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Inspiring Conversations with Brandon Killian of The Aquatic Playground

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brandon Killian

Hi Brandon, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.

Founded in 2023, The Aquatic Playground was established to serve the Houston metropolitan area with a unique blend of watersports and recreational activities. Specializing in jetcar, jetski, and boat rentals, the company quickly became a favorite destination for water enthusiasts seeking thrilling adventures on the water. With a focus on providing high-quality equipment and exceptional customer service. The Aquatic Playground set out to create unforgettable experiences for individuals, families, and tourist groups. By tapping into the growing demand for outdoor recreation in the region, the company positioned itself as a leader in the local watersports industry, offering both excitement and relaxation on the picturesque waters surrounding Houston.

Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
Running a watersports rental business in Houston presents several obstacles and challenges that can impact operations and growth. Some of the key challenges include:

1. **Weather Dependence**: Houston’s weather can be unpredictable, with frequent thunderstorms, hurricanes, and extreme heat. These conditions can lead to cancellations, reduced customer turnout, and damage to equipment, affecting revenue and operational schedules.

2. **Seasonal Fluctuations**: The demand for watersports typically peaks during warmer months, leading to seasonal variations in business. The off-season can result in reduced income, requiring strategic planning to maintain cash flow and manage expenses year-round.

3. **Equipment Maintenance and Costs**: Maintaining a fleet of jetcars, jetskis, and boats is costly and labor-intensive. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure safety and avoid breakdowns, which can lead to expensive repairs or replacement costs. Managing these expenses while keeping rental prices competitive is a significant challenge.

4. **Competition**: The watersports rental market in Houston is competitive, with numerous companies vying for the same customer base. Standing out requires offering unique experiences, superior service, and competitive pricing, all while managing costs.

5. **Customer Education and Safety**: Many customers may be inexperienced with operating watersports equipment, necessitating thorough safety briefings and training. Ensuring that customers are well-informed and confident before heading out on the water is crucial for safety and customer satisfaction.

Addressing these challenges requires strategic planning, robust operational management, and a focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences to succeed in the competitive Houston watersports rental market.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Running a watersports rental business in Houston presents several obstacles and challenges that can impact operations and growth. Some of the key challenges include:

1. Weather Dependence: Houston’s weather can be unpredictable, with frequent thunderstorms, hurricanes, and extreme heat. These conditions can lead to cancellations, reduced customer turnout, and damage to equipment, affecting revenue and operational schedules.

2. Seasonal Fluctuations: The demand for watersports typically peaks during warmer months, leading to seasonal variations in business. The off-season can result in reduced income, requiring strategic planning to maintain cash flow and manage expenses year-round.

3. Equipment Maintenance and Costs: Maintaining a fleet of jetcars, jetskis, and boats is costly and labor-intensive. Regular maintenance is crucial to ensure safety and avoid breakdowns, which can lead to expensive repairs or replacement costs. Managing these expenses while keeping rental prices competitive is a significant challenge.

4. Competition: The watersports rental market in Houston is competitive, with numerous companies vying for the same customer base. Standing out requires offering unique experiences, superior service, and competitive pricing, all while managing costs.

5. Customer Education and Safety: Many customers may be inexperienced with operating watersports equipment, necessitating thorough safety briefings and training. Ensuring that customers are well-informed and confident before heading out on the water is crucial for safety and customer satisfaction.

6. Operational Logistics: Managing the logistics of equipment rentals, including scheduling, fueling, transportation, and docking, requires careful planning and efficient systems. Any disruptions can lead to delays, customer dissatisfaction, and lost revenue.

7. Economic Factors: The business is sensitive to economic downturns, as watersports are often considered a luxury or discretionary activity. During tough economic times, consumer spending on leisure activities may decline, impacting revenue.

Addressing these challenges requires strategic planning, robust operational management, and a focus on delivering exceptional customer experiences to succeed in the competitive Houston watersports rental market

What do you like and dislike about the city?
Running a watersports company specializing in jetcar, jetski, and boat rentals can be both rewarding and challenging. Here are some common likes and dislikes associated with managing such a business:


1. **Passion for the Outdoors and Water Activities**: For many, the opportunity to work on the water and share their love of watersports with others is highly fulfilling. It allows me and the employees to spend time in beautiful, natural environments.

2. **Customer Satisfaction**: There’s a great sense of accomplishment in seeing customers enjoy their experiences. Providing memorable, fun-filled days on the water can be very rewarding.

3. **Variety and Excitement**: The business is dynamic, with each day bringing new customers, different challenges, and unique situations. This variety keeps the work interesting and engaging.

4. **Building a Community**: Many watersports companies develop a loyal customer base, creating a sense of community among water enthusiasts. Repeat customers and positive word-of-mouth can foster strong, lasting relationships.

5. **Seasonal Flexibility**: Although the seasonality can be a challenge, it also provides an opportunity for a different work-life balance. The off-season may allow for time to recharge, plan for the next season, or pursue other interests.

6. **Innovation and Growth Opportunities**: The watersports industry is continually evolving with new equipment and trends. There’s excitement in introducing the latest watercraft, like jetcars, and staying ahead in the market.


1. **Weather Dependency**: The success of daily operations is heavily dependent on favorable weather conditions. Bad weather can lead to cancellations, which affects revenue and can disrupt well-laid plans.

2. **High Operational Costs**: Maintaining a fleet of jetcars, jetskis, and boats is expensive. The costs for fuel, maintenance, repairs, storage, and insurance can be significant, cutting into profit margins.

3. **Seasonal Revenue Fluctuations**: The seasonal nature of the business can lead to financial uncertainty. Income often peaks during summer, while the off-season may bring in little to no revenue, requiring careful financial planning.

4. **Risk and Liability**: Watersports come with inherent risks, and even with strict safety measures, accidents can happen. Managing liability and the fear of potential lawsuits can be a significant concern.

5. **Customer Education Challenges**: Many customers may be inexperienced with operating high-speed watercraft, requiring detailed instruction and close supervision. Ensuring all customers are well-informed and safe can be time-consuming.

6. **Competition Pressure**: The watersports rental market can be highly competitive, especially in popular areas like Houston. Keeping prices competitive while maintaining high standards of service can be a difficult balancing act.

7. **Physical and Mental Demands**: Running a watersports business can be physically demanding, especially during peak season. Long hours, manual labor, and the pressure of managing daily operations can lead to burnout.

8. **Economic Sensitivity**: The business can be vulnerable to economic downturns, as watersports rentals are often considered a luxury. During economic hardships, discretionary spending may decrease, impacting the business.

Balancing the excitement and passion for watersports with the operational challenges is key to enjoying and succeeding in this business.


  • Jetcar $250 half hour
  • Jetcar $400 hour
  • Jetski $150 per hour (single rider)
  • Boat $400 2 hours
  • Boat $600 3 hours

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