Today we’d like to introduce you to Myka Morrison.
Hi Myka, thanks for joining us today. We’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I’m Koshia , an independent artist from Fayetteville, NC I released my first body of work in late 2018 vía SoundCloud, but have always wrote along the lines of poetry, and haven’t stopped since I don’t like to box myself in so I try to touch on every genre of music and remember to keep the fun in it. I stress the independent title because I record myself from my closet using GarageBand and have been making my own beats, songs, cover art, etc since that 2018 marker. At one point I felt I needed a team but how I feel now is to keep learning and growing the team will come.
We all face challenges, but looking back would you describe it as a relatively smooth road?
I wouldn’t say smooth because I found myself questioning and trying to be heard so much that I was pushing myself away from being my own sound, which I get a lot, to trying to make music I know people would gravitate to. But I don’t want to be liked by everyone but more so the right ones. I still have a lot to learn as far as producing cause my sound is growing but I’m okay knowing I’m growing with it.
I don’t want anything to come too fast anyway if that makes sense…
As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
I make music for myself. That’s one thing people have to remember don’t turn something you love into something you dread. I can write about anything. I love how easy I can create the bases of a song. I’m proud of my consistency! I feel my whole sound sets me apart from others there are so many sides of my work. I walk on beats different than most. I pride myself in not being like anyone else.
Do you have recommendations for books, apps, blogs, etc?
Youtube honestly is like my best friend aside from my actually channel, Moments with Koshia, which I use as a diary and timeline really.. YouTube grants you so many ways to learn on a topic and just see the everyday of some of your idols. I watch documentaries and everything on YouTube. Getting the behind the scenes or just watching old interviews can really give you insight. Especially learning from mistakes that people have made in there journeys.
Also, I’m reading More than this by Patrick Ness intense, recommend.
- I have a Beatstar page beats range from $14.99-$29.99
Contact Info:
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- Youtube: YouTube.con/user/maryjane6187
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