Today we’d like to introduce you to Maurielle Laurenne – Creator & Designer of SYMBOLIK.
Maurielle, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
Namaste, I’m a spiritualist, creator, and wisdom-seeker devoted to helping you discover your genius and manifest your destiny. The universal question we all ponder is “who am I and what is the meaning of my life?” The individual answer rests in determining what you are uniquely called to do and then taking defined action to fulfill that special purpose. My job is to provide a toolbox of mind+body+spirit methods guiding you to ignite your inner brilliance, plan the next move, and deliver your best both personally and professionally.
SYMBOLIK is my contribution to helping each person live as their highest self by experiencing the ancient wisdom of yoga, meditation, and astrology in a modern way. You’ll be happily surprised that spirituality doesn’t have to feel outdated! Through personal horoscope readings based on your individual birth date/location/time, group ‘yogastrology’ classes, meditation events and energy-enhancing accessories, SYMBOLIK offers contemporary tools of timeless insight to unleash your personal potential. Similar to building a home, self-awareness requires specific tools to create a solid foundation. I offer the tools that enable people to construct a better version of themselves.
In my life before SYMBOLIK, I spent 10 years in the executive coaching industry surrounded by top-performing business elite of Fortune 500 and Fortune 100 companies who were driven to develop their gifts and corporations. Yet, these icons of excellence often hit a stonewall in their success trajectory because they felt disconnected from a sense of deeper purpose and questioned whether they were doing the right things at the right time to produce the greatest impact. Traditional psychology and coaching techniques weren’t enough to help these leaders– the very best had already mastered every trick in the book. My pursuit for potentiality amplifiers turned me to holistic methods like yoga, meditation, and astrology that soon revealed deeper insight than traditional techniques alone, and I discovered that mind-body-spirit awareness brought greater fulfillment to individuals as well as improved their businesses. In fact, what I discovered along the way is that everybody– from executives, artists, athletes, parents, students and aspiring entrepreneurs– possesses the same hunger for a meaningful life centered around their special purpose.
SYMBOLIK was born from an intention (rather than a product or service) to help you be a conscious creator of your destiny– because the world needs the gifts and great ideas that your soul was born to deliver. When you begin living like the person you really are, you tap into unique energy that produces wondrous possibilities for yourself and those around you. The only real obligation one has is to fulfill their destiny—and what could be more powerful than that?
We’re always bombarded by how great it is to pursue your passion, etc. – but we’ve spoken with enough people to know that it’s not always easy. Overall, would you say things have been easy for you?
My advice for everyone is: invest in yourself. There never has been and never will be another you. You are encoded with a unique genius that only you bring to the world. When you live from this truth, you will make choices that expand your infinite impact on our planet of 7 billion souls who need it.
Get a business coach, fitness mentor, personal counselor or spiritual advisor. Attend classes, workshops, events, and retreats. Passionately pursue self-discovery! Direct your time, money and energy towards activities, not things, that reveal and develop your true joy. Joy, that is where your genius resides. Avoid time-wasters and energy-suckers that divert away from your purpose. Say “no” to distractions so you can say “yes” to your dreams. Your dreams matter, and within you is everything needed to bring them to life.
Be thoughtful in what you feed your mind, body, and spirit– and most importantly, be available to the promise of becoming.
We’d love to hear more about SYMBOLIK.
SYMBOLIK offers mind+body+spirit tools in three areas:
1- Insight + Intentions
2- Goals + Manifestation
3- Energy + Balance
If you’ve arrived at the doorstep of SYMBOLIK, then likely you are curious about the meaning of life and passionate about making your unique mark on the world. You may already be pursuing self-development practices such as yoga, meditation, exercise and personal or business coaching– or you may have no idea where to start! Either way, I can help you find the tools to create your unique universe.
Seeking instant insight? Discover your life’s highest expression through a personal astrology chart reading with me based on your individual birth date/time/location. The astrology chart reveals the genius of your zodiac archetype as well as enlightenment in the areas of career, romance, money, family, and health. We will forecast changes in your life ahead according to planetary shifts, accompanied by a practical calendar of when those changes will occur which allows you to plan for finding the right job, house, partner or big idea. Discover your path and set the right intentions.
Seeking to achieve a specific goal? The key to manifesting intentions hinges on the action that accompanies contemplation. You can use jewelry as symbolic adornment which reminds you to honor specific goals and express outwardly your inner spirit. Select a handmade gemstone jewelry piece crafted by me to help guide you based on spiritual qualities you intend to manifest or based on your zodiac archetype. Wear your wisdom in a way that is modern, meaningful and stylish.
Seeking mind + body + spirit balance? Move in alignment with nature’s rhythms to complement your own. My monthly ‘Yogastrology’ class combines astrology-based asanas on the yoga mat for each zodiac sign along with a personalized planetary forecast for the month ahead, followed by a blessing ceremony and guided meditation. By working with nature’s rhythms we experience less stress and a more coherent life.
Whether wanting astrology reading for personal insight, a sacred stone for conscious reflection, or movement practice for energy alignment—or all three—my hope is for SYMBOLIK to be a positive force guiding you to live with peace, purpose, and power.
Do you feel like there was something about the experiences you had growing up that played an outsized role in setting you up for success later in life?
Children are the entire universe in miniature. They are the connection between biology and cosmology. My miniature universe was designed by creativity, dancing, fascination with the night sky and wonderment about the unfolding of life: who are we, what’s out there, and how can I play a role?
As a child, I always searched for meaning. “Why?” was my favorite question. My mother is a psychiatric nurse versed in the world’s great spiritual philosophies, so she raised me with an understanding that our mental and physical wellness are linked, and that spirit is the connectivity between all things. Through my mother, I learned to be curious about ‘why’ things happen. My father is an engineer who taught me precision and practicality are what bring things into being. Through my father, I learned the rules about ‘how’ to make things happen.
Fast forward to today where my childhood love of wisdom, movement, and creativity have translated to expertise in mind-body-spirit methodologies that enable me to help others discover their meaning and be creators of their own unique universe.
My personal astrology readings have guided nearly 600 seekers to find clarity in their purpose and plan for significant life changes, and my sacred stone jewelry is carried online and in boutiques throughout the United States. In fact, the sacred stone jewelry collection was scouted by Los Angeles-based RAW Artists who represent top emerging creatives in 60 cities around the world. My mind+body+spirit classes have been hosted by trendy venues such as The Elaine Turner Store, The Houston Center For Contemporary Craft, Holbalance Holistic Wellness Center, Body Mind Soul Bookstore, Mio Boutique, and Hotel Ylem. I am an ordained minister of the non-denominational Universal Life Church, officiating spiritual ceremonies from weddings to house blessings. I also serve on the board of directors for The Houston Astrological Society and The Fashion Group International’s Houston chapter and am the horoscope columnist for a local fashion and society magazine. In 2018, I was nominated as one of the top 20 small business entrepreneurs in Houston.
You have a special purpose and if you would like to manifest a life and business in alignment with your unique energy, then learning your cosmic code will unlock your inner genius and enable you to design your destiny. Helping others to live their inspired mission is my gift to the world. What will yours be?
Contact Info:
- Website: www.livesymbolik.com
- Phone: 713.854.5079
- Email: maurielle@livesymbolik.com
- Instagram: @livesymbolik
Image Credit:
Bhavin Misra, Julia Snider
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