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Meet Lisbeth Valenzuela of Houston

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lisbeth Valenzuela

Hi Lisbeth, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Traveling has given me love, healed me from heartbreak, and shown me that the world is far bigger than our own bubble. Just over a year ago, I discovered something called UGC – User-Generated Content. Initially, I had no idea what it was, but the more I learned, the more I realized it was exactly what I wanted to do. Who knew I could create content and get paid like influencers without sacrificing my privacy?

I began by creating content for products, which I still enjoy and continue to do for clients. However, I always knew I wanted to take UGC further. With my passion for travel and my love for content creation, I found the perfect synergy. Now, I combine the two, traveling the world while doing what I love: creating content that transforms memories into vivid experiences.

After rebranding my Instagram account to focus on the travel niche, I’v seen incredible results. In the past 20 days alone, I’ve reached 4. 7K accounts and continue to reach over 240 accounts daily. The content I’ve created for clients has seen a +327% increase in impressions, and I’ve even worked with international businesses such as ‘Fricolandia’ in Puerto Plata.

This journey is just beginning. Let’s create experiences that captivate and convert. If you’re with a tourism board, local business, travel company, or hotel, and are looking to boost your revenue through engaging content, I’m here to help. Reach out via Instagram, TikTok or email, and let’s discuss how we can work together to bring your destination or brand to life.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
If the road to where I am now were smooth, everyone would be here. This journey has been anything but easy, with new challenges arising daily. At the start, I reached out to over 140 accounts each week. After all that effort, you’d think I would receive plenty of positive responses. However, on the rare occasion I did hear back from a brand, the answer was often no – they didn’t want to work with me.

This forced me to continually analyze my tactics, content, and pitches. I’m grateful for the rejections because they taught me the importance of consistency and constantly reassess what was and wasn’t working. I also struggled with creating high-quality content and managing the lack of income from my job but these obstacles were worth it. This journey has been one I’ve loved from the beginning and it’s only helped me to improve my strategies.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I am a UGC – User-Generated Content creator – specializing in high-quality content that drives sales for businesses in the travel niche including Airbnb, hotels, local business, tourism board, and travel companies. What sets me apart from other travel creators is my perspective as a bilingual college student who provides honest opinions on travel experiences that are worth the limited budget most college students have.

I emphasize that you don’t need to have your life figured out, a lot of money, or even a travel companion to enjoy exploring the world. You can embrace travel at any stage of life, even as a student balancing school and personal life. My bilingual content, offered in both Spanish and English, helps businesses reach a wider audience.

I like to celebrate all of my achievements as much as I can, and what I’m most proud of right now is the opportunity to do this interview with VoyageHouston.

Where do you see things going in the next 5-10 years?
Over the next 5-10 years, the travel content industry will likely go through a dynamic transformation driven by changes toward personalized and unique travel as well as an increasing focus on sustainability. Niche travel markets such as wellness travel and eco-tourism will grow in popularity as tourists look for genuine and distinctive experiences.

Technology will change how people consume content, making it more immersive and individualized. AI and VR are just two examples of how this will happen. As for social media, short-form video platforms such as, Instagram and TikTok will continue to dominate and prioritize brief, visually engaging content.

With more people working remotely, there will be a rise in content around “workcations” and longer stays. Additionally, I see creators emphasizing cultural awareness and inclusive travel, Demand for wellness getaways and digital detoxes will also be fueled by the emphasis on mental health.

As the industry evolves, content creators that embrace these trends will lead the way in shaping the future of travel storytelling.

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