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Meet Lindsey Parker of Parker Pickling Co.

Today we’d like to introduce you to Lindsey Parker

Hi Lindsey, can you start by introducing yourself? We’d love to learn more about how you got to where you are today?
My husband Shawn and I met in high school. We have been great friends ever since. In 2020 we started dating and eventually got married in 2021 and had our first and only child Michael aka “Bean” in 2023. I decided to stay home to raise him and Shawn took on the lead financially to support our little family. Down sizing to a 1 income family I started trying to find ways to bring in a little extra money from home and nothing seemed to be doing the trick. One day I went into the kitchen and whipped up some homemade jam to send to the ladies at Shawns office as a thank you for taking care of my husband who was putting in long hours and could be a little cranky at times. Turns out they loved them so much that they started paying me to make them on a regular basis and after a few weeks suggested that I start selling my product to a bigger audience. I started thinking “what’s next?”. I tried my luck at an old family pickle recipe, our now Award Winning “Mama Dean’s Mustard Pickles”, and things took off in a whirl wind. We are now doing over 10 markets a month and at our 4 month mark I got to give Shawn the go ahead to quit his 9-5 and stay home with us full time. We are now raising our child together, doing something we love, and have a full line of products. We locally source our ingredients. Every jar is handcrafted and packed with love and care. Best thing about our products are that they are clean eating, no GMOs, artifical flavors or coloring, and have ingredients you know, can trust, and pronounce.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Honestly, we have been blessed. Between support from our friends, family, fantastic customer, and most importantly God things just seem to fall into place here at the Parker Pickling headquarters. There are a lot of late nights and dedication that goes into our operation but being married to and working with my best friend we are able to tackle anything that pops up.

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your business?
We are a small family ran pickling operation. We provide clean handcrafted alternatives to the processed foods you typically find in the grocery store. Old school canning with a twist and fresh locally sourced ingredients. We aren’t just pickles, although we have 8 flavors at the moment. We also carry pickled veggies, Eggs, and fruits, and occasionally we bring out our trusty jams that started it all. Our products are GMO free, no artifical flavors or coloring, if we do buy any produce at the store, if unable to find it at the farm stands, we use organic products. We are doing our part to support our local farmers, community, and bring healthier options back to the family table.

You can find us throughout the month at different venues such as Brash Brewing Co. On 1st Sundays, Hound Hauz 1486 Market on 2nd & 4th Sundays and The Courtyard Collective off Tamina & 1488 every Saturday. We always post our monthly schedule on our Facebook page so please check us out on there for updates and other venues.

We’d be interested to hear your thoughts on luck and what role, if any, you feel it’s played for you?
I’ve said it before and I will say it again, no luck, more like Faith. God continues to drive this bus and has blessed our family in so many ways.


  • $10 half pints (Veggies)
  • $12 Pints
  • $18 Qt.
  • $25 Eggs Qt.
  • $7-$9 Jams half pints

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Joanne Jordan
Cindy Hitchcock

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