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Community Highlights: Meet Daniel Duval of Bride Ministries International

Today we’d like to introduce you to Daniel Duval.

Hi Daniel, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Bride Ministries started in 2012. At that time, I had already published my first two books and I was sending weekly emails to a growing list of people. These emails were essentially Bible Studies and later became a blog. I started a non-profit organization at that time because people had begun to approach me and offer to financially support what I was doing. Thus, the ministry was established and basically served the purpose of raising enough money to maintain a very simple website and cover the costs of a small podcast. Growth didn’t come quickly. I did that podcast for two years and during that time, began to work with my first client that had come from a background of ritual abuse and government-sponsored mind-control projects. In 2014, everything was shut down as I went to work for another ministry. This only lasted a few months and in January 2015, Bride Ministries was relaunched with a new website and a new direction.

I began to host live training webinars, I restarted the podcast “Discovering Truth with Dan Duval,” and we made it part of our mission to provide strategic assistance to survivors of ritual abuse and mind control projects. The podcast explored subjects that were edgy, and my personal client load continued to expand to the point that I would sometimes minister 12-plus hours in a single day. As time went on, I was able to create prayer resources that expedited the work that was being done. These prayers eventually became my best-selling book Prayers that Shake Heaven and Earth along with its sequels. They also became the tools with which we train our prayer coaches now.
As the demand for live training expanded, we decided to start an e-church in 2016. It seemed like a great idea, but was overengineered, and ultimately failed. In the end, we stopped what we were doing and started doing the e-church as a live production on a webinar platform, which turned out to be much more successful.

Over the years following, we added many other outreaches to the ministry which include the annual conference that we call “The Bride Tribe Advance”, training intensives, a Bible institute, online Bible studies, a prayer coach mentorship program, free prayer resources, support groups, and then in 2021 we planted a local church here in Katy, TX. We purchased 8.5 acres after spending about a year meeting in an elementary school where we are now building a whole ministry campus. It is exciting to see what the Lord has done!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
I don’t believe that anything significant is ever easy. Our road has been riddled with challenges. One of the biggest hurdles I faced early on was the staffing issue. In 2015 and 2016 I was running the entire ministry out of my apartment, and I had no local contractors or employees. I wound up hiring people connected to the ministry that lived in another state, which ultimately didn’t work out. Afterward, my wife and I tried hiring a series of people over the space of a few years, all of who ultimately didn’t work out, causing a load of everything to continually fall back on us. It was a constant setback that seemed to have no end. Many pastors and small business owners walk the same path, so I know this challenge isn’t unique to us.

That wasn’t the only challenge though. Another challenge was the problem of betrayal. It seemed like we couldn’t make it through a single year without some sort of major betrayal creating challenges for the ministry. One of these betrayals was very public, causing the ministry to lose a lot of support for a season, and another led to a lawsuit. The good news is that there has been a consistent pattern of vindication despite these challenges, and in the process, we have become extremely well organized, well managed, and have become recognized as a thought leader in our niche of ministry to survivors of extreme trauma.

Great, so let’s talk business. Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
Bride Ministries is a church with a large outreach ministry. We specialize in ministry to survivors of extreme trauma, which includes survivors of human trafficking, ritual abuse, cult abuse, and government projects. Due to our success in ministering to individuals from all over the world, we have become well-respected in the niche as a thought leader. Our prayer resources have been shared throughout the world and continue to be translated into other languages. We also specialize in training and have trained and released over 20 prayer coaches that are equipped to work with survivors of extreme trauma. They can be found at These individuals have allowed the ministry to minister to thousands of individuals around the world over the years, and the number of testimonies and breakthroughs from their efforts is currently hard to track. Each year, we train and release more people, as we are building an ever-expanding team to meet the need. We are very proud of the fact that our training produces a dynamic change in lives, and unlike other Bible Schools, our mentorship program leads people directly into a potential career where they can serve the Lord and provide for their families.

What sets us apart from others is our boldness to address challenges that others shy away from. We don’t blush when people tell us they were part of MK-Ultra, or that they were used at military bases in government experiments, or that they have had multiple encounters with alien entities that have abducted them and experimented on them. We minister to everyone from cult defectors to alien abductees and targeted individuals. It is our belief that if there is a hurt, Jesus wants to heal it, even if embracing the reality around the person’s pain forces us out of our comfort zone.
What I am proud of is that although our ministry takes us into a realm that some would consider a “conspiracy theory” or “just plain weird”, we have built a solid organization and a fruitful church. Our brand is strong and well-managed, and we believe in doing everything with the spirit of excellence. For this reason, despite the edgy nature of our ministry, we are continuing to gain the respect of many, and look forward to the bridges that are continually being established between us and other ministries and churches. We were blessed with the recent opportunity to sponsor the annual report release for the US Advisory Council on Human Trafficking and flew to Washington, DC for that event. We have important keys that we believe will change lives for the better and are working tirelessly to bless countless people around the world in the years to come.

Can you share something surprising about yourself?
When I published my second book it was a major flop from a financial perspective. I don’t believe I ever made back the money I invested to put it into print.

Of the copies I received, I probably gave away as many as I sold. Even though people enjoyed the book, it wasn’t shared, folks weren’t interested in hearing me talk about it, and at the end of the day, I simply put it out of print and moved on. Years later, that same book sold on Amazon for a little under $1000. Whoever sold that copy made more in one sale than I did on the whole project!

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Image Credits:
Heather Armijo and

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