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Life & Work with Dan Davis of Manvel

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dan Davis

Dan, we appreciate you taking the time to share your story with us today. Where does your story begin?
Growing up, my family moved around a lot. My brothers and I never went to the same school for more than 3 years and while this was challenging, it taught us a lot about adjusting to different settings. In 2009, my family moved to Kingwood, Texas where I graduated from Kingwood High School in 2011. In my Senior year, I started working a job at the local YMCA and that is where I met my now wife. Less than a year after graduating High School, we were married and had moved off to go to college in Dallas. Our son was born immediately after we graduated college and I began working a full time job. During this time, as Christians, we knew God was leading us to the missions field and to move overseas to Japan to help start a Church and teach English at a local school. It was in 2014 that this happened and I quit my job, we began raising funds, and in 2015 (while my wife was four months pregnant with our daughter) we moved to Japan!

When we moved back to America in May of 2016, the 2016 Presidential elections were happening and it was the first time in my life that I paid attention to what was happening in our Nation, politically. Regardless of who you supported in that Presidential election, I was disgusted by what I saw. We had two people running for the highest office in our land that were more focused on tearing each other down, than building America up. This put a passion in my heart to some way, somehow, get involved in politics because we need good people in elected office who are going to make good decisions. It is not about winning or losing, but about just simply doing the right thing.

In 2017, we had the incredible opportunity to buy our first home and we moved to Manvel! My parents lived down the way in Pearland. This meant we would be close to them while also living in a town with a slower pace of life. I started to attend local government meetings to get involved and in 2018/2019 a seat opened up on City Council, I ran for it, was unopposed, and was sworn in at the age of 26 – youngest Councilman in Manvel history. I served a three year term and then learned in 2023 that our current Mayor at that time announced she was not running for re-election.

Two other people announced they were running and my family prayed whether I should get in the race because if not me, then who will fight for our community? I filed to run and won the Mayor seat outright with 64% of the vote, avoiding a runoff. I was sworn in at the age of 30, in 2023, and I am the youngest ever serving Mayor for Manvel and one of the youngest Mayors in America.

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I would say that my road to becoming Mayor of Manvel was anything but smooth. Like any journey, it was marked by challenges and obstacles.

One of the biggest struggles I faced early on was gaining the trust and support of a community with varying needs and concerns. As a newcomer to the political arena, being young, and also new to Manvel, I had to prove that I was not only capable but also genuinely committed to serving all residents of Manvel, regardless of their backgrounds or viewpoints. This required a lot of time spent listening, learning, and building relationships.

Another significant challenge was navigating the town’s financial constraints. Manvel, like many small towns, faced budgetary limitations that made it difficult to implement new projects or expand services. I had to be creative and resourceful, often finding innovative solutions or seeking alternative funding sources to push initiatives forward. Balancing the need for progress with fiscal responsibility was a constant juggling act as our residents have been vocal about wanting their taxes lowered.

During my time on the City Council, I also encountered political opposition. Not everyone agreed with my ideas or approach, and I had to learn how to work with those who held different opinions. This meant finding common ground and sometimes making compromises to move thing forward. The experience taught me the importance of collaboration and the value of diverse perspectives. It also taught me that sometimes, you have to agree to disagree and that is perfectly acceptable.

Perhaps one of the most personal struggles I faced was managing the demands of public service with his own life and well-being. The role required long hours, and the pressure to meet the expectations of the community could be overwhelming at times. I am blessed to have an amazing family, and group of friends, that love and support me.

I would say that each challenge I faced helped shape me into the resilient and effective leader I am today. It has been tough but I wouldn’t trade it for anything and hopefully it can inspire others to get involved in politics.

Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
At the age of 18 I married my wife and at the age of 21 my son was born. This meant early on I needed to ensure I provided for my family. Besides being the Mayor of Manvel, I work for a company called Irth Solutions which provides software solutions for the utility damage prevention industry. I have been in this industry for 8 years now and specialize in project management. The skills I have learned through this job have helped me in serving my communicating. Skills such as communicating clear expectations, driving projects towards results, establish timelines and S.M.A.R.T. goals, along with facilitating cross functional teams to bring projects to successful completions.

I also spend a lot of time volunteering. My parents taught me that it is always better to give, than receive and I am striving to raise my family that same way. I am a YET mentor through the Alvin ISD, serve on the Board for ActionS, Inc and the Republican Mayors Association, have been a past board member for the Yellow Out Campaign and our local chamber of commerce, along with volunteering my time at a local food pantry and organizing a monthly trash cleanup day in Manvel.

So maybe we end on discussing what matters most to you and why?
What matters most to me is making a positive and lasting impact on the lives of others. Whether it’s through my work as Mayor, my involvement in the community, or my role as a project manager, my primary focus is on contributing to the well-being and growth of the people around me.

This stems from my religious beliefs that we are to take care of those in need and also in the perspective that we all have to support one another. I’ve seen firsthand how even small actions can lead to significant change, and that drives me to keep striving to make a difference. Knowing that my efforts can help improve someone’s life, even in a small way, is incredibly fulfilling and gives my work purpose.

The relationships I have built along the way also matter deeply to me. Whether it’s with colleagues, constituents, students, or community members, these relationships enrich my life and fuel my passion for service. The trust and respect that come from these relationships are invaluable, and they remind me of the importance of empathy, understanding, and collaboration in everything I do.

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