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Check Out Dupreea Williams’s Story

Today we’re excited to be connecting with Dupreea Williams again. If you haven’t already, we suggest you check out our prior conversation with them here.

Dupreea, always such a pleasure connecting with you and thank you for sharing your stories, insights and inspiring messages with our community. We’re looking forward to getting the download and what you have been up to since our last interview, but first can you briefly introduce yourself to folks who might have missed the prior conversation.
Absolutely! First, thank you for having me back—this journey has been incredible, and I’m honored to share where I am now.

I’m Dupreea – Your Favorite Natural Goddess, the woman behind NaturallyDupreeaUnboxed, which is the foundation of everything attached to me—my story, my mission, my purpose. I help women heal, find their voice, and reclaim their power by stepping into alignment with their true selves. My work is rooted in transformation, because I know firsthand what it’s like to feel stuck in a version of yourself that no longer serves you.

Over the years, my path has evolved tremendously. When we last spoke, I was deep in the beauty industry with my hair care business. But as I grew, I realized that my true calling wasn’t just about outward beauty—it was about inner healing, self-acceptance, and stepping into your highest self. That realization led me to create Rich Goddess Universe, a sacred community where women can feel safe to heal, grow, and connect with like-minded souls. I also launched Rich Goddess Travel, giving women the opportunity to experience luxury travel while earning and building a lifestyle of freedom.

Beyond that, I’m now hosting wellness retreats designed to help women realign with their purpose, offering coaching services that guide them through their healing and transformation, and continuing to write through my blog, Choose Healing, where I share personal stories of growth, resilience, and self-discovery.

What sets me apart? I don’t just talk about transformation—I live it. Every woman I work with sees that I’ve walked this path myself. I’ve had to break through my own cycles, face my fears, and redefine who I am. I don’t offer quick fixes; I offer real, deep, soul-level shifts that create lasting change.

My journey has been about unboxing myself, shedding every label, expectation, and limitation placed on me, and now I help other women do the same. Whether it’s through my coaching, retreats, travel experiences, or storytelling, my mission is simple: help women reclaim themselves, unapologetically.

Alright, so our main goal today is to give our audience an update on what you have been up to since our last conversation. We’d love to hear how things are going and what you are most looking forward to or excited about these days.
Whew! Where do I even begin? My journey has taken such a powerful turn since our last conversation, and I can truly say I’m finally living my dream. Serving others, traveling, and walking fully in my purpose. But let me be real with you…it was not easy getting here.

The past two years have been a deep, intense season of healing. It felt like every demon from my past came to collect all at once, forcing me to face everything I had been avoiding. I had no choice but to surrender to the divine and choose what God wanted for me, or drown in past hurt, challenges, and disappointments. It was a make-or-break moment.

I went through a divorce, a pause in my hair care business, and a complete shift in my way of life. I had to ask myself, was I going to stay the same, reliving the same cycles, or was I going to do the hard work and pivot? It’s not easy becoming someone you’ve never been before. Releasing old versions of yourself takes daily, intentional action, but I committed to that transformation, and now I am living in the results.

And now, one of the most exciting things happening in my life? I’m on TV! I’m now featured on The P Koffe Brown Show on the Gift Network which is a Roku Channel, a talk show where I get to share my voice, my wisdom, and my story with an even wider audience. This is something I once only dreamed of, and now it’s real!

I’m also deeply invested in expanding Rich Goddess Universe, my community for women to heal, grow, and commune in a sacred space where they feel seen, heard, and supported. I’m hosting wellness retreats that allow women to break free from old wounds and step into their highest selves. And through Rich Goddess Travel, I’m helping women experience luxury travel while also earning and building a lifestyle of freedom..

At this point in my journey, I’m fully unboxed, fully committed to walking in my new self daily, and using my voice to help other women step into their power. The good, the bad, the fun, the breakthroughs—it’s all part of the transformation, and I wouldn’t change a thing.

I am becoming HER, every single day. And this is only the beginning.

Alright, so let’s do something a bit more fast-paced and lighthearted. We call this our lightning round and we’ll ask you a few quick questions.

  • Favorite Movie: I Am Legend
  • Favorite Book: The Awakened Millionaire
  • Sweet or Savory: Both or Sweet and Sour
  • Mountains or Beach: Beach
  • Favorite Sport (to watch): Track or Race Cars
  • Favorite Sport (to play): Darts, Archery
  • Did you play sports growing up (if so which ones): Track
  • As a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up: A Nascar driver
  • French Fries or Onion Rings: French Fries
  • Chuck Rhodes or Bobby Axelrod: Bobby Axelrod
  • Favorite Cartoon growing up: Power Puff Girls
  • Favorite Breakfast Food: French Toast Or Breakfast Tacos

Life is often about tough choices – can you talk to us about your thought process, strategy or philosophy when it comes to making difficult choices or tradeoffs.
I love this question because making difficult choices is something I’ve had to master on this journey. Every breakthrough required a choice. A choice to let go, to trust, to believe bigger, and to step into unknown territory, even when it was uncomfortable.

For me, decision-making is rooted in alignment. My first thought when faced with a tough decision is: Does this align with the highest version of me? If the answer is no, then it’s already decided. I’m not choosing anything that keeps me small or stagnant.

When I had to walk away from my marriage, it wasn’t because it was easy, it was because my soul was outgrowing that space. When I paused my hair care business, it wasn’t because I didn’t love it, it was because God was calling me into something bigger. Every major shift in my life has come with hard trade-offs, but I had to ask myself: Do I want to stay comfortable, or do I want to evolve?

My strategy is this:
1. Pray & Listen – I surrender my choices to God first. If I feel peace, I move. If I feel resistance, I wait and reevaluate.
2. Detach from Fear – Fear makes everything seem bigger than it is. I ask myself, What would I choose if fear wasn’t a factor?
3. Play the Long Game – I don’t make decisions based on temporary emotions. I ask myself, How will this choice impact me a year from now? Five years?
4. Move with Faith, Not Comfort – Growth is always uncomfortable. If I only made choices that felt “safe,” I’d still be the old me. I remind myself daily: Discomfort is proof of transformation.
5. Trust Myself – The hardest part of making tough decisions is trusting that I know what’s best for me. Healing helped me rebuild that trust.

At the end of the day, I believe that every decision is a seed. I’m either planting for my future or repeating the cycles of my past. And I refuse to repeat. So, I choose forward…even when it’s hard. Even when it hurts. Even when I have to walk alone for a season.

Because becoming HER requires sacrifice. And I’m willing to make every one necessary.

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