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Meet Michell Almaguer of Almaguer PR and Events in East Downtown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Michell Almaguer.

Michell, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
My journey started when I turned 18 and got admitted into college. I was the first person in my family to go and the whole process was terrifying to me to say the least. Being first gen is so common but very rarely talked about. We truly go into college without a single clue of how to pick classes or majors. Even going to orientation was confusing to me. It was there that I realized that although my journey to college was going to be different from that of my peers, it was necessary. I needed to do this for the generations to come, but man did I want to drop out day one. Eventually I realized my thing was people, writing, and planning, and that’s when I decided to major in Public Relations. As I started to get further into college and my major, I realized just how competitive my industry was and that somehow, I was already like three years behind. Although I had some experience, I didn’t have enough to land these internships my classmates were, nor did I have the time, and at one point I just kind of accepted it. I come from a single mom household, and have a younger sister I would kill for. I had very little time to do more than my school work, and go to work.

There was a point in my college career I had three jobs, a morning receptionist position, an afternoon serving job, and a late night bartending/ bottle service industry job. I physically had no time to take on anything else, I needed to pay for my school, my sister’s school, and help my mom fill whatever gaps she needed me to. I had no problem doing so, my mom sacrificed everything for me without thinking twice. It was her that inspired me to take control of the narrative. I was approaching my senior year and I still had no internship experience or prospective jobs lined up, so I took things into my own hands. I started to tell clients at my jobs that I was graduating soon and highlighting my skills, just to see if anyone had an opportunity for me, finally someone listened to me. I got offered the grand opening campaign of Beauty Bungalow in the heights. Jordan Baldwin, the owner and my first ever client, was such a blessing to me. I planned and executed my very own PR campaign, without any prior experience from a company or firm. I got to make my own visions come to life and it was such an amazing first experience in my career field. From there, people that attended the event began to contact me about helping them with their own small businesses. Which is all I envisioned for myself. I come from a mother with her own small business, that inspired me to then open my own small business, that helps other small businesses. Its people helping people. I help them bring their businesses to life, while they help me live out my dream.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
It for sure hasn’t been a smooth road, but I am beyond thankful for that. I wouldn’t be who I am if it wasn’t for the way I struggled. I had to deal with basically being a full time student, while having three jobs, and a family to take care of. On top of that I am a Mexican American woman, trying to go solo in the Public Relations industry with little to no experience. Because of that I HAD to know what I was doing. For every meeting, every pitch, I had to be even more prepared than everyone else, and for that I am so thankful. I never let my guard down. I was used to things being taken away from me so I was always prepared, No one gave me an opportunity so I created one for myself instead of sitting on my butt and crying about how hard it is to not be privileged. My struggles are my biggest accomplishments.

Please tell us about your business.
Almaguer PR and Events essentially helps small businesses get their start. I plan and execute PR campaigns for events and or businesses. I hope to eventually be known for helping people like me. I am a small company that started off with little to no resources and is slowly growing in the Houston community. I want to be able to do the kind of Public Relation campaigns big corporations do, at affordable prices for people who are just now getting started. I want my clients to feel like family. I want them to know that their success means just as much to me as it does to them. I will be there at their grand openings, at their first big event, and even after I am done working with them, I will continue to support them. I want to give people the chances I feel like I never got.

So, what’s next? Any big plans?
Right now, I’m working towards expanding my team and building a good foundation for my work. I want to find people who share my vision and that want to genuinely help others. I am very proud of the values I started this business on. My biggest goal right now is to transition into the food, bev, and nightlife industry. These are the projects I’m currently working on. Some of my biggest mentors and important experiences, come from my time as a server and bottle girl. Never in a million years did I think serving bottles at a club was going to teach me so much, but it did and i am so grateful, and I would like to give back to that industry.

Contact Info:

  • Phone: 713-572-5685
  • Email:

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