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Meet Shannon Horton of Shannon Horton Photography in North Houston and Spring

Today we’d like to introduce you to Shannon Horton.

Shannon, let’s start with your story. We’d love to hear how you got started and how the journey has been so far.
Photography, for me, began in high school. I opted to take a photography class to avoid having to take Art 2 since I can’t draw to save my life. Granted, this was a film class, and most of our time was spent developing rolls of film and trying to figure out how to develop properly exposed black and white images in the dark room. I ended up doing the same thing in college; I took another film photography class. It was here that my passion for photography was truly born and I went out and purchased my first DSLR camera. There’s a saying that most photographers know that says that your first ten thousand photos are your worst, and it is absolute, 100% the truth! As I practiced more and got better with my camera, family and friends began asking me to take photos for them. Requests kept coming in, I kept getting better, and I finally blossomed into a business. I went from a passion, to a hobby, and then to a business, and I am so, so grateful! I truly enjoy the opportunity to create art and capture special moments. You truly don’t realize how important photos become once they are all that remain.

Has it been a smooth road?
I don’t think photography is ever a smooth road, haha. There is so much more involved in becoming a photographer than simply buying a camera and turning it on. It often takes several years to truly develop into the photographer you become, and it’s an ever changing game. There are trends to keep up with, trends to steer clear of, new equipment to invest in, lots of overhead costs associated with running a photography business, marketing strategies, the labyrinth that is SEO, and many, many other curveballs. Photography is absolutely the best job in the world, but the road to where I currently am in my journey has been anything but smooth.

So let’s switch gears a bit and go into the Shannon Horton Photography story. Tell us more about the business.
I started my business, like most do, photographing anything and everything. There was no request I’d turn away! As I progressed as a photographer and discovered my strengths and weaknesses, I learned that there were genres I wasn’t as good at, and genres I excelled in. After photographing my third wedding, I realized that weddings were not my forte. In turn, I discovered that children is truly where my passion lies and where I shine the most. Having a background in working with children (nine years working with infants and young children) gives me a bit of an edge and all the patience in the world. I am so very proud of the business I’ve built, the photographer I’ve grown to be, and the loyal, amazing clients that have faith in me and allow me to preserve precious memories for them.

How do you think the industry will change over the next decade?
Trends are ever-changing, and totally unpredictable. Selective color used to be a thing, whereas now, it’s (thankfully) not the cool thing to do anymore. Milk bath sessions hit the industry hard and fast, but are now slowly losing popularity. Keeping up with current trends and client demands are what make my job so much fun and keep me on my toes! The one thing I’m really hoping will continue to strengthen is printing. We are in such a digital age now and I totally understand the love for showing your photos off on social media, but there is science behind the confidence boosts that children get when seeing their photos on the wall of their family home. It is so amazing to have a visual, tangible piece of art on your wall that showcase those you love most.

Contact Info:

Image Credit:
All images ©Shannon Horton Photography

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