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Conversations with Carlos Jair Rodriguez

Today we’d like to introduce you to Carlos Jair Rodriguez

Hi Carlos Jair, we’re thrilled to have a chance to learn your story today. So, before we get into specifics, maybe you can briefly walk us through how you got to where you are today?
I was studying Public Relations and Marketing at the University of Houston. I was passionate about social media and always looking for ways to blend my academic knowledge with real-world experience. It kind of happened quite unexpectedly. I was balancing my studies and my growing interest in social media when an exciting opportunity came my way. Budlight was looking for fresh faces to collaborate with, and somehow, they found me. It was surreal! They were organizing an event featuring a band called Signo, and they wanted me to create content around it. It was my first sponsored post, and I was thrilled. Here I was, a university student, suddenly working with a major brand like Budlight. Fast forward to today, I’ve worked with major brands, attended many different social events, and created some amazing friends along the way. I’m proud to say that I’ve come a long way from that first sponsored post. And while my day job may keep me busy, I’m still very much involved in content creation. I’ve found a way to balance both aspects of my career. My experience as a content creator actually gives me a unique perspective in my role as Director of Digital Advertising. And also, my professional experience enhances the content I create. It’s a symbiotic relationship that keeps both aspects of my career fresh and exciting.

Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way. Looking back would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
Looking back, I can definitely say it wasn’t always a smooth road. One of the biggest challenges I faced was having to work full-time to pay for college. Balancing a full-time job, a full course load, and trying to build a presence in content creation was incredibly demanding.

There were many late nights and early mornings and I often felt like I was burning the candle at both ends. I had to become a master of time management and prioritization.

This was sometimes really hard because I have ADHD, which added another layer of complexity to everything I was trying to manage. There were days when my mind would race with ideas, but I’d struggle to channel that energy productively. Other times, I’d find it hard to concentrate on important tasks or deadlines.
But beyond that, I was also on a journey of self-discovery. While juggling work, studies, and content creation, I was also trying to find my creative voice and essentially reinvent myself. It’s a journey of constant learning, adapting, and growing.

Also my family has played a huge role in this, I grew up with the most supportive parents anyone can ask for, and a sister who is a genius attorney beyond comprehension. Having a support system like that can really motive someone to do anything.

As you know, we’re big fans of you and your work. For our readers who might not be as familiar what can you tell them about what you do?
Well, professionally, I’m the Director of Digital Advertising for an orthopedic company here in Houston. In this role, I specialize in creating and implementing digital marketing strategies, analyzing data to optimize campaigns, and staying ahead of the latest trends in digital advertising. But beyond my day job, I’m a content creator with a specific niche. I create content centered around two of my greatest passions: fashion and vinyl music. My followers know me for my unique style that blends contemporary fashion trends with a vintage aesthetic inspired by vinyl culture. I very much get my inspiration from art, film and music that I feel people misunderstood. I like to say my style is a mixture of David Bowie meets Teddy Sinclair meets Stanley Kubrick meets 70’s fashion.

As for what I’m most proud of, it’s the journey I’ve been on and the obstacles I’ve overcome. I’m a gay Latino on DACA, which has presented its own set of challenges. But I’ve never let these challenges define me or limit what I can achieve. Instead, I’ve used my experiences to fuel my creativity and drive.

I think what sets me apart is the intersection of all these different aspects of who I am. I’m not just a digital advertising professional, or just a fashion enthusiast, or just a vinyl collector. I’m all of these things, and more. My content is a reflection of this multifaceted identity.

Moreover, as a gay DACA Latin man, I offer a perspective that’s not often represented in either the corporate world or the content creation space. I’m proud to be a voice for my communities and to show that someone with my background can succeed in these fields.

Networking and finding a mentor can have such a positive impact on one’s life and career. Any advice?
Finding mentors and building a strong network have been crucial to my success, both in my corporate career and as a content creator. I’d say the University of Houston really laid the foundation for this.

First and foremost, don’t underestimate the value of your professors. They’re not just there to teach you course material; they’re amazing resources with years of industry experience and connections. I made it a point to engage with my professors beyond the classroom. I’d ask for advice on projects, and express my interest in the research or industry work of which they focused on. This approach led to some of my most meaningful mentorship relationships.

One piece of advice that’s served me well: don’t just network with people in senior positions. Build relationships with your peers too. The connections I made with classmates and fellow young professionals have been incredibly valuable as we’ve grown in our careers together.

Lastly, remember that networking isn’t just about what others can do for you. Always think about how you can add value to others, even if it’s just sharing an interesting article or congratulating them on a recent achievement. This approach has helped me build authentic, long-lasting professional relationships. And make sure to always be yourself, there is nothing more important than authenticity and people can read through it.

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