Today we’d like to introduce you to Melanie Cole.
Melanie, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Years ago, I remember walking into a boutique and feeling awful I’ve always struggled with my weight and I’ve never felt glamorous or beautiful walking into a boutique The first thought that would always run through my mind before I even got into the door was maybe they’ll have one or two items that you can potentially try on and maybe walk out with maybe a hat or something that wasn’t apparel. Knowing that there was only stores that carry particular sizes for curvy women like myself. I traditionally wear an extra large and I say traditionally because the fashion industry is so screwed up when it comes to labeling by numbers or letters. So for years, I just settled one because either I couldn’t afford going to a curvy boutique and spending $60-$80 on a blouse or a T-shirt. I know that I’ve always wanted to be my own boss that I’ve wanted to own a boutique I just didn’t know where to start so I always put it on the back burner cause I thought you had to have capital you had to come from money you had to have a business degree you had to know what you were doing before you can even start. My background is in education I went to school to be an educator I also went to school to become an interior designer so fashion whether it be interior or on the body has always been a big part of my heart. Since I was working in education when the pandemic hit obviously I was at home for wide a while and I had a lot of time to process where I’m at in life and what I really want to be doing since I only get one life. I would be on social media like everybody else and saw a lot of lives happening on Facebook at the time of people selling products Weatherby purses or jewelry and then I came across some boutiques that were selling clothes and jewelry and purses and they were selling clothes in all sizes. And a fire was lit underneath me and I thought to myself could I even do this is this even possible where would I start who could I talk to where am I going to get the money from how am I going to tell my husband I want to open up a business during the pandemic. So I start doing my research good old google and that wasn’t much help and actually confuse me even more and made me think yeah this is not happening. And it just happen that a friend of mine connected me with another boutique owner who business was strictly online social media and they traveled. So I had the courage enough to reach out to her and ask her if she would meet with me and go over the steps that she took to become a boutique owner and I was blasted that she was willing to help me out from the beginning to end. You would be surprised that a lot of people that are in this business or any business really don’t want to share the tricks and trades or how they got started because of you as a competitor and I don’t have that spirit I’m the type of person that will help anybody out and give them the shirt off my back. And that’s exactly who she was to me she was amazing she really gave me the courage and the support that I need it to one to get started to talk to my husband and that’s exactly what I did. I got the courage to tell my husband this is what I would like to do are you OK with that I was taking out a small loan and me really pursuing this. So then I talk to my daughter because I knew that I want to include her in this journey or adventure and I asked her if she would be interested in being a mother-daughter duo boutique because we represent two different worlds she’s now 21 I’m 43 I’m a mother she is not two different sizes and I just thought it was important that we represented more than just myself. And we got the ball rolling. And believe me, it has not been rainbows and unicorns it’s been more like the craziest roller coaster emotionally spiritually physically of my life. We started just doing Facebook live and a website which then we moved on to being a traveling Boutique meaning doing Pop-up Market and then moved onto Instagram live and now not only do we still do the Pop-Up market we also host our own Sip & Shops. We got to where we are today with our blood sweat and tears but also with a lot of support from other small businesses that I’ve been able to connect in this community and it’s been an amazing journey. I now have the best support system that I could ask for and it’s growing.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
One of the biggest struggles is financial support. Eventually, I would either like to be a brick and mortar or renovate a box truck or school bus into a boutique.
Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
What I’m most proud of is the relationship’s that I’ve built within this community. I love supporting other women small business owners. I believe it’s more important to left others up & help them, than tear them down. What sets me apart is my energy & love for others. We only have one life, and I would rather bring JOY to others.
Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc?
HCC has an amazing workshop that has helped me in so many ways. The best resources for me was getting out there and talking to people & sharing my story.
Contact Info:
- Email: randeboutique3@gmail.com
- Website: www.randeboutique.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/randeboutique/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/randeboutique