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Meet Shaminder Biring of Model for Page Parkes in Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shaminder Biring.

Shaminder, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I first started modeling in August of 2018 while being in a dark place in life and feeling lost. I didn’t know what to do in life or what to become. I know that I’ve wanted to become a model growing up, but never made a move on it nor gave it much thought. I needed the motivation to make a move; then I came across Gary Vaynerchuk. After watching most of his videos and consuming hours of his content, I finally started making moves and getting my life together. I reached out to local models and photographers who were already in the scene, and asked them for advice on how to get started. With their help, I went ahead and booked a few photoshoots. I watched tons of YouTube videos to prepare myself in different ways: I learned how to pose with what I’m wearing, how to work with what I’ve got, and how to use different body movements and facial expressions. I tried to learn everything I could so that I could be ready for my first shoot. During my first photoshoot, I was really nervous to be in front of the camera because of people looking at me. I wasn’t as confident as I wish I was, but it was my first shoot and I kind of expected that. I thought about quitting and kept thinking that it wasn’t for me, but something was telling me not to give up. After uploading a couple of pictures onto Instagram from my first shoot, I started getting messages from people saying that they wanted me to look into modeling agencies. I didn’t give it much thought at first because I thought they were just saying that to be nice. Eventually I started getting messages from stylists and other photographers who wanted to work with me, and that helped me build my confidence. Most of the people I have worked with say that I’m a natural and that so is my look; they have also said that I’m highly versatile. The more I started hearing that, the more I began thinking about reaching out to an agency; nonetheless, I finally started looking and found Page Parkes to be the best fit for me. After being signed with them, I can say that I’ve found my calling. I’ve also been thinking about getting into acting and making a name for myself in Hollywood! I’m seeing an increase in diversity in the fashion/entertainment industry, and I would love to be a part of it.

We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
Things haven’t been easy at all. I started modeling because I was in a dark place in life and was looking for a distraction. On top of that, a lot of people doubted me and laughed at me; they told me to quit and find something else because they thought modeling wasn’t for me, and that I was just wasting my time. That led me to overthink everything and ask myself if it was even worth it. My confidence level wasn’t the best and that made things harder. For a while, I was surrounded by negative thoughts and people. On top of that, I was working seven days a week so I was busy all the time.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Model for Page Parkes story. Tell us more about the business.
With the help of my agency, Page Parkes, I’ll be able to land gigs that’ll help build my portfolio and resume; hopefully I can model for well known brands such as Ralph Lauren, Armani Exchange, Calvin Klein and more. I’m hoping to be featured in magazines and commercials as well. As a male model, I feel like I’m known for being versatile: I’ve done shoots being shirtless, in tuxedos, in body paint, wearing my turban, and some with my long hair. It makes me proud to know that I’m able to do all of that and look good while doing it. I’m lucky enough that with my looks I’m not limited to what I can do and how I can look. What sets me apart from others is my turban and long hair. By being the only Sikh male model in Texas, I’m proud that I can do more.

Has luck played a meaningful role in your life and business?
I can’t really say if luck had anything to do with where I’m at now, but I can say that I’m lucky enough to be given the opportunities to model for others. I’m grateful for all the support that I’ve recieved from a close group of friends on this journey. I’ve met a lot of nice people along the way and I hope to meet a lot more! Also, I’m blessed with the opportunities that stylists have given me!

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