Today we’d like to introduce you to Jennifer Serrill
Hi Jennifer, thanks for sharing your story with us. To start, maybe you can tell our readers some of your backstory.
As a woman brought up by a single mom who taught me to be strong, independent and self-sufficient I have always striven to work hard to support myself, to be independent, to overcome any obstacle and to understand that where there is a will, there is a way. I’ll be coming up on my 45th birthday soon enough and have dealt with, what has often seemed to me, an overwhelming struggle – severe and often times debilitating insomnia, depression, and anxiety. While my insomnia started very early in life I can remember as if it were yesterday, crying myself to sleep each night due to sheer exhaustion. I finally went to see a doctor after a seven day period of no sleep. I couldn’t function, think clearly, drive or make simple decisions. A good friend drove me to finally get a prescription for sleeping pills and shockingly… I still couldn’t sleep. I felt hopeless and even cursed.
Despite these frequent insomnia stretches it took me many more years to discover aromatherapy to try and help with my stress, energy levels, anxiety and best of all – sleep! I bought so many essential oil blends on the market and found that I disliked most of their scents and was unimpressed with their efficacy, so I decided – where there is a will, there is a way – and I knew I could do better.
I began a large collection of therapeutic essential oils to experiment with, delved into as much research as I could possibly find and got to work on creating ideal blends that addressed my personal pain points with scents that I absolutely love and that actually work for me. I knew if they could work for me, of all people, I was convinced I could help so many others as well.
I began giving my signature aromatherapy samples to friends, family, co-workers and acquaintances for their feedback. Each essential oil blend found their audience! Once the blends were perfected to my satisfaction I expanded to create aromatherapy sprays, essential oil roll-ons, moisturizing body scrubs, therapeutic bath salts and more to come. I know that for so many, the demands of daily life often lead to exhaustion and overwhelm, I believe this to be a common thread among us, creating a need for something deeper – an experience that not only soothes but elevates the spirit and supports our well-being. The company I created, Artisan Aromatherapy & Wellness, was born from my desire to create luxurious, therapeutic essential oil-based products that bring peace to mind, body and soul by addressing so many of our shared pain points while elevating our self-care & wellness routines that can also have the power to make lasting, holistic and sustainable change in people’s lives.
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
I truly wonder how many people in life can tell you they’ve accomplished a dream and there were no struggles along the way? I think the struggles along the way make us who we are, they shape our lives, our decisions, our emotions and our personalities. Of course there have been struggles; I would expect nothing less. I think the main struggle is to be discovered and to grow, to persevere despite whatever struggle life throws at you, and to continue to press forward despite, at times, feeling defeated.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’ve been in the restaurant/bar industry for over 25 years. I started bartending and managing in college in between management jobs after starting Artisan Aromatherapy & Wellness I decided to take a step back from management and continue to bartend part time while I work to get my company off the ground since it is my true passion and I sincerely believe my hard work will pay off. Artisan Aromatherapy & Wellness specializes in signature essential oil blends and essential-oil based wellness products and is known for our signature essential oils in scents that you cannot find anywhere else on the market.
As for what sets me apart – whatever the circumstances or setbacks, I am proud to say that no matter what, I continue to be the incredibly kind hearted, honest, generous, trustworthy and driven person that I was raised to be; and that’s no small accomplishment, considering we all know how many curve balls life can throw our way.
What does success mean to you?
I have a simple definition of success – if I can wake up, look myself in the mirror, and know that I’m doing my very best and working hard to try and share my products to help those around me conquer their own personal pain points (whether that include increasing energy, memory, concentration, focus, insomnia, stress and anxiety relief, relaxation and so much more) – I’m succeeding in my own way. With so much tragedy and heartache in this world I think that’s the most anyone could ask for from themselves.
- Prices range from $10-$135 depending on the product or bundle of products.
- Essential Oil Blends Start at: $18
- Essential Oil Roll-ons Start at: $10
- Aromatherapy Sprays Start at: $14
- Moisturizing Body Scrubs Start at: $14
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.artisanaandw.com
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/artisanaromatherapy.jen/
- Other: https://www.faire.com/brand/b_dc3qxw4rrk