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Meet Salvador ‘Boy’ Salas of #theredproduction in Downtown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Salvador ‘Boy’ Salas.

Salvador, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Having lost over 40 friends to HIV/AIDS, I experienced first hand the vile stigma associated with this disease- the loneliness, the self-doubt, sometimes even violence. I decided to be the change I wanted to see. I believe everyone deserves to be loved – no matter race, gender, orientation, or HIV STATUS. But stigma is only destroyed by education, awareness and most importantly love.

Being an accomplished pianist, I am in love with all things art. To me, art is anything created which illicits an emotion. Art is fashion, and performance not just canvas. So why not create a movement driven by art and fueled by love? #theredproduction was born. #theredproduction brings Houston’s best-Fashion, Art and Live Performance together for one cause. These “productions” are twice a year show casing Houstons best talent. #theredproduction has hosted designers such as: LUCHO, Alan Gonzalez, and most recent, Nicholas Phat Nguyen. Also one of our city’s best artist, Patti Lennon Potter is a staple in #theredproduction.

These amazing productions not only raise awareness but they raise badly needed funds. #theredproduction teams up with AIDS Foundation Houston to change our city. We believe Houston can be the first major city with NO NEW HIV transmissions. #theredproduction gives 100% back to AIDS Foundation Houston…

Has it been a smooth road?
Working both a “day” job and orchestrating a full-blown production is exhausting and burn out is real. However, I remind myself there are thousands that need love and many are children. These productions are magical and can bring change.

Please tell us about #theredproduction.
#theredproduction is not only fashion, art, and Live Performances, these productions house some amazing pop-up shops from Houstons best boutiques, designers and merchants. All of us stand together believing everyone deserves love! That is breathtaking.

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
I see these productions growing. And becoming the destination for Houston s hottest talent! Because ultimately, everyone is affected by HIV/AIDS. This disease doesn’t discriminate.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
Charlie Horse Photos

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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