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Check Out Charllé Gibson’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Charllé Gibson

Hi Charllé, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
My name is Charllé, I am 26 years old and I was born & raised in Dallas Texas but I now reside in Houston. I’m a big sister of three siblings and a ‘girl mom’ so I’ve always wanted to be a good role model and be successful. Growing up my friends and family would always point out that I was super creative I just never knew how to showcase my talents. I started to be consistent on Instagram and TikTok just being myself, taking pictures, & traveling which started to build a good following for me. I wanted to venture off into doing YouTube and start showcasing my life since my other pages were doing so well but I was unfortunately extremely injured when I was hit & run over by a truck outside of my home. After recovering I was more appreciative of life and more determined to live it to the fullest. I started to do really well on YouTube where I created and edited my own content which caught the eyes of a lot of people. I moved back to Houston and made it my home with my daughter. I’ve experienced a lot of challenges in life but I’ve always remained positive and pushed through.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
There were a lot struggles for me overtime such as the passing of my God parents and my grandfather. I took it pretty hard for a long time which slowed down a lot of personal & professional things in my life. Another obstacle was my instagram was hacked by someone I knew right when I started to receive brand deals and modeling opportunities. This caused me to have to start over completely from scratch with a new page after having my previous one for nine years getting it to 16k followers.

Nothing compares to the biggest struggle for me which was when I was run over by a truck and suffered life threatening injuries. I was in the hospital for a month & was unable to walk/move without assistance for almost two months after that all while my face healed from being fractured. I had to learn how to walk all over again and it pushed my moving to Houston date back 8 months.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I am a content creator, brand ambassador for lashes and a model, but I do feel that my strong suit is content creating which is why I’m currently working on a ebook.

I am most proud of my YouTube channel and that is mainly because I have edited everything myself from my banner, music, my intros, my edits on any of my videos and even my pictures.

I have always been told that I am talented with the details of my edits on my videos & pictures. I’ve even been asked to edit content for people’s YouTube, Instagram or even their vlogs for TikTok. Once I learned I was really good at bringing images and videos to life I decided to keep it going.

What sets me apart from others is not only am I talented but I am also willing to teach people my methods. I am currently working on a ebook that will walk you through the best ways to create content and grow your social media. A lot of people gate-keep from the community or over charge but I intend to change that narrative.

The crisis has affected us all in different ways. How has it affected you and any important lessons or epiphanies you can share with us?
Some lessons I learned from the COVID-19 crisis was to never give up and remain focused. I lost both of my God parents during this time and it was very hard for me. Having to be at home 24/7 made me really focus on my gifts to keep my mind off of everything else.

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