Today we’d like to introduce you to Nelson Delgado Jr.
Hi Nelson, so excited to have you with us today. What can you tell us about your story?
The Eclectic Arts Movement (T.E.A.M.) was created in 2010 after my return trip from Putumayo Colombia. It was the most enlightening trip I have ever had. I was in a very dark place in life and my best friend Rainer said I needed a spiritual awakening a cleansing of the mind, body, and soul.
That I had to return with him to Colombia, live with the natives, become part of nature and reunite with the great spirit. I felt a calling when he uttered those words and with no hesitation, I said YES!
After that, it was the preparation for it all, the cleansing and purification of the body. First by becoming a full vegan, next a healthy body and mind through meditation and exercise.
In three months, I was ready and off to Colombia we went. The trip, people, and everything around me were invigorating but the most exciting part about this trip was about to begin.
That which would reconnect me to all that is, the great medicine AYAHUASCA, and for the next three weeks, it was all we consumed besides the Aguapanela (occasional honey water).
I was in a complete state of euphoria, I felt a connection to all that surrounded me, I felt God’s presence like no other time in my life and for once I felt who I am, why I came and what I am here to do.
Just a few months after my return to Miami. I told Rainer that I wanted to create a movement, a movement of Artists to unite, not only to express the beauty of the Arts but to use that beauty, creative power, and message of strength to assist others.
With that said, the message was clear and the BEGIN MY MOVEMENT Project began through The Eclectic Arts Movement. Its acronym would spell the word T.E.A.M. a team of artists uniting for a great and noble causes.
Our first Event and Exhibition was ART. Keeping the World Moving! A fundraiser for children who needed prosthetics.
In less than one year we united 200 Artists from all over the United States, to donate a single work of Art and raise funds for No Boundaries Prosthetic Foundation. The location was donated by Mr. Goldman, owner and creator of The Wynwood Walls Miami. Thanks to his kindness, the uniting of Artists plus volunteers the Event and Exhibition was a success 187 paintings sold in one night.
Though my best friend Rainer was able to save my life. Sadly, I was not able to save his and he passed away prior to seeing in person all that we had planned become a reality.
Now in his memory and in my mind of all that was created from that one experience. I introduce to Houston the BEGIN MY MOVEMENT Project through The Eclectic Arts Movement. By presenting an Exhibition, made for every individual but will especially bring inclusivity for Blind, Deaf and Multi-handicapped Children and Adults of every age.
The Multi-ZEN-sory Exhibition, as I call it, will be held at SITE Gallery, 1502 Sawyer Street Houston,TX 77077. Suite 400
The Exhibition will open on June 10th and close on the 24th. With a VIP Event on June 9th, for the Press, Artists, Family and their Special Guests.
Tickets will be on sale at www.BeginMyMovement.org, on the Menu will be titled TICKETS click the tab and choose $5 for Children $10 for Adults. VIP, Field Trip and Group Packages are Available.
T.E.A.M. is working with ART Fusion Gallery in Miami, in making plans to travel in November for ART Week Miami and during ART Basel. Sales from the tickets, purchased Artworks and Donations will help us to continue the Multi-ZEN-sory Exhibition Experience.
The Exhibition in Miami will spread the message of the BEGIN MY MOVEMENT Project and simultaneously help the participating Artists, to be known by taking their Artworks to be Exhibited at the largest Art Event in the World.
I am proud that the BEGIN MY MOVEMENT Project through The Eclectic Arts Movement will be able to take them there. By creating inclusivity for those who are Blind, Deaf and Multihandicapped. But by also showing the world, everything is Bigger in TX and that’s including our Hearts.
Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
Has it been a smooth road? For me as a human no, for the Soul and the Universe yes.
I had to go through the loss of my best friend, face it when I left Miami to live in Houston alone and in those first 3 years find out I had Cancer.
Something I kept from my family as I continued to work 2 to 3 jobs to pay bills. On the 5th year, I couldn’t go on and I had no choice to sadly call on my parents and let them know.
I didn’t want to tell them, my grandfather just passed away and my grandmother began having dementia.
In those first years, while being diagnosed and them not knowing. I would visit, hide this huge tumor I had on my chest and would not eat certain things so they couldn’t see the ones in my mouth.
So much lying, just to keep them safe from the heartache and pain.
I went through Chemo. Something I regret ever doing, the pain and the horrors of it all. Receiving 13 injections in the mouth every 2 weeks to the point my gums and teeth began to deteriorate.
I had no choice but to accept what was happening, learn from everything and have faith knowing I will heal fully.
I am fully healed now. This Cancer brought a broken family together, showed me to appreciate life and to do whatever I can for others but mostly to love the self.
Because if you cannot love the self, how can you say you love God who created you or anyone else for that matter?
Thanks – so what else should our readers know about your work and what you’re currently focused on?
I like to make the Multi-ZEN-sory Experiance a permanent Gallery Space. The Artists and I will be creating a Crowd Funding, (A link will be on our Website) to find a suitable location and truly bring inclusivity to all these extraordinary individuals, that teach us everyday that no matter what obstacles you may have you are limitless and that’s if you choose to be.
We love surprises, fun facts and unexpected stories. Is there something you can share that might surprise us?
Well, I didn’t know Covid was so-called happening. I don’t watch TV or any kind of news and I came to find out when I was going to take the bus to the Museum and got yelled at by a bus driver.
Besides all that craziness.
I am what you would call a renaissance man. I am knowledgeable on many things and topics that involve the ability to create.
I enjoy bringing people together. By uniting them in creating something invigorating for the mind, body, and soul. I love designing, curating, and planning events, exhibitions, and fashion shows and I’ve been doing it since I was 16.
When curating an Exhibition, I love pushing the Artists that are part of the shows I do. I have them get out of the box, do something beyond what they believe and think they can do. I want them to become and feel limitless.
When I design shows, I create the theme, its name and design. I begin the design of the chosen location; how will it look inside and out by building a model. Then create the flyers, Invitation and every single detail needed to make it a success.
I am an Artist, Planner, Curator, and Creative Director among other things.
Even though I love being around other humans and the Art World. I am a bit of a loner, and I like mostly spending time at home with my service dog I named Karma until my next epiphany occurs.
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.BeginMyMovement.org
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BeginMyMovement | https://www.instagram.com/NelsonDelgadoJr
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BeginMyMovement
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/BeginMyMovement
- Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@BeginMyMovement
Image Credits
Cover Photo and First 4 Photos taken by Lorena Villasenor (Instagram: AvidArts.TX)
Second 4 Photos taken by David Gary LLoyd (Instagram: DavidGaryLLoyd)