, Jane! Thank you for sharing your story with us and I hope you’re able to share your talent more with others.

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