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Meet Tori Wright of Tee’s Beauty Galore in East houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Tori Wright.

Tori, please share your story with us. How did you get to where you are today?
My name is Tori Wright. I was born and raised in the Houston area. I attended North Shore High School. All through school, I was always a straight A student. I had dreams of graduating and going on to college to study education. I intended to teach 9th grade Algebra eventually. I was with the class of 2015, up until my sophomore year in high school. I was academically ahead, which allowed me to skip 11th grade and move up to 12th with c/o 2014. At the very end of my senior year, I got side tracked and ended up making decisions I later regretted; that landed me in jail for seven months. Therefore, I did not graduate from high school. While incarcerated, I later found out that I was pregnant with my now five year old son. I knew that if I was released, I had to make a change for the sake of my child. Once released, I refused to go back to high school. I went to San Jacinto college and got my GED instead. Being that I had a criminal background, I knew it would be tough finding a job. I didn’t know what I wanted to do in life anymore. I just took it day by day. A close friend of the family then later offered a job at a bakery called “Nothing Bundt Cakes”. I worked here for over a year. There was a body waxing facility next door to my job that was called “European Wax Center.” I figured they would do background checks, but I still applied anyway.

Fortunately, the new manager there came into the bakery and asked me if I knew anyone who needed a job. I told her I did. She told me to come in and apply and she would pull my application. I will always be thankful for my old manager at the bakery, and family friend, Kearston Block. She personally went and spoke to the manager at the European wax center and gave a great referral. Long story short, I was hired at EWC and fell in love with waxing. I was with the company for over four years. After being there about a year, I went on to attend beauty school to become licensed in that field.

I transferred locations to manage another location. After seeing the financial side of the industry, I knew then that I wanted my own business. After working late nights, early mornings, at EWC and also accepting clients from home, I decided to open up shop. I leaped faith and put in two weeks’ notice at EWC. As soon as I quit, my job is when my business started flourishing. After everything I went through to get here, I believe everything happens for a reason, so I wouldn’t have had it any other way! I am beyond grateful for everyone that put their trust in me, believed in me, and supported me. Whether it was a repost, tag, mention, or physically became a client. I never expected as many people to genuinely support me and help me build this business ground up. I am now offering trainings to help people that were in position start their journey as well. My ultimate goal is to open up a Med spa offering all beauty services.

Has it been a smooth road?
It has not been a smooth road. Being self employed means you’re never off. When you’re not working, you’re working. My mind is always racing, thinking of everything I have to get done. Running a small business has taught me a lot, from time management, budgeting/saving, patience, to organization. There are struggles, physically and emotionally. I have always been responsible, so I knew I could manage running a business. That does not mean it isn’t a lot of work, though. From responding to 10+ clients at once via text message to having to keep up with inventory, to marketing/promoting my business, setting up trainings, making sure all deposits from clients are accounted for, all while focusing on my weight loss journey and managing being a mother of two toddlers. Thankfully, their dad is here as a huge relief. No matter how much time I give myself throughout the day, I am ALWAYS rushing to get things done. No matter the stress that comes with running this business, I will never give up. It has definitely shown me there’s nothing I cant handle.

Please tell us about your practice.
I am a licensed esthetician. The services I offer are waxing, teeth whitening, dermaplaning, vacials (facial for the bikini area), and tooth gems. I will be adding on other services this year as well. I specialize in full body waxing. I love all of the services I offer, but waxing is something I have a great passion for. I am known for Brazilian waxes, being that this is one of my highest requested services. I’m proud of being able to satisfy each and every client that books with me. Im proud that they trust me to perform a intimate service as such. I am very confidential with each and every one of my clients. They know that whether its skin conditions, personal life issues, they can trust me to confide in and help them in any way I can. Some are in this industry for the profit, but I have a passion for what I do. I build a relationship with each of them, and let them know im here as their esthetician, or their friend. This industry has introduced me to many different personalities, situations, and I’ve learned how to go about them accordingly. I have never had a unsatisfied client, nor a bad review. That’s what im most proud of.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
I love how diverse Houston is. I meet so many people from completely different backgrounds, I DONT LIKE THE TRAFFIC.


  • Brazilian waxes: $50
  • Teeth whitening: $130
  • Vacials: $80

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