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Art & Life with Mason van Kraayenburg

Today we’d like to introduce you to Mason van Kraayenburg.

Mason, please kick things off for us by telling us about yourself and your journey so far.
Creating and sharing music has been my passion and purpose in life ever since picking up the guitar around the age of thirteen. This is also when I named and co-created the band Enloom with Bobby Levy and Nathan Lee, which was my main outlet of musical expression for over fifteen years.

Enloom is one of Houston’s leading pioneers of experimental instrumental music, perpetually innovating and striving to create new formulas. Whether it be a meditation flash mob at a rock festival, a free-jazz improvisation in the woods or the next studio album, you never know what your going to get with Enloom. The group is however on hiatus at the moment with no foreseeable return.

Funny thing is throughout all my time as a musician over the years, I never fully explored my work outside of the bands I played with. That is until recently when I began branching out and endeavoring further into my visions as a songwriter by curating The Heavenly Scrolls, an original music series sonically charting eighty-eight compositions for the eighty-eight constellations. It is set to be released in eight unique albums with each highlighting different colors on the sound spectrum.

A variety of artists and bands are taking part in this series as it’s diverse and spans multiple genres. For example, my new band Three White Doves with Joey Kosar on drums was born while working on this project and will in turn be releasing one of the albums for it. Three White Doves specializes in what I like to call feel good rock. That’s pretty vague and I think that’s how we like it. We’re a simple instrumental drum and guitar duo that plays with our hearts on our sleeves. Joey and I have contrasting influences both in life and what we listen to and because of that things seem to balance out nicely.

I have currently written fifty-five of the eighty-eight compositions for The Heavenly Scrolls and as of 2019, started working with longtime partner in crime Nathan Lee recording the first of the eight albums. If all goes well, I envision a 2020 release followed by at least one album every year until completed.

Can you give our readers some background on your art?
Whether it be a compositional approach, random improvisation, performance or studio recording, I’m always intrigued and exploring how to nurture a piece of music so that it is unique unto itself. The music I make is instrumental and diverse, especially depending on the scenario and who I’m playing with. I love fusing genres and creating abstract experiences that challenge the listener. That being said, I’m a Gemini, and while I may have a mad scientist side, I have an even sweeter softer side that tries to make sure things are warm and inviting. My favorite way of looking at it is like providing sonic worlds to inhabit and explore. What I hope is that people take away a sense of wonder and Inspiration. I want their hearts and imaginations to be set on fire and to feel like they’ve discovered new colors.

Artists rarely, if ever pursue art for the money. Nonetheless, we all have bills and responsibilities, and many aspiring artists are discouraged from pursuing art due to financial reasons. Any advice or thoughts you’d like to share with prospective artists?
I think those things should be kept separate. Your expression should come from a place of purity and unless there’s a situation where your art can be your primary source of income, then don’t expect it to be or maybe more importantly don’t try and force it to be. Do what you can with what you got and strive to progress your craft while having as much fun as possible.

What’s the best way for someone to check out your work and provide support?
You can find me all over Houston at various venues and events. I’m in the process of setting up a monthly gathering and should have more info soon. Be sure to follow me on Facebook and Instagram under my full name to stay up to date. Bring some friends to a show and have a good time! You can also purchase my music of course.

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Image Credit:
Photos by Red Publication shown with corresponding watermarks

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