Today we’d like to introduce you to Shalondria Taylor.
Young Esther’s Inc. is a mentorship program designed to challenge and empower the lives of young women through the areas of Intercession, Intellect, and Influence. Young Esther’s Inc. was set in motion in 2013 by Founder, Shalondria Taylor. The name Young Esther’s Inc. derives from the book of Esther in the Bible. There are spiritual and practical principles in the book that influenced Shalondria Taylor to form a program and also inspired her to write her first book, The Queen Code.
On January 25, 2015, Young Esther’s Inc. was officially launched with a Meet & Greet hosted by Forever 21. Countless teenage and young adult women from Houston, Tx and surrounding areas flooded the store with anticipation. From that day on, Young Esther’s Inc. has been working within communities, schools, and churches to impact young women from all walks of life. In 2016 Young Esther’s Inc. hosted it’s first conference Church Girls Gone Wild, a powerful two-day conference filled with inspiration, prayer, worship and so much more.
Shalondria Taylor serves as a mentor to youth and young adult women. If you are interested in the mentorship program please contact us!
Overall, has it been relatively smooth? If not, what were some of the struggles along the way?
It has definitely NOT been a smooth road. One of the things I struggled with before starting Young Esther’s Inc. was getting out of my own way I thought that because there were so many other mentorship programs and conferences that mine wouldn’t be effective.
The advice I would give to another young woman is, don’t underestimate your value. You, your idea, your story, is the solution to someone’s problem. Don’t hold yourself back!
What should we know about Young Esther’s Inc? What do you do best? What sets you apart from the competition?
Well, after initiating the mentorship program, we started our yearly conference, Church Girls Gone Wild (Jan 24-25,2020-shameless plug). Initially, we built this conference centered around young women ages 13-30, because of the impact we’ve now opened the conference up to women of all ages. The conference provides a safe for women to heal, receive encouragement, we host seminars for specific age groups, networking opportunities and so much more.
We specialize in empowering young women through the areas of intercession, intellect, and influence. Esther (a historical biblical figure) was granted favor and through her obedience and perseverance, saved an entire nation of people from being destroyed, talk about women empowerment! We believe we are WORLD CHANGERS at Young Esther’s Inc!
Who do you look up to? How have they inspired you?
All women who have persevered for the sake of leaving a legacy for others to benefit from.
Contact Info:
- Website:
- Phone: 7136599380
- Email:
- Instagram: shalondriataylor
- Facebook: Shalondria Taylor
- Twitter: Shalondria Taylor
Image Credit:
Patrina Anthony, Christian Foster
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