Today we’d like to introduce you to Heather Hirschman.
So, before we jump into specific questions about the business, why don’t you give us some details about you and your story.
About ten years ago, I was a driven, talented, and well sought-after interior designer in Los Angeles. I was passionately in love with my work and was living my dream in California.
Then, one day, everything changed. I began having severe stomach issues, fibromyalgia, and chronic fatigue. I remember, one morning I was eating breakfast, (toast and cereal) just to find myself lying on the couch 3 minutes after a couple of bites because my body was so exhausted trying to simply digest my food, that I could not stay awake to eat the rest of my meal.
I fell asleep mid-day, slept for 15 hours, woke up, walked from my sofa to the bathroom and passed out in the doorway. I’d never had any health issues in my life so this was, well, odd. Blacked out, woke up, stood up, and my life changed from that moment for the next seven years. I must have seen 15 doctors over the next year in order to find out what the heck was wrong with me. I decided life was getting too hard living alone in California so I moved to Houston and in with my oldest brother Jack, as he took care of me because I had trouble looking after myself. My diet at this time consisted of chicken legs, spinach, 1 corn tortilla per day, water and a couple of vegetables. Not because I loved those foods but because they were the only foods my body could tolerate.
After being given a series of diagnoses for years, including celiac disease, fibromyalgia, IBS, chronic fatigue, leaky gut, hyperthyroidism, and acid reflux, I eventually stumbled upon a functional medicine practice in Houston. I was then finally properly diagnosed with the underlying cause which manifested these symptoms, Chronic Lyme Disease.
At that time, I was given an 8-year death sentence, but I decided I wasn’t ready to die. I was certain my life was worth living! So, I became self-educated and I learned how to heal my own body. I was successful and now I’ve committed myself and my company to help others heal their body, mind, and spirit.
Fast forward to today… as a result of my personal experience, I found myself with a chance to finally step into my purpose. It wasn’t satisfying enough that I found the solutions to my problem. I also felt the need to help guide others along the path I had already traveled. I was committed and disciplined, and by furthering my education, I was then able to establish my holistic practice; thus, PURE BODY was born.
There was no magic formula in creating my practice, I simply did what felt right. Specifically, I built my practice by focusing on my clients’ individual needs. Now, I continue focusing on customizing a treatment plan for each unique individual.
Great, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Smooth? Absolutely not.
At first, I felt a little discouraged but then I quickly learned discouragement doesn’t get you anywhere. The struggle encouraged me to embrace self-love, self-understanding, emotional healing and the overall confidence to be able to share my story. It took a lot of courage, being real with myself, standing in front of the mirror reminding myself who I was, that I am and always had been a fighter and that I deserved to be healed.
But what I found the most interesting was how the process changed me. And I was ready for a change. Once this change occurred, I decided to embrace my past and allow it to be the conduit to my present career. I can confidently say it has worked out well for me in my personal and professional life because it has allowed/invited friends, clients, and strangers to feel connected to me, and my willingness to be open and vulnerable.
I used to think vulnerability showed weakness, but in fact, it shows strength! And I think that’s what this world needs more of and truly deserves.
My advice for other women who are just starting their journey.
Take a chance. Take that leap of faith. Do not hide behind the history of your scars or your story and Use your gift! Invest in your mind, Every! Single! Day!
Consider asking yourself, what am I feeding my mindset? If you want a list of foods for brain health, send me a message, I’ll take care of you.
But I also ask, are your friendships and relationships feeding or depleting your mind? Are those same people fueling your goals and your dreams or getting in the way? I encourage you to turn those dreams into goals. Goals lead to action steps; whereas oftentimes dreams remain in the future. I also encourage you to find a niche. Follow your passion, utilize your gift, the one that comes so natural to you. Once you commit to utilizing that gift, you can do anything. For those of you just starting on your journey, I pray a vision comes to life inside each of you, a vision so strong that nothing can get in your way!
Alright – so let’s talk business. Tell us about Pure Body – what should we know?
I am the founder and CEO of Pure Body, based and practicing in Houston, TX and virtually nationwide. I am a Holistic Health and Lifestyle Coach and Nutrition Consultant. My business has been built upon the need to solve problems, provide answers, and serve those seeking solutions regarding their health and nutrition.
My clients so often come to me overwhelmed with their health and well-being and often tell me they only have a tiny seed of hope left. They were led to believe they had to live with their symptoms or diagnosis but I teach them how to develop the mindset that their body is self-healing with the proper methods and plan in place.
I’m known for helping my clients reach levels and results they didn’t know were possible. I get to the root cause of their symptoms, helping them get off of unnecessary drugs. I’m able to recognize my clients’ weaknesses and capitalize on their strengths while being able to identify emotional and mental barriers that are affecting them from healing completely.
As a Holistic Health Coach, I focus on the person as a whole, mind, body and spirit. I don’t believe the work can be done without integrating every component. This is necessary for sustainability and to produce the best outcome.
I have learned that when someone comes to me with health conditions, their energy is often bound up in their muscles, tissues, spine, fascia, and organs. When your body is under stress, you are unable to release these blocks, which manifest in health issues. I utilize the study of metaphysical anatomy, which is a study of science that interprets how diagnoses are an outcome of the body holding onto fear, stress, emotion, trauma, and/or thoughts. When you are able to release these blocks, you allow energy to heal your body faster in physical and emotional form; therefore, I use energy work to help you heal. There are layers to all of us, right? I peel them back, so I can help you heal, naturally.
What sets me apart from other practitioners? I simply focus on my clients, one at a time and meet their needs. I offer personalized attention, accountability, and my own experiences to better relate and communicate with my clients to obtain the best results. I work with my clients regarding their mindset and lifestyle because those are the two things that drive motivation and create the best results.
A plan is just a plan unless it is implemented. In order to help my clients reach their goals, I have taken it a step further and designed a Personalized Nutrition Program with Mark Zoch, chef and owner of the Dinner Dude, a meal prep company in Houston. It is a Customized, long term lifestyle plan. Together, we incorporate a unique body typing method to determine the foods your specific body requires, as well as genetic testing, biofeedback and bio-impedance tools while providing coaching, accountability, and 28 days of meals planned out for you. Utilizing this method, your personal chef shops, cooks, and prepares appropriately portioned delicious quality food without compromising taste. I have found this comprehensive method produces the greatest opportunity for successful and sustainable results.
What’s the most important piece of advice you could give to a young woman just starting her career?
Deciding you are ready to take a chance, a leap of faith, and are ready to use your gift, I encourage you above all to prioritize your mental and emotional health, with zero excuse! It is your complete responsibility. Along your journey, you will be judged, questioned, and doubted, and that is okay, it’s normal. What matters most is what you think of yourself and that you continue to stay focused and committed. If you are consciously and consistently working on your craft as well as your mind, body, and spirit, you will succeed and be rewarded. Never give up, EVER! Always remember, you may fail along the way, but you are NOT a failure.
So much of the media coverage is focused on the challenges facing women today, but what about the opportunities? Do you feel there are any opportunities that women are particularly well positioned for?
A woman can do ANYTHING she sets her mind and heart to. If this is her mindset, and if there isn’t an opportunity, she will make one!
Any apps, books, pods, blogs, or other resources that help you do your best in life- at work or others?
I am an author and I read books and journals that further my knowledge regarding the relationship between mind and body. I enjoy participating at seminars and working with medical doctors, and other practitioners in my field.
My Resources Include:
- Dr. Mark Hyman and Dr. Joe Dispenza (valued mentors)
- My parents, who are both Ph.D. psychologists
Personal Resources:
- My Personal Blog: https://www.purebodycoach.com/
blogresources - Podcast guest on “Pre-shift with Kate and Brossa” – Food Allergies Are For Real! Spotify, itunes, Podcast Arena
- Pinterest (follow me: username: hhirschman, my boards consist of health and nutrition, mind/body, quotes, inspiration, my faith, fashion, design)
- Natural and Organic Healing, Your Ultimate Guide to Health and Wellness 2019, Edition 3: #1 International Bestselling book, also named Amazon’s #1 New Release.
“No Guts, No Glory”, authored by Heather Hirschman. I describe the gut/brain connection and the concept that gut health impacts your entire body and overall health state.
- Your Hidden Food Allergies are Making you Fat by Roger D. Deutsch and Rudy Rivera
- Buddhas Brain by Rick Hanson Ph.D. (The practical neuroscience of Happiness, Love, and Wisdom- it uses science to show how to stimulate your brain for more fulfilling relationships, a deeper spiritual life, and inner happiness)
- Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol Truman- (for those seeking peace of mind and the gift of joy, it brings wisdom and understanding as to why we feel the way we feel and how to easily transform undesirable feelings so they don’t hinder growth)
- The Bible
To Watch:
- Heal – documentary film that uses spiritual leaders, physicians and those with chronic illnesses to reveal the powerful connection between the human psyche and physical health.
- You Tube: Manifest your Gifts Dr. Myles Munroe, Steve Harvey, Denzel Washington
- You Tube: One of the Best Speeches Ever– Live Your Dreams| New Motivational Video
- You Tube: This is Why You’re Not Happy/ One of the Most Eye Opening Speeches – Matthew McConaughey
- Meditation music:
- Using You Tube, Pandora, or Spotify, search: “Affirmations while you sleep, Deep sleep meditation, Detox while you sleep, Guided meditation for anxiety, depression, stress, illness”
Contact Info:
- Website: www.purebodycoach.com
- Email: heather@purebodycoach.com
- Instagram: www.instagram.com/yourpurebodycoach
- Facebook: www.facebook.com/purebodycoach
- Twitter: www.twitter.com/PureBodyLLC
- Other: https://www.purebodycoach.com/work-with-heather-1on1
Image Credit:
Main photo is taken by Legacy
Last photo is by Douglas Marquez
Kane Miller, Carl Fehres
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