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Community Highlights: Meet Marie Sutton of Level Up Academy

Today we’d like to introduce you to Marie Sutton.

Hi Marie, please kick things off for us with an introduction to yourself and your story.
Hi, I’m Marie!

I’m a 29 yr old serial entrepreneur and a native of Houston Tx!!
I’ve just relocated back home 2 years ago.
I missed home! We are the best city ever haha!
My business initially started off as a passion project, I was helping fellow friends and colleagues understand the importance of having savings, a budget, investments and helping them fix their credit in my free time just because they asked me to after seeing me do it.
I soon saw that this was a much bigger assignment and that I needed to start a business because I knew there are many others who needed the help.
And this is where Level Up was Birthed!
My goal this year is to partner up with nonprofits in my area and teach the same concepts so we can educate everyone regardless of educational background or income understand financial literacy and credit!

A little about my own background: I survived a severely abusive and controlling relationship in my teen years that I was sure that I wouldn’t survive. I did not think I would make it to my 18th, 19th, 20th or even my 21st birthday. (Of which I received 2 beautiful kids out of).

By the Grace of God, I was given the strength to make a plan of escape and after almost 4 years I left and never looked back.

Part of that plan was to understand credit that which I would need in order to apply for an apt or a vehicle on my own.

So I taught myself how to build my credit because I had none.

And I knew that part of making an effective plan of escape and being able to stand on my own and not be driven back into the hands of my abuser- I absolutely needed to be able to sustain us on my own.

I knew by no means would it be easy as a young single mom who had so much trauma to process and 2 little ones to now take care of on my own. You don’t know how strong you are until that’s your only option. I did it for my kids and myself, I refused to allow them to continue to witness my being abused and crying and thinking that was normal. I had to get them out of that situation asap.

And that is where my journey of financial literacy started. It took me almost losing my life to really put myself in the position to understand and teach myself financial understandings, how to budget as a single parent, how important having a savings is.

Overall just making smarter financial decisions. I knew that I had more to life than what I was currently experiencing and I decided to take back control of my life.

I knew with my drive, determination, strength, and purpose I could overcome anything I needed to. I also was aware of just how rare it is for a woman let alone a young mom to leave their abuser due to the sheer terror that you have been instilled in you and the abuse that you have experienced, with no resources or support outside of her abuser.

It was one of the scariest (I was petrified leaving) yet most liberating things I have ever done.

I knew I needed to break the cycle. I knew the odds were stacked against me, but I had one choice.

And I have now made it my mission to educate and assist people, young people and women in particular on the importance of good credit and smart financial decisions.

I help people fix their credit so that may be able to accomplish the goals they desire, whether it’s getting a car with no cosigner, or buying your first house for your family, I want to see others succeed.

My client’s success is my success!

Would you say it’s been a smooth road, and if not what are some of the biggest challenges you’ve faced along the way?
It most definitely has not been an easy road. But I have learned that where there are struggles there are lessons learned. You become more resilient and are able to learn from the struggles you go through. You appreciate things more when it doesn’t come easy. Anything worth having won’t come easy.

It’s not always about what you GO through but what WE CHOOSE TO GROW THROUGH. I have also seen that struggle doesn’t last. Hard times don’t last, not when you are actively choosing to do and be better every day.

Alright, so let’s switch gears a bit and talk business. What should we know?
Level Up Academy LLC was founded due to my desire to help others, I see what having good credit can do for myself and I desire to help others achieve the same.

I chose to name my business “Level Up” because I literally did that in my own life and it was the best decision. I leveled up mentally, spiritually, physically, and financially and it all starts with making the decision to get serious about your financial situation. Everything you desire is attainable if we put the work in. That is the reason why I was able to buy my first home at 27, paid off my vehicle 3 years early. Start a trust fund for both my kids and the list continues!

My primary goal is to help others get their credit in good standing to make their lives easier. With good credit you don’t have to worry about denials, rejections, no’s, or even predatory interest rates.

We give you back control over your life by educating you on your finances and it starts with credit!

But I also provide other services as well such as Professional Tax Prep (bookkeeping services coming soon)/ Notary Public Services and Business Funding.

I hope to be a one-stop-shop service provider for clients that are needing it and I have more services coming in the future!

If you know me personally I am known to be that friend or colleague that will speak life into you and your ideas/plans, I’m gonna push you to reach those goals! I’m motivating you! I’m rooting for you! I can also just be a listening ear when needed.

What sets me apart is that I can show other young people that it can be done, you can change your life no matter your situation. I have been there, done that. I’m relatable, real and honest!

I will provide you with the same advice that I will one day give my kids. (I’ve already started teaching them financial concepts, and business)
They have been the fire behind me, my purpose. I refuse to let them down in any regard. They will know that I stopped at nothing to provide them a better life against all the odds.

I will have digital products and budget planners available soon! So follow us on Facebook and Instagram for those updates and announcements!

Any advice for finding a mentor or networking in general?
I would say become comfortable being uncomfortable. Get used to talking about yourself and your business wherever you go. Network!! Go to every networking event that you can. Always have your business cards on you or have a digital business card made. Don’t avoid investing in yourself. Research and pay for a mentor if all else fails! And this has all helped me. I am naturally introverted but have had to get comfortable being extroverted. I have multiple mentors/coaches. Find what works well for you.


  • Monthly Credit Repair Program $129 mth
  • Tax Prep – Free Quotes
  • Notary Services – Email for Quote
  • Bookeeping Services-To be Announced

Contact Info:

Image Credits
Mr. Derrick Harper

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