Today we’d like to introduce you to Ryan Gates
Hi Ryan, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
My name is Ryan Gates, a born and raised Houston native. My photography journey started back in 2013 when I found out I was slowly losing my vision to a disease called Kerataconus. This led to me viewing the world in a different light and finding beauty in things that most people wouldn’t take a second glance at. I call my Sony camera my good eye. It opens up a whole new world for me and allows me to see details that I wouldn’t normally be able to see with my naked eye. It also creates an avenue for me to share my perspective of the world and to give others a quick glance into the way I view everything around me. I try and find the most normal things to photograph and turn it into art. It’s really made me realize how much we take for granted in this world.
I’m sure you wouldn’t say it’s been obstacle free, but so far would you say the journey have been a fairly smooth road?
It hasn’t been a smooth road at all, it’s still a little bumpy lol, ESPECIALLY in this crazy world today. Trying to navigate this road and find your lane can be really slow and really discouraging at times, the trick is to keep pushing through all of the set backs. There was a time when my home burned to the ground and I lost everything, I kept it pushing and did what I had to do to get back in the game. There were other times where I had no money and couldn’t afford the necessary equipment. Those are just two of the many things I could mention that could have stopped me from pursuing photography any further. Everything that happens teaches me a little more and I’m able to grow from it. I say all of that to say, no matter how hard the ride gets, just be patient and keep moving forward, eventually you will get exactly where you need to be.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
If I had to categorize my work it would be more on the abstract side. As I mentioned earlier, I like to photograph things that most people wouldn’t classify as “art”. I can be walking down the road and see a trash can laying half way off the curb with trash falling out, my brain says “hey, let’s figure out a way to get an appealing shot of that” haha. Like I said before I can find beauty in almost anything. What sets me apart and makes me proud is the fact that I’m able to see a great composition in things that most other photographers would overlook. It’s kind of a weird niche but I love it lol. Hopefully one day I can step into the photo journalism space. That would be dope.
What were you like growing up?
Growing up. I was a very quiet, shy, sensitive kid. My grandmother always tells me I was an old man trapped in a young child body. I would walk around with my hands in my pockets, not saying a word and observe the world around me. I’ve always been an observer. I was very inquisitive and asked lots of questions. Even today I take in the world around me. I guess photography is that form of observation from when I was a little kid. Now I can see something, take a picture and share it with the world.
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