Today, we’d like to introduce you to Terri Hill. Terri was introduced to us by the brilliant and talented Fontonette Smith.
Terri, can you walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I’ve always been a natural introvert, however I take great joy in encouraging others. I would see people out and although I was horrible at “Small Talk” I could always find words to inspire
and uplift them. It became my Super Power! As a motivational speaker and T shirt lover, I decided to merge the two concepts, henceforth birthing the line.
Encouraged By T’s Apparel line was founded January 2013 after the loss of my father. Speaking on numerous platforms as a motivational speaker and Minister, I then needed words to encourage myself during that trying time. I reflected back on past sermons that I’d delivered and used them to remind me of God’s promises for my life. It was then that he showed me the vision to take those inspirational writings and bring them alive through apparel. I affectionally call them “Testimony Tees”- The Tees That Tell Your Story!’
I never imagined that they’d be so greatly sought out by people from all over the world who need words of hope and inspiration for themselves and others around them. Looking for hope through life’s many challenges? Well grab a piece from our line and rock it!
Romans 10:17 says it best, “Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God!”
Please tell us more about your brand, Encouraged By T’s
The Encouraged By T’s designs are uniquely thought out, prayed over, and customized by me, I seek to hear from people regarding their day to day journeys and victories won! I truly believe this sets the line apart from most. The designs are both for men and women and can be worn as dressy or casual. Cool huh? The designs truly do fit for any occasion.! And they are super cute might I add! I want people to know that these aren’t your average tees or just mere words plastered but messages downloaded directly from God! THAT HITS DIFFERENT! I I am most proud as the Visionary and Creative Designer when I actually see clients wear the pieces with the intent to ENCOURAGE! I receive messages daily of people looking for specific designs that fit their life like “Favor Found Me” , “Don’t Get It Twisted” or our most popular design to date “Still that Chic” I affectionally call them “Testimony Tees”- The Tees That Tell Your Story!’ Because of their impact on so many lives and the testimonies that we receive daily from customers,
Fontenette and The Lady Eye-Services has been a great friend to us and I know you’ve got a great relationship as well. Maybe you can tell our audience a bit about The Lady Eye-Services and your experience with them.
OMG, Fontenette! I love this chick. Sometimes you can get discouraged as a business owner for various reasons and begin to question your purpose. Well that was me. I needed a boost! While supporting another successful female business owner (As I often do) I was initially referred
to Fontonette Smith, Owner of Lady Eye-Services for website services. I’ve had a few consultants in my tenure but none like this one, hands down. This lady breathed life back into my vision. She’s the epitome of “All that and the chips!’ You ROCK FS!
Her expertise, creativity and skill level is amazing. She’s professional, trustworthy, detailed and strives to go above and beyond to produce something mind blowing. I love her passion to see others thrive. Its evident from start to finish. Fontonette makes you see it like you’ve never seen it before which unlocks a new level beyond your normal ability. Shes not your average consultant, Shes extraordinary and I’m grateful to have her on my team. Her services reminded me of the WHY to my business and that is to
make the world a better place through fashion and Encouragement. Encouraged By T’s is alive and well today because of Lady Eye Services.
Be on the lookout for a chic piece from our line! Go ahead and grab one for you and another for a friend. They need to be ENCOURAGED!
Website: https://encouragedbytees.com/
Instagram: @encouragedbyts
Facebook: Encouraged By T’s Christian Apparel and More