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Meet Jennifer Dean, the Artistic Director of 4th Wall Theatre Company

Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Dean

Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
My parents would probably say they knew I was going to be a performer in some way from an early age. They frequently remind me of the plays that I would make up and perform in our living room, or the times I would stand on the fireplace hearth and sing into a pencil for a microphone.

Personally, though, I remember wanting to blend in and not be called up front until 6th grade. I was assigned to be the assistant director for our class play, but when the lead couldn’t perform, I was thrust into the role at the last minute. I loved it, and by the time high school came around, I knew I wanted to pursue theater. It was just figuring out that process. I joined theatre my sophomore year and it quickly became my focus.

One of the highlights was getting to play the role of Emily in OUR TOWN at the end of my senior year. I will never forget standing in the middle of that black box stage, delivering her final lines:

“But first: Wait! One more look. Good-by, Good-by, world. Good-by, Grover’s Corners. Mama and Papa. Good-bye to clocks ticking. And Mama’s sunflowers. And food and coffee. And new-ironed dresses and hot baths. And sleeping and waking up. Oh, earth, you’re too wonderful for anybody to realize you.
Do any human beings ever realize life while they live it? – every, every minute?”

And there I was just crying as I said goodbye to that stage of life, about to move to another state for college and to study theatre.

It was one of my first experiences of life mirroring art, and I was hooked.

We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I studied Theater Performance at Baylor University and never in a million years would I have told you I would end up as the Artistic Director of a theatre 24 years later. I feel very blessed to have been able to continue work in theatre ever since I graduated.

Since moving to Houston, I have worked in every area: backstage, box office, performance, touring, development, marketing and, most recently, as managing director. It has not been a direct path, but looking back I can see how each little step, as winding as they could be, equipped me to be where I am today.

I would be misleading if I made it seem like I achieved this on my own. Theatre is all about people, and I was fortunate to have many who saw something in me that I didn’t see in myself. These are the people who cheered me on, encouraged me to keep going, and urged me to pursue my passion even when I couldn’t see the path forward.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know about your work?
Theatre is about connecting people through the art of telling stories. I believe live performance allows us to see and experience aspects of the world in ways that nothing else can. To sit together in a room and experience something live—something dynamic that changes subtly from night to night—gives us the chance to hold up a mirror to ourselves or see someone else’s experience in a new light.

It’s a unique art form. It’s also really hard work. Whenever I talk to people about all that goes into producing a play, they are pretty stunned by the amount of time and resources it takes.

I love acting, but as a full-time working wife and mom, finding the time for it is a challenge. So, I reserve it for truly special projects. About 15 years ago, I stumbled into directing, and it has been incredibly life-giving for me. I love the process—seeing everything come together, being part of the discussions from the beginning about the set design and casting, to finally experiencing the audience’s reaction. It’s really special.

I’m really proud of several shows I’ve directed, with two of the most recent standing out. In January 2023, I directed a one-man production of EVERY BRILLIANT THING for A.D. Players, starring my dear friend and exceptionally talented actor, Orlando Arriaga. It was definitely a challenge dealing with such a difficult subject as suicide, but everything came together and it was so beautiful and clearly touched many people. Also, the last show I directed before the pandemic was THE REALISTIC JONESES here at 4th Wall. It was a great experience and won the Houston Theater Award for Best Play, Best Ensemble, and Best Director that year.

There are so many others…I was really grateful to be able to act in THE PAVILION last year, it was a lightning in a bottle experience. Once I start thinking about it all these memories pop up and I want to say something about all of them.

Also, my marketing manager is telling me I should mention that I was recently nominated for Best Actress for THE PAVILION at the Houston Theater Awards this year. I truly appreciate the recognition, but again it’s all such a collaborative process.

What are your plans for the future?
As the new Artistic Director for 4th Wall, I’m thrilled to build on the foundation of excellence established by our co-founders, Kim Tobin-Lehl and Philip Lehl. I know I have big shoes to fill, but I’m excited to take what they’ve built and carry it forward. Our team is deeply committed to our mission of extraordinary theatre and ensuring artists are compensated in a way that truly honors and values their work.

I’m particularly excited about this season—my first full one as Artistic Director—and we’re already in discussions about what’s next. Balancing the present with planning for the future is key, and I believe 4th Wall is on the cusp of something great.

I’m currently directing the regional premiere of SWING STATE by Rebecca Gilman, and I hope the community will be as excited as we are and join us on this journey!

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Image Credits
Image credits are in file names.

Main Photo 1 – Jeff McMorrough
Additional Photo 1 – Gabriella Nissen
Additional Photo 2 – Jeff McMorrough
Additional Photo 3 – Jeff McMorrough
Additional Photo 4 – Jeff McMorrough

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