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Conversations with Paige Mcinturff

Today we’d like to introduce you to Paige Mcinturff

Hi Paige, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I learned photography in High School at Kinkaid from the best teacher. He truly gave us not only a strong skillset but he also helped us fall in love with the art of photography. Once I started there in the dark room with film and a manual camera, I haven’t stopped since! It eventually shifted to digital photography and I learned all of the editing side of photography. After I couldn’t take classes in school anymore I decided to make it a business. It was all word of mouth and mostly for friends at that point, but I could never fully give it up.

Once I had our first child in 2013 and decided to quit my full time job to be at home with him, I had a mindset shift. My little side hobby was able to be something I could actually do for a job that had flexibility to be a mom first. Fast forward, I have been taking pictures now for 20 years and I am a mom of four. This passion I have for photography, it is way more than a side hustle now too. For many years it was more of a part time job but it has grown beyond what I could have hoped. I love getting to establish relationships with my clients and watch their story continue to be told, it is such a gift. I am also usually the one picking up my kids at school and carpooling to all of their activities! Being present for my own kids and pursuing my passion is a dream.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Honestly, I think my struggles in business have come with changes to our family. As another child would be added, I would need to devote more time at home and then have to find my groove again. Our last baby was born in 2020 which was a hard year already but my business really had to take a backseat to home life. Things slowed down so much that I really had to get the oomph to start again. At that point I wasn’t seeking business, I was just maintaining my clients I already had a relationship with. I would be chatting with people that I knew and I realized a lot didn’t even know I was a photographer. That’s when I decided that needed to change!

Two years ago I decided to revamp my brand and take my business to the next level. I finished my rebrand last year with the best graphic design team, Cember Studio, and launched with a new name (spoiler alert: it was just my name!) and website/look for my brand. It has been huge for stepping into this new phase of my photography business.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
It is my passion to create images for my clients in all seasons that they can treasure for a lifetime. With that being said, I look at my specialty more in building relationships with people and being there to capture what is special to them. Some days that looks like a newborn session or a family session. Other days it looks like a high school senior session or hiding in the bushes to get the perfect shot at a proposal. I have so many loyal clients and I am so honored to be included year after year in their most treasured memories. I hope my work and my client experience reflects that, because it is the most important part of my job.

Let’s talk about our city – what do you love? What do you not love?
Well the food in Houston really can’t be beat! I am a foodie, so getting to have such a wide range of new and delicious options is ideal for me. It is also like a small town, even though it is a major city. I love running into people from all stages of my life in Houston and truly it is rare to not have some connection to people even if I am meeting them for the first time. The humidity and traffic is something I could for sure do without!

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