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Art & Life with Farah Mithani

Today we’d like to introduce you to Farah Mithani.

Farah, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
As a kid, I used to take my Encyclopedia, paper, and coloring utensils outdoors and draw while sitting on the sidewalk. I would draw what I saw around me and in my books. I used my imagination and created my own characters. One character I clearly remember is a pickle man since I used to LOVE pickles (Yes, I know, Pickle Rick exists now… if only I shared my artwork years ago!). I continued evolving my passion for art in middle school and high school. My high school art teacher, Mrs. Donna Reedy, from Clements High School in Sugarland, was a huge part of my evolution. I can still see her expression in my mind when she got excited to see our work.

With her support, I won medals for my art, joined AP Studio art, and got accepted with a full scholarship for a summer program in Los Angeles at Otis College of Art and Design. She even pushed me to challenge myself daily. I struggled in high school due to bullies, undiagnosed mental illness, financial instability, and suicidal thoughts. I spent a lot of time in the art room. Art and family support saved me. During college, I was diagnosed with anxiety and ADD, which put a lot of things in perspective for me. My therapist suggested I use my art as a coping skill. I did so, but it was for me, not the world, not yet.

I am now going on my 8th year as a Special Education: Emotional and Behavioral disabilities Middle School teacher. As a teacher, I use art to develop an “out-of-the-box” thinking mindset for STEM subjects. I only recently started sharing my artwork with the world. I am so glad I did because I can help spread awareness for mental health and other important causes using my art.

Can you give our readers some background on your art?
My art has a pretty wide range. I am always eager to develop my current skills and learn new ones. I love using acrylic paint, watercolor, charcoal, body art, and ink. I create art with and for my students, art for commissions, for important causes to me, for others, and to soothe my mind and body. My current projects are a mural for a school, custom jackets, and my GoFigure hand-painted apparel collection. This collection is to help spread awareness for mental health. I also had an opportunity to be in a fashion art show and another one upcoming. This inspired me to learn how to sew and apply embroidery, why not just paint on my own designs?! Whether or not people enjoy my art, I do it with peace and love.

What would you recommend to an artist new to the city, or to art, in terms of meeting and connecting with other artists and creatives?
It’s true. Being an artist can be lonely, especially if you are already an introvert like me. My advice to artists is to break out of your shell and be confident in your work. If you believe in you and your work, things will start to look up. Get yourself out there, join art shows, become a vendor, find local artists and try to do collaborations. There is SO much out there, you just have to step out of your own world, (yes, it is going to be challenging), and show them who YOU are and what your purpose is with your art. It is still challenging for me! I have been an artist my whole life, but only just a year ago did I truly start sharing it with the world. Just remember, stay true to yourself, always.

What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
You can check out my work on Instagram and my website. I post an IG story daily, and artwork weekly. It’s always wonderful to be supported as an artist. I really appreciate it when my followers like/comment/repost my artwork. A lot of my work has a statement/movement behind it and it’s helpful when others spread the word.

The starving artist is a true statement… artists spend a lot of money and have a difficult time gaining that money back. Purchasing original pieces or asking for commission work is a great support. I love to collaborate and help others as well, so reach out to me anytime!

Contact Info:

Image Credit:

Farah Mithani

Getting in touch: VoyageHouston is built on recommendations from the community; it’s how we uncover hidden gems, so if you know someone who deserves recognition please let us know here.

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