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Check Out Rhonda Turner’s Story


Today we’d like to introduce you to Rhonda Turner

Hi Rhonda, we’d love for you to start by introducing yourself.
I am a proud daughter to my parents, Helen and the late Phillip C. Turner and the youngest of 3 siblings. Growing up, I’ve always had a love for art and building things. I designed my “dream house” with a very sophisticated 6-car garage that had a see-through ceiling and was located under my swimming pool. Yes, take a moment and let your imagination bask in that imagery. I would still love to have that house built. I designed clothing and with the assistance of a wonderful leather seamstress, I sewed my own high school prom dress with a leather bodice.

I enjoyed the assembling part of a project and would buy furniture and accessories that I had to put together – partly because that’s what I could afford at the time and because I liked reading the manual and taking the puzzle pieces of that project from randomness to completion…probably mainly because that’s what I could afford. But I still enjoyed putting things together and creating something. My Christmas wish list included power tools and my Dad was always happy to oblige. In college, I had a tool collection that would make a carpenter a bit envious. Dad bought me only the best.

Later that year, my retirement from the police department and started looking for a business entity that I wanted to transition to. I searched different franchises and businesses but didn’t find anything I thought would fit me. Later, that year, my sorority sisters (AKA Sorority, Inc) decided to hold our line anniversary at The Rustic Brush – Galleria studio. Initially I was not planning to attend. I was bogged down with life and thought I couldn’t fit it in my schedule. However, that voice deep down inside which I know was the Holy Spirit, keep nudging me to go. But I still didn’t register for the event. The nudging continued until the day before the event when I finally registered to attend. I thought I would just show my face, do a quick project and leave. But after arriving and being reunited with my love of creativity, I knew immediately why the Holy Spirit kept nudging me to go…I had found my 2nd career after retirement.

I began to research The Rustic Brush and settled my mind on retiring and building a studio in the San Antonio area so I could be closer to my son and 2 granddaughters. I even made several visits to the area in search of a home and studio location, but I was never able to find something that I was comfortable with. I didn’t want to force anything as I wanted to obey that ‘inner voice’. Then one day, early January 2022, I was speaking with a coworker when he suggested I stay in Houston with my aging parents. I thought that I would just commute between the two cities, but he gave me food for thought. That very same day, I was talking to another coworker who, by the way, had not talked to the first coworker, and he echoed the first coworker almost verbatim. That really got my attention as I believe God will often times confirms His word to you. So, I stopped what I was doing and called the franchise owners and inquired about building a location in Houston. That is when I learned that Corporate was in the process of selling the Memorial location. My spirit flipped and I immediately entered into negotiations with them.

That was Tuesday, January 4, 2022. I remember it vividly because on that Friday, January 7th, my dad unexpectedly transitioned to eternal rest. He died and my world halted. Though, in that stillness of heartbreak, confusion, and utter sadness, I had peace. For I was then able to see the plan of God for my life. I realized why He made me go to that event the previous November. I understood why I couldn’t find a home or studio in San Antonio. I was cognizant of why He sent 2 people to echo each other in telling me why I needed to stay in Houston. Through the pain of my father’s death, I still had peace; and that kind of peace only comes from knowing that God has the master plan. I put negotiations on hold and planned my father’s services and rearranged my life to adjust to taking care of my mother. I was sad that I hadn’t told him or my mom of my plans as I wanted it to be a surprise to them. I was his “baby-girl”, and he died thinking I was going to leave them for San Antonio. My heart still aches from that.

I waited 2-3 months before resuming negotiations. The hand of God was in the negotiations and on the night before I was to become the new owner of The Rustic Brush – Memorial, I finally informed my mom of the purchase. She, being a business owner herself, knew the time and dedication needed to build a successful business, so she initially thought that I would not have time for her. I explained that I envisioned her helping out and staying busy at the studio with me. This has been the case since and many return guests will ask for her if she’s not there that day.

Fast forward to February 2024, God blessed me yet again to purchase The Rustic Brush Franchise. I believe I have come full circle in loving art and creativity as a little girl to mentoring women and entrepreneurs in the field of art and creativity. I believe I am where I am supposed to be and I’m very thankful and excited about the future expansion of The Rustic Brush Franchise.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
My journey has been neither remarkably smooth nor has it been wrought with obstacles. My journey has been life. Life has wonderful, graceful paths as well as teary-eyed, agonizing destinations and I do not view my journey as being particular either way. I have a great support system from family and close friends. I have a business mentor and resource which I call on for guidance and I have faith in God who is my savior and redeemer in whom I place my trust in. But at the same time, I’ve experienced heartaches in lost relationships, disappointments in friends and family, deaths of loved ones, fear, financial deficits and more. Like with any other small business, finances are always an issue. My story is no different. I also think this hits a bit differently for minorities and I’m blessed to be in that category twice being both black and female.

In purchasing my first location, The Rustic Brush – Memorial, I was turned down by a major bank who initially expressed interest in funding my investment. Not because of creditworthiness but because the “acquisition is too low”…what does that mean?! I thought the whole point of small businesses was just that, it’s a small business. I didn’t need a huge sum of money to start. I was just seeking a comfortable amount for the purchase and working capital to maintain it. So, I couldn’t help but wonder was this just an excuse not to fund me? My credit score is high, my debt-ratio is low, my credit portfolio is mixed, and my income is stable. So why wouldn’t they fund my adventure? I couldn’t help but I drew my own conclusions on that matter, especially when I learned that that particular financial institution has come under fire for unfair practices towards minorities. I hate when that happens but fortunately, I wasn’t stopped by it.

Of course I dropped that bank, and went to plan B – I funded my business through the equity in my home and have since been blessed to have purchased the franchise. My future as CEO of The Rustic Brush is just beginning, but the journey in getting to this point faced financial and perhaps race/gender-partiality obstacles. These obstacles are still majors thorns for me as I continue to experience them as the market fluctuates, consumer spending is seasonal, supply pricing increases and my face as a black woman becomes more visible. That is what life is; ups and downs and highs and lows. It matters how I handle not only the peaks in my life, but more so, the valleys. It matters because I want to be an example to my lineage, not to give up in the valley. There are so many more peaks to experience.

Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Currently, I’m a Sergeant with the Houston Police Department for over 29 years. I’m very proud of my career in Law Enforcement as it has afforded me many opportunities to connect with, help and learn from the many people I have met. I plan to retire soon and focus all of my attention on my second career as CEO of The Rustic Brush Franchise.

As CEO, I established the Memorial location as Headquarters, but I also own the Pearland and Galleria locations. Those 2 locations are open for investors and new entrepreneurs who are ready to embark on a creative and satisfying career as owner. There are currently 5 studios across the Houston area with Katy and Woodland being individually owned by extraordinary female entrepreneurs. My goal is to help build and establish more female entrepreneurs and owners and expand The Rustic Brush Franchise across the nation. We have an fulfilling educational and social business format and a tested method for success within the franchise. Not only do I desire to help other women reach their goal of business leadership in owning a studio but so does our leadership team and other owners. We have become a family of art-lovers and crafters and want to grow the family brand.

The Rustic Brush is an immersive, social experience into wood, paint, power tools, creativity and personal interactions, wrapped neatly in the form of an empowering, 3-hr DIY (Do It Yourself) workshop. Our expert instructors give step by step guidance in helping guests create the perfect home decor piece(s) for gifts or personal treasures. We are BYOB and while our guests are learning new skills, they also enjoy their favorite food and beverages, and delight in our relaxing atmosphere amongst family, friends, or other guests.

We are unique in that our guests can all do something different and still enjoy each other in the same workshop. One guest can make a stove cover, while the other a teen sign, while yet another a bottle opener or a blanket ladder. Everyone can create something different. Guests are encouraged to bring their family and friends to explore how fun art and the concept of creation can be. Creating art is empowering and our guests are able to experience the fulfillment that comes with painting and building their very own masterpiece. Art is a stress-reliever and an outlet for expression so guests are encourage to send their logos or request a custom design for a more personal touch.

I am most proud of purchasing the franchise this year. Owning studios has been a wonderful experience for me but I’m looking forward to the expansion of the franchise and spreading joy across the nation through arts and crafts.

Is there anything else you’d like to share with our readers?
I am a grateful mother/grandmother to my son Phillip, who is a veteran of the US Airforce and a dedicated father to my 2 granddaughters, Layla and Lillianna. I am blessed to be a sister, aunt, great-aunt, cousin, friend and bestie. I am also honored to be a member of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc., BOSS Network, FemCity, Greater Houston Women Chamber of Commerce, Pearland Chamber of Commerce, and St. Agnes March of Faith Church.


  • Youth projects and Square Boards $35/each
  • String Art, Small Single Boards, and Teen Signs $48/each
  • Blanket Ladders $90
  • Stove Covers $105
  • Planter Boxes $110

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Image Credits
Ana Khan

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