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Meet Luke Rodriguez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Luke Rodriguez.

Luke, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
My name is Luke Rodriguez, but in the online world they know me as “MAJIN 2UU”. The name came from a show called Dragon Ball Z. Majin Buu is my favorite character because his growth from being an enemy to a savior of the universe relates to my own personal growth.

I’m just your typical Computer Science major from Texas A&M who spends most of his time playing video games. However, I do more than just play video games. I show my love and passion for this sport through livestreaming on Twitch. Every day I stream for long hours just to share positive vibes and laughter to my supporters, and I got to say I’ve impacted some lives through video games. I had someone tell me that they lost a family member but watching my stream helped put a smile on their face and that’s definitely one of the reasons why I do this because you never know what your viewers are going through.

I started streaming around Spring of 2018. Even though I never took streaming seriously back then I was ready to just show off my skills. It was a long and bumpy road because no one really took me seriously back then. However, March of 2020 is when all of my momentum changed! A viewer of mine suddenly blessed my stream with 50 tier 1 subscriptions ($5.99 each) during one of my livestreams and the energy shifted. I knew someone believed in me in what I do so I took that blessing and got to work. Started upgrading all these things that improved my craft and if it wasn’t for that I would not be where I am today! 13,000 Views and 1300 Followers later, I could say I am one of the best upcoming streamers out there!

I would also like to thank my sponsor, For The Leaux Gaming, for believing in me! Victor Madu, owner and CEO, told me once that he sees my talent and wanted to help me expand that even further. He also blessed me with a platform that helped me get to where I am today!

Be a part of the MAJIN family by following me on twitch!

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
I never had the luxury of having lots of viewers watch me at one time. I used to have 0 viewers and to be quite honest it was demoralizing. But deep down I knew it wasn’t going to be a smooth road. I had to grind to get to where I am at right now!

I did not really start getting views until I started dropping content on other social medias such as twitter and YouTube. I was slowly going from 0 to four average viewers. It wasn’t until March of this year when I started averaging 20-40 viewers each stream.

Equipment was also an obstacle. I had to save up a lot of money just to be able to afford the equipment that I have today and I would say it was worth the struggle. I maybe a small streamer but my content quality surpasses even the top streamers.

We’d love to hear more about your business.
MAJIN 2UU is my gaming name and what most people know me by. I actually played Call of Duty for Texas A&M Collegiate League in the fall of 2019. It was definitely a very fun experience. We went against universities across the country like UC Berkley and University of Louisiana at Lafayette.

Things I have accomplished with this whole streaming/gaming stuff:
– Payoff half of my year’s rent
– Achieve over 200 paid subscribers on Twitch
– Have a community with 1.3k number of people

What really sets me apart from other small streamers is my content. I keep a high energy and stay positive no matter how bad any situation is. And none of my viewers ever go unnoticed! I answer to any question my chat asks! Someone even told me “I learn something new every time I go to Majin’s stream!” There are no dull moments when you tune in!

What were you like growing up?
I actually grew up in the Philippines and did not migrate to America until August of 2009! I played my first video game when I was three years old. It was Counter Strike because back in the Philippines we all played in Computer Cafes. Nobody really had the luxury of owning consoles back where I grew up in. When I played that game, I already knew I was going to be very passionate with gaming.

Growing up, I really just loved playing games whether it’s virtual or in person. My mom would always have to look for me because I would still be out and it would be dark outside. Those were some very fun times.


  • Tier 1 Subscription on Twitch ($5.99)

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Ben Appiah @ItzJustBen on IG

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