Today we’d like to introduce you to Sandy Adams.
Every artist has a unique story. Can you briefly walk us through yours?
Growing up my mom always had a camera in our faces and for most of my young childhood it was always a super 8 movie camera. But, my first moment where I realized I had a true interest was in 1998. I was in my last semester of grad school (Secondary Education) in Memphis, when I elected to do my student teaching in Europe. I was really poor so I literally only had an automatic 35mm camera and 10 rolls of color film. I spent 6 weeks in Europe so I had to be very selective with my shots. When I returned home and had all the film developed, there were several images that I just fell in love with and enlarged for my walls. That was the first moment where I thought, hey I would like to take this to the next level.
Please tell us about your art.
At this point in my life, I believe I have figured out how to encompass all my loves into a job. My main art is portrait photography, whether that is a high school senior, a family or couples. For portraits, I truly want people to enjoy and love the experience of the portrait session, as much as, the actual portrait – this is especially true for women. Most often, I shoot on location, and plan the shoots much like a magazine-styled fashion shoot. Women, especially, have a hard time loving the image of themselves that they have in their head, so I help them visualize what I see when I look thru the lens – the incredible and beautiful woman in front of me, regardless of age.
The 2nd part of my main art is branding photography. With a long history in business as an employee and later a business owner, I love working with entrepreneurs and small businesses to create brand images that not only reflect their brand, but also attract their ideal client or customers. In the past year, I have added on social media marketing. I have clients that hire me specifically to create all of their social media content and also put a posting strategy into place. In some cases, I am also executing that social media content to all their platforms.
The other side of portrait/brand is my travel photography. I love long road trips, especially to areas off the beaten path. I combine that love with my love/background in history to create something for readers where they can get a slightly different perspective and learn thru my images. This area of my photography really showcases my personal interests and me as an individual.
Given everything that is going on in the world today, do you think the role of artists has changed? How do local, national or international events and issues affect your art?
I think a photographer has always been extremely important to the world to document our lives and events. I don’t think the importance has changed, but it is more critically needed in today’s world. However, I do think the role of print is definitely more important today, than in the past. There is this quote circulating and not sure who it started with but, the gist of it is – this generation is the most photographed generation in history, but in 50 years there will be little visual evidence of it since most people never print any of the thousands of images that they shoot. I have so many portraits of my ancestors going back several generations and extended relatives that died well before my birth, simply because they saw the true importance of photographs, no matter how poor they were.
Current events, no matter the subject matter, encourage me more to photograph anything historical that I see whether it is an old building, cemetery or cultural event. Anything that I think is significant. I use my travel blog to help educate people on the value of everything around us and the importance of knowing and treasuring our history, good and bad. The host family that I stayed with in Germany, during my student teaching, truly taught me the importance of knowing and seeing the good, but especially the bad so that we hopefully learn from it and never repeat it. I keep that in mind everywhere I travel
How or where can people see your work? How can people support your work?
I am most active on Instagram – I love this platform for so many reasons! My Instagram account is @sap_houston I am also on Facebook at facebook.com/sandyadamsphotography . My website is www.sandy-adams.com. Although, the best place to see a broad range of my work are my two blogs. Portrait/Brand is www.sandyadams-blog.com and my Travel blog is www.asoutherngirlsview.wordpress.com
How you the reader can support me is by sharing my posts on Facebook which truly helps me get more traffic to my Facebook page. Likes and comments on either Facebook or Instagram are huge helps for more organic reach for us artists. My blogs, truly allow the public to see all that interests me and an overall look at my style and body of work.
Contact Info:
- Address: Houston & Friendswood, TX
- Website: www.sandy-adams.com
- Phone: 281-993-8267
- Email: sandy@sandy-adams.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/sap_houston
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/sandyadamsphotography
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/sandyadams_co
- Other: www.sandyadams-blog.com
Image Credit:
Taos Pueblo
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Park
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