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Small Business of the Day: Conversations with Carla Calderas of Calderas Self-Care Center

Today’s Small Business of the Day features an interview with Carla Calderas. Please find our conversation below.

Thanks so much for joining us today. We’re excited for our readers to learn more about Calderas Self-Care Center. Kick things off for us – what should they know?
We are here to provide tailored health and wellness retreats and coaching to help you be the best version of yourself. The experience we provide: Health & wellness skills and implementation, Healthy habit building & goal setting, Increased self-love & self-esteem, Vision & purpose identification, and Community & connection.

Can you go more in depth about your process and or what you feel sets your business apart from others. What else should we know?
Calderas Self-Care Center’s hope is to help guests get in touch with themselves again. Our goal is that guests go back home with a better mindset and strategy on how they can continue to live thriving lives where they pass it on and create this healing chain in their homes and workplaces. We believe that when people find peace and harmony, great things can happen and together we as individuals can radiate love and peace to make a better world. We incorporate Self-care, Nourishing food, Nature, Movement, Mindfulness, Fun, Community, and Learning.

Alright, before we go, let’s do a quick lightning round.

Favorite book?
The Greatest Salesman In the World by Og Mandino. I read it in college, and I fell in love with the author and all his books.

Favorite movie?
Mary Poppins, my mom used to rent it every Christmas when I was little. It was a wonderful tradition.

Favorite genre of music?
Pop, I can dance or sing along to it 🙂

Favorite TV show?
Touch with David Mazouz. I love how this show explores how we are all connected.

Surprising Fact
I believe that magical things can happen

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