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Meet Joe Winters Jr. of Daily Path Academy

Today we’d like to introduce you to Joe Winters Jr.

Joe, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
My desire for giving back comes from reflecting on my childhood. I lost my mother at eight years old, became homeless in my high school years, and faced depression as a result. However, God placed mentors in my life that empowered me to overcome any limiting beliefs that I may have had.

After graduating with my undergrad from Lamar University, the journey to founding Daily Path Academy began with my podcast, Daily Path Podcast. I originally started my podcast to inspire anyone who was willing and wanting to listen. Within seven months of my podcast journey, I began ranking in the top 10 for Apple Podcasts educational category. That’s when I began to understand the magnitude of what I was doing, Being someone who was fresh out of college ranking a few spots behind world-class leaders like Tony Robbins, John Maxwell, and others, was something worth paying attention too. Which led me to began Daily Path Academy. Daily Path Academy is my online campus where I provide coaching for leadership and personal development. Coaching students and young adults to overcome limiting beliefs, achieve self-actualization, and become the best version of themselves. However, I didn’t want to just be an average coach. So I made the decision to apply to UNT where I received my Masters of Education in Educational Leadership.

Now, I am blessed to wake up everyday and live my life in purpose on purpose!

Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
The road hasn’t always been smooth. I would say the biggest challenge in entrepreneurship is finding consistent people who believe in your vision and work ethic enough to contribute to your cause. I do have great people in my corner, but there seems to have always been more negative people walking the earth than positive. At this point in my life, I understand that my faith in God and work ethic will see me through.

However, you always have people that don’t understand your standpoint inputting their belief system as to why what you are doing won’t work. As a result, I’m working on protecting my energy by limiting the interaction with these types of people.

Please tell us about Daily Path Academy.
As a Motivational Speaker, I work with K-12 schools, universities, and nonprofit organizations to provide leadership/personal development keynote presentations and workshops to their students.

As the Founder and Master Coach of Daily Path Academy, I also provide one on one coaching and on-demand video lessons for students and young adults looking to overcome limiting beliefs, achieve self-actualization, and become the best version of themselves.

The thing I’m most proud of as a company is the lives I have impacted. The best feeling in the world is knowing that my words are saving and changing lives.

What sets me apart from other speakers & coaches is that I am not afraid to be vulnerable. I think most people view vulnerability as a weakness. When in reality, it’s an opportunity to share with others every piece of your life to inspire them to be the best version of themselves. To me, vulnerability is a strength when you’re aware of who you are. In every engagement and coaching session, I provide authenticity and a servant spirit. I understand that what I do isn’t about me. It’s about fulfilling the purpose God gave my life.

Do you look back particularly fondly on any memories from childhood?
The day my mother taught me how to play football. After we finished playing that day, she told me that I can do anything I put my mind too. I have kept those words with me my entire life.


  • Daily Path Academy On-Demand membership is $20 per month

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1 Comment

  1. Linda

    September 27, 2019 at 10:46 pm

    Amazing article! Congratulations Joe with all your success so far and what’s yet to come! You’re an inspiration to many! Looking forward to watching you grow as you continue to change lives.

    Lots of respect for you.

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