Today we’d like to introduce you to John Alexander.
Hi John, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
So it’s a long story, but I started working with clay when I was 10 years old. I’m now 23 for perspective so a bit over half my life I’ve worked with clay. I for a while would draw or doodle in class but wasn’t great at it and eventually, I discovered at first-hand building with clay and for a while would pursue that in my parents’ garage. Eventually, I found a nonprofit studio called The art studio inc where I met my mentor Greg Busceme. I then apprenticed for about 5 years or so there. In November of 2015, I set out on my own to start a studio in downtown Beaumont! That’s where the studio started! At a small non-sophisticated place 810 north MLK which is still there. I spent 6 years there and that’s when I really began to experiment with abstract sculpture and ventured out from functional stoneware production pottery. In early 2021, I began the process of moving to my current location and permanent location 1089 magnolia street downtown Beaumont!
Alright, so let’s dig a little deeper into the story – has it been an easy path overall and if not, what were the challenges you’ve had to overcome?
It’s been bumpy! There were times when I thought it was going to all end and I still worry. Especially in the beginning when I started the studio and just wasn’t grossing enough money to cover operating the studio overhead etc. Covid was particularly hard and between snowstorm damage hurricane damage, etc. I really thought I was done but I made the move and moved to the current location and couldn’t be happier! I’m producing more work than ever and also building some large pieces so all in all it’s so far been a road with many peaks and valleys.
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I’m an abstract expressionist, artist, production potter, and business owner. I’d say I’m most proud of the studio I’ve set out to build and my work. I truly take pleasure in pursuing new forms always and utilizing the energy in the air to create new works. I get great pleasure in seeing people enjoying work they’ve bought from me whether it’s a coffee mug or a sculpture functional or not …it always gives me a kick to see a customer enjoying a piece that left the studio and found a home in their home, business or office!
What were you like growing up?
Growing up, I’d say I was always a bit of a curious kid. I was the kid who enjoyed getting dirty playing outside or taking something apart. I have always been a very hands-on type of person in general I’d say. Personality wise very art-minded in the sense that I’ve always had a love for art. In school, I generally was a bit both introverted and extroverted.
- $25 up $2500 in general for price range
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.jalexanderpots.net/
- Facebook: J. Alexander Pottery Co