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Meet Andrea Atkinson of Cain School Consulting in My company provides education services to anyone the Houston and Surrounding Areas.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Andrea Atkinson.

Andrea, can you briefly walk us through your story – how you started and how you got to where you are today.
I have never had an easy road. In fact, I believe it is because of this hard road that I was able to persevere through adversity. As a native Houstonian, instability was a constant for me as my family moved from South Park to Third Ward and finally to Hiram Clarke. Once my family settled in Hiram Clarke, I was able to come into my own, bonding with life-long friends at James Madison High School. I also developed strengths in volleyball and track. My counselor nominated me for a leadership role in an organization,The Young Professionals of Houston, which changed my life forever. I never thought of myself as a leader. It seemed my counselor awakened something inside me because I took on more roles such as co-captain and class president. Not to mention, I began to excel academically rising from the top 20% of my class to the top 5% percent. This boost of confidence opened many doors for me in college. In fact, I was awarded the prestigious Warren Moon Foundation Scholarship coupled with a four-year scholarship which enabled me to attend Knox College in Galesburg, Illinois. After a few years, I became homesick and returned to Houston to earn a Bachelor of Science degree in Interdisciplinary Studies from the University of Houston. Six years later, I earned a Master of Education degree in Educational Leadership from Stephen F. Austin State University.

When I began teaching, I observed how hard it was to help a child like me—impoverished and unsettled. As I focused on mastering pedagogy by including engagement, strong routines, and a whole lot of love, I realized I had something to give to teachers. Not all educators could relate to students with academic and life struggles. Educating these teachers became my niche.

During the span of my career, I worked diligently to show teachers how to reach all students regardless of race, social status, or learning challenges. I founded Cain School Consulting with the mission to help students, parents, and the community leaders advocate for high-quality education. I am thankful to God, my parents, my husband, Anthony, and my son, Canaan, who continue to support my passion for education.

Has it been a smooth road?
My journey has been difficult. I have often been underestimated because of my soft voice and overall introverted demeanor. Those closest to me can attest to the fact that my quiet nature has nothing to do with weakness and everything to do with observation. It was important to me to observe the situation before I responded. People would often overlook me for opportunities. Consequently, I quickly learned to stay prepared for the chance to show what I could do.

The hardest challenge for me has been the process of learning to believe in myself. In the past, I had difficulty accomplishing anything because I measured myself according to other people’s lives. The moment I stopped comparing myself to others and understood what made me unique, I began to make momentous strides.

So, as you know, we’re impressed with Cain School Consulting – tell our readers more, for example what you’re most proud of as a company and what sets you apart from others.
Cain School Consulting is a business which specializes in helping individuals understand the power of education. Many people are unaware of the resources available to the community. It is my mission to show parents, students, teachers, and community leaders how to take advantage of learning. Education is a vehicle for life-changing success for all. Whether someone has dreams of becoming a master electrician, a doctor, or a permanent figure in academia, knowledge is most definitely power.

I established this business four years ago because of several needs in the community. I saw students who did not know how to find simple answers; I saw parents who did not know how to help their children; I saw teachers who did not know how to connect with students, and I saw community leaders who did not know how to fight for all schools to have adequate resources.

I am most proud of my company because people arrive feeling powerless and leave feeling empowered. What sets me apart from other companies is my ability to meet you where you are and help elevate your understanding by equipping you with the necessary tools for success. Visit for more information or call Andrea Atkinson at 832-207-5216.

Let’s touch on your thoughts about our city – what do you like the most and least?
There is no place like Houston, Texas. We are one of the most diverse cities in America. When I think of Houston, these thoughts come to mind: trail riders; barbeque; screwed music; slabs; Houston rappers and singers; Astroworld; The Galleria; festivals; Houston Livestock and Rodeo; delicious food; friendly people; and our amazing city leadership. Mayor Sylvester Turner and County Judge Lina Hidalgo have been remarkable leaders. They have remained steadfast through the COVID-19 pandemic, high unemployment rates, and injustice against George Floyd and Vanessa Guillen.

As a proud resident of Hiram Clarke, I am inspired by the community and government leadership I have seen in District K with leaders such as Derald Crawford, the Mayor of Hiram Clarke (everyone knows it); Linda Scurlock; Vivian Harris; the former Larry Green; the present, Martha Castex Tatum; Jan Taylor; Shawn Rushing; and John Richardson,Jr.

I am not happy about the increased numbers of COVID-19 cases in our city. I pray this trend will decline in the near future. When this pandemic ends, I look forward to reconnecting with loving, friendly, and caring Houstonians. Houston will always be home sweet home to me.


  • $25 for a 30-minute consultation
  • $50 for 60 minutes of lesson plan assistance or one-to-one coaching
  • $100 for a monthly membership, 4 sessions per month
  • Sessions are held via Zoom, Google meet, Face-to-Face, or Phone

Contact Info:

  • Address: P.O. Box 451141
    Houston, TX 77245
  • Website:
  • Phone: 832-207-5216
  • Email:

Image Credit:
Charles Richard

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