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Exploring Life & Business with Jennifer Pitts of Jenuine Treasures

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Pitts.

Hi Jennifer, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Owning a small business was not a childhood dream. I wanted to be a teacher. I knew that was what I wanted to do since kindergarten. I was able to accomplish that dream and had the privilege to teach for eleven years.

I always enjoyed crafting but never thought of it as a way to make money. One Christmas I made a large decoupaged cross for my aunt. She was a successful artist by her own right so the fact that she hung it in her office was an honor. And then the orders started pouring in. First, from her friends and co-workers, and then large orders from her place of employment.

I began doing craft shows and eventually started my own (1st and 2nd Saturday Craft and Vendor Market). The idea of a craft boutique started to creep into my thoughts. Several years went by and the markets were growing, as was my crafting business. Then my aunt passed away unexpectedly. The cross that she proudly hung in her office was back with me. I looked at it every day and finally created a plan. I used a part of my inheritance from her to open Jenuine Treasures. The ladybug on our logo is a reminder that my aunt is always with me.

And the cross? It proudly hangs in the boutique.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
Of course, opening any type of business will lead to obstacles. Opening the doors of Jenuine Treasures has been no different. It is important, though, to learn from each experience, good or bad. There will always be a hidden plus side to every obstacle. You just have to look for it.

Our biggest challenge, of course, has been the pandemic. We were just getting into the swing of things when everything shut down. We had to devise a way for our vendors to make sales while we were closed. We started posting products on our Facebook page. We met customers at the boutique for parking lot pick ups and mailed smaller items. Although we are still living with covid, there has been an unexpected benefit. People seem more comfortable shopping in a small business than in a box store or the mall. We hope this trend will continue even after the pandemic.

We are also dealing with the construction on Highway 146. The new overpass and Kemah bridge are almost halfway complete. Road closures, detours, and heavy traffic are all part of life in this area. It can make it difficult for new customers to locate us or even get to us. Luckily, we have a great following and a community that is dedicated to supporting small business.

Appreciate you sharing that. What should we know about Jenuine Treasures?
Jenuine Treasures opened in late November 2019. After many years of coordinating the 1st and 2nd Saturday Craft and Vendor Markets in Pasadena, we were looking for a new opportunity for our dedicated vendors to earn sales in between markets. We found a location in Old Seabrook that was perfect for a craft boutique and an outdoor craft market.

It has always been the goal that Jenuine Treasures allow vendors the opportunity to sell their products in a storefront setting. This goal allows for two unique outcomes. First, we offer vendors the convenience of having their items available for purchase daily instead of just during weekend markets. Because they do not have to be at the boutique, they have the freedom to be with family and attend to other weekday obligations. For shoppers, Jenuine Treasures becomes a unique experience no matter when they stop in because the products are always changing. They are always guaranteed to find something new or even something that they hadn’t noticed on a previous visit.

In 2020 we launched Market Day at Jenuine Treasures. The market is held on the 1st Saturday of every month. It attracts people into the Old Seabrook Commercial District where several other small businesses are located. The market also allows our vendors to reach a wider base of customers.

In 2021 we added Craft Classes to our monthly schedule. Classes are available for both children and adults. We currently host a monthly craft class where adults complete five different projects using various techniques and supplies. Several specialty classes are also on the calendar. These focus on a larger craft using a specific method or technique. In the coming months, we will be adding additional classes. For those interested, a calendar of upcoming events in on our Facebook page.

The boutique is open Tuesdays through Saturdays from 9am-4pm.

Anyone interested in becoming a vendor in the boutique or at either of our markets should email

The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
The biggest lesson I learned has been to not take anything for granted. Nothing is guaranteed.

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