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Check Out Brandon Griffin’s Story

Today we’d like to introduce you to Brandon Griffin

Hi Brandon, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
Hello my name is Dr. Brandon Griffin. I am a phenomenal Author and minister & prophet, that love people where they’re until they get where they are going. I am ME what you see is what you get.
How did I start? That is a very interesting question because if it was up to me, the things that are taking place in my life now would been gave up along time ago on this journey, but God’s grace over me protects me as we (me and God)
allows the win in me to keep winning. It started off with a dream, a vision, and a prophecy. The things I’ve endured cultivated and modeled me into the man I am today. Sometimes while being challenged with life’s agenda’s you often want to know “why you?”. That was me in the beginning. After, being told you will never become great, you only have ‘ potential’, and called very unpleasant names, that grew as a negative seed in my life causing me to live in dysfunction most of my life. Because of those damaging effects and negative seeds that was spoken prematurely over my life, in my mind I never thought anything good could come out of me. Growing up in a single parent home and women not only raising but my only also, being the only leadership in my life at the time caused me to develop some feminine traits and etc.,. I didn’t know who I was in the beginning . Being molested, abused, mistreated, and watching how men treated women around me taught me mentally what not to become when I a became an adult later on in life.
It was a very hard price to pay coming up in my childhood, teenage years, and young adulthood as a little boy trying to become a healed man. However, no matter what happened God always sent someone on my journey that one day I will become the Man and Man of God he has called and chosen me to be.
It started off as a vision. Saw the vision in a dream and later begun to work towards it so that it could become a reality. Started to use my pain as a weapon with the pen. Using all my what I could not be and transforming to it shall be.
My life in the being was hard, the more you grow the more you become. Learning how to believe in yourself only takes a different approach. Yes, you must approach your pain in a different prospective. At the age of 32 I took my life back. Learning to forgive those that broke me and heal from what hurt me added fuel to the oil of goal getting on my life. I started off crying but I finished it winning .
I wrote my very first book and it was released in 2020 during the pandemic. Also, obtaining my first college degree in 2019. The first generation to start a business and college career in the pandemic. While most people were locked inside trying to figure out life, my destiny was starting to unfold. God started opening major doors for me in the years of 2020, 2021, 2022, and 2023. Then, the enemy started to see that winning was my portion so he tried to take me out in a house fire while I slept for 6 hours. See the enemy does not care when you do not know who you are. It’s not until you start walking in whose you are that’s when the attack comes to stop you from getting to your destiny. I know I couldn’t die then, because breakthrough was too close.
If it wasn’t for the past you would not be reading about me today. That hurt made
me who I am today. Sometimes we look at our lives as if it’s over with for us because of all we have been through. But in order to survive it you must change your mindset on your pain. Let your pain become your purpose. Do not look at what you’ve been through as a punishment. It was designed to push you into your future. After all the things I’ve overcome in 2024 it was a rediscovery of myself and it so much more to me and you will see it afterwhile.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
Has ur been a smooth road? No, but it’s been a transitional process. The only struggles along the way on my journey is believing that people had me like they promised. Having to master stop depending on man and start leading on God made the transition smoother. I know everyone wants someone that can keep the promises they make, but in reality sometimes God will not allow anyone to have their hands on what he has blessed you to do or become so they wouldn’t take the credit. For years, people benefited off my story without paying me in full. I shared my ideas and business ideas to swines and people I thought had my back. But the secret sauce to success and winning is to be quiet. Watch who you share your story and your business with. Watch the company you keep. Always place your trust in Gods hands and not man’s. Watch as well as to pray and watch your journey be smoother.

Appreciate you sharing that. What else should we know about what you do?
I am known for my phenomenal ability of writing. I’ve written 7 series of my book collection. The Outcast Will Outlast. A new series the 8th book will be released in 2025. I am proud of the testimonials that came from the reviews of those that I have purchased my books. I am proud that my pain is was a help to someone’s purpose. Also, I got baptized this year. Re dedicating my life back to Christ in 2024 was the best thing that ever happen for me. I sets me apart from others is never quitting. No matter how many times I fail, fall, make errors, or mistakes getting back up and moving forward makes me set apart.

We’d love to hear about how you think about risk taking?
I’ve taking many risk in life. My view of risk taking is being curious about it. Try it and if it doesn’t work plan another way. I’ve taking major risk this season of my life. Because more is in my view I’ve giving up things just to have the life I’m living now. Major looses such as friends, family, siblings, parents, and etc., all because when you want better in life, remember everyone can not grow with you while your going to your next dimension in life. It was painful to see people drop off on your way up. But it is for your good. The near factor is that when taking risks in life you see who is who in your life. The one thing about a risk is that if you never take it you never know what you may or can produce. My perspective on taking risk is handling the pressure that comes with it to
Become who you are destiny to be Jeremiah 29:11

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