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Meet Wendy Hutchinson of Alinea Life Coaching in Midtown

Today we’d like to introduce you to Wendy Hutchinson.

Wendy, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
I was born and raised in Kailua, Hawaii. I was the product of the Chinese Hawaiian culture and from a very early age I was programmed to strive. I did well academically, I played sports, I played piano, I did everything that was expected of me without ever questioning if any of it resonated with who I was. In fact, I became so adept at wearing all the masks society dictated I lost my identity. I was a mother, wife, daughter, friend, and employee. I was whoever I was expected to be. I lived in a penthouse apartment in Waikiki, I had a professional job, a handsome professional husband, I belonged to the right social clubs. I had two children who are the light of my life, but somewhere along the way I got lost.

I got lost in the shuffle of kids and homework and planning family vacations and keeping my performance up at work. I also had perfectionist tendencies so I was always trying to hit a moving target and coming up short in my mind. Perfection doesn’t exist, but I didn’t figure that out until well into my 40’s. If you have ever seen those performers who run from one spinning plate to another, trying to keep them all spinning at once, that would sum up a good portion of my life. Carpool, volunteering, kids’ sports activities, vacations, work, 2 neurotic dogs, you name it, I was doing it all. Then in the midst of all the chaos one day I literally heard the whisper in my ear “save yourself”. At the time I wasn’t sure what that meant, but I knew I had to stop and shift all the energy I was pouring into everyone else into myself. I was reduced to a smoldering ember of the person I used to be.

That was the pivotal moment when I decided to come back to my authentic self. It took a long time to figure out who I was, and to appreciate that I had value, and to know that my value was inherent. We are all born into this life with the intellect, the tools, and the character to be the best versions of ourselves. I’m not talking about being who others expect us to be, I’m talking about being who we were born to be. I began to honor my time, to create boundaries and find things that brought me joy. I started releasing the things that no longer felt in alignment with me. During this time of self discovery I recognized that I had a gift, I was relieving suffering in people. People were coming to me for help through difficult life experiences and transitions and I was able to take their suffering and shift their perspective around their circumstances. That’s when I knew I had found my calling as a Life Coach and Energy Healer.

I received my life coaching certification from the Life Purpose Institute in San Diego and I am also a Certified Level IV Marconics Energy Practitioner. I am a regular guest on various podcasts including The Joy Ride Show, Rolling with Emma, Intimate Conversations and more. In 2017 I was a regular contributor for The Missing Piece Magazine (which has since closed its doors) and I was also voted Life Coach of the Year in December of last year by the readers of The Missing Piece. My goal has been to bring people into alignment with their authentic self through both life coaching and energy work. There is nothing more powerful than seeing the shifts in my clients as they gain clarity around who they are, and watching the trajectory of their lives change in a beautiful way.

My coaching helps people to change their perspective and release the emotional attachment to things holding them back. Together we create a mindset and action plan that shifts their perspective to one of true empowerment. I also provide tools and insight to assist with the process of healing. Marconics energy helps people to elevate and align their energetic frequency. As their frequency rises, there is a direct correlation with the experiences, relationships and opportunities they attract. Frequency creates the reality we experience in our lives. As we become the highest and best versions of ourselves, we attract the highest and best reality.

My life is now dedicated to being in service to humanity. Imagine what the world could be if we all aligned with our truth and our life purpose. Imagine who we could be if we unchained ourselves from the expectations of others and stepped fully and confidently into our authentic power. That is how we can change the world. Being the highest and best version of ourselves is the biggest gift we can offer, and that is what I strive to be each and every day.

Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
The biggest struggle for me was being honest about how I was responding to my life.

When my older son was 17 we had been fighting for years. During one intense altercation he snapped and held knife to my throat threatening to kill me. This pivotal moment in time changed the course of both of our lives. I had him arrested then spent thousand of dollars to get him out of juvenile hall. The County wanted to remove him from my home. At the time, I was a control freak. I wanted conformity and I was pushing my kids hard and they were pushing back. It was really a no win situation for my entire family. We lost ourselves in the desire to win the fight and we temporarily lost each other.

It was that experience that pushed me to look at my behavior as a mother, a wife and face myself. Who had I become in the name of love? I was so locked down in the fear frequencies, fear that my kid might not have a future, that I had lost control of him, that I wasn’t enough as a mother and person in general. Things had spiraled out of control at home and we all were faced with our behavior. My husband and boys were against me. It was the worst time in my life, but it also sent me on the path back to my authentic self, so it was actually the catalyst for change for me. We have all since healed from the experience but it took tremendous patience, unconditional love on my part, a great therapist, and also taught me the importance of letting go and allowing everyone to be who they need to be.

I learned that the only person I have control over is me. It is up to everyone else to live their lives and make their own decisions about how things unfold for them. I have found that detachment in a loving way is powerful and self love and compassion is the biggest gift we can give ourselves.

Please tell us about Alinea Life Coaching.
My company Alinea Life Coaching is focused on alignment and authenticity. So many people have strayed from their true north. I specialize in reflecting back to my clients all the beauty, talent, strength and courage they have forgotten they possess. I am known for changing people’s lives, for walking people back to their soul. My energy work is extremely powerful. I integrate the higher self aspects of the individual into their physical body. This alignment creates clarity, accelerates the life path, and brings the individual back to their truth.

I pull karmic debris from the energetic field going back to the inception of the soul. As my client’s vibrational frequency rises they can attract very quickly what they want to manifest. I had a client come for a recalibration on a Sunday and describe the exact employee she needed to find to accelerate her business. On Tuesday that person walked in her office and was hired. I have so many stories like this and it continues to blow my mind when my clients call and share these stories.

What I specialize in, is bringing people who have lost themselves to the social programming back to their truth. I empower people and elevate their game. Energetically, there is no other energy modality that provides the spiritual growth that comes from integrating the highest version of yourself (that etheric aspect) physically into the client. Once we share an energy session, I offer spiritual coaching to my clients to walk them through the ascension process. From a life coaching perspective, I am able to physically remove suffering from people and It is completely life changing.

What I am most proud of as a company is the continual growth of my client base. My growth has been completely referral driven and I work within strict confidentiality guidelines and in pure integrity. I am also humbled and grateful that people travel here from all over the country to have energy sessions with me.

If you had to go back in time and start over, would you have done anything differently?
I would not have done one thing differently. The experience of the journey has brought me to this place in my life right on time. Without the lessons and the struggles, I never would have overcome adversity. I would not have done the internal work to be able to guide and assist others walking the path back to themselves. Each experience has been an opportunity for me to clear things that no longer served me. Most importantly, it was through the process of healing myself from the trauma I experienced as a mother during the incarceration of my son and trial that allowed me to be who I am today.

There is zero growth if we aren’t challenged in life. Each person, each circumstance that challenges us is an opportunity for us to respond as our highest and best self. It is an opportunity to look at our character flaws and do better. Suffering is not a life sentence, it is something that is being presented to allow us to see something within ourselves that needs to be addressed. If we fail to rise, we will continue to experience the same pain repeatedly until we make a better choice and show up as a better version of ourselves.


  • Life or Spiritual Coaching Package of 4 (1 hour sessions) includes 1 no touch energy session, tools, and a journal book $700
  • Life or Spiritual Coaching Package of 8 (1 hour sessions) incudes 2 no touch energy sessions, tools, a journal book and book relevant to your topic $1280
  • Marconics no touch session in person or remote $75
  • Marconics Recalibration (2 sessions) $333

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Image Credit:

Diana Simonetta, Bhavin Misra

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