Today we’d like to introduce you to Kiona.
Kiona, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
As a child of immigrants, I started traveling at a young age to visit family members on the other side of the world. But I didn’t really pick up traveling until grad school when I was struggling with my mental health and catching flights to heal my feelings every school break I got. Once I made it to Cuba, I got SO many inquiries on how to do it, so I decided to write it all down for others to be able to do it themselves. What I didn’t expect was an explosion of 100,000 people all over the world reading it!
Fast forward three years later, I’ve made it into a company. How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch, LLC is now turning into a full-fledged education through travel service. The team is now producing a book called Traveling While Native, Centering Indigenous Voices As We Walk Across Their Lands written by 20 Indigenous authors from all over the world with the mission to get it into schools by 2021. The team also produces free weekly articles featuring locals and how to travel to their countries respectfully. The Instagram hosts visual and easily digestible advice for any topic travel related, especially exploring nuances in identity around the world. And is now launching educational class trips to Cuba for those wanting to take classes FROM experts in Cuba while also vacationing.
Our clients and audience come from all over the world. With 1.3 million views a week, 400,000 readers, and trips with multiple waitlists, it is something truly unique happening in the travel industry now.
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Navigating social media is always a struggle, especially pertaining to mental health. When you have a public page that challenges widespread beliefs about countries and denounces stereotypes that challenge the status quo, people get triggered. Topics such as sexual assault, racism, and travel safety come up often. And then I also make mistakes on my end where I unintentionally offend a population leading me to rethink how I approach topics and challenge my own beliefs. Navigating education and travel to be inclusive of ALL people, especially marginalized communities I’m not a part of, while also mitigating mental illness from people who unload onto the website has been tough to manage.
In addition, funding has been an issue. Currently, the only funding received are those sent from readers in the form of gifts.
Please tell us about How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch.
How Not To Travel Like A Basic Bitch is different from anything out there because it touches on topics like academia, health, safety, finances, property management, identity, passports, etc. Basically, all of the topics that humans have to navigate in society with a travel edge to it. In addition, as you can tell by the name, it is delivered in a completely accessible and sassy way that helps readers to digest complicated information in very easy visuals. For example, I do fun things like post shots of my butt in a bikini for every new 1,000 community members that join and remind people that you can be both a Doctor and wear a bikini at the same time to fuel body confidence and my stance against slut shaming. The website is completely uncensored, has a political edge to it, but also encouraged education without shame. Its a revolution in travel!
The company specializes in diversity consulting for travel networks, advertising of ethical and sustainable products, advertising campaigns, accessing large travel networks of both influencers and travelers, and educational storytelling.
What were you like growing up?
I grew up on the Big Island of Hawaii running around without limits. It really shaped who I am today. I went to college and have amassed three degrees and a doctorate before the age of 28 and now own two companies, one is a property management company called Hosts2Go, LLC that manages vacation rentals all over the world. Always a nerd, obsessed with fashion, and fighting for justice, this is how I’ve always been.
Contact Info:
- Website: www.hownottotravellikeabasicbitch.com
- Email: kiona@hownottotravellikeabasicbitch.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/hownottotravellikeabasicbitch/?hl=en
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/hownottotravellikeabasicb/
Image Credit:
Liz Lechner Photography, James Harnois Photography
Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.