Today we’d like to introduce you to En’Jouli Webb.
Alright, so thank you so much for sharing your story and insight with our readers. To kick things off, can you tell us a bit about how you got started?
I started by telling my grandma I wanted to be a photographer. She had a NIKO COOLPIX, and she gave it to me. from there, I learned how to use the camera settings by trial and error and YouTube videos. From there, I graduated with a Canon T6 and started taking my interest more seriously. I prefer street photography and candid portraits. I often find myself shooting birthday shoots, fashion models, and Rappers because they ask for a shoot, but I do not actively look for clients and bookings.
Can you talk to us a bit about the challenges and lessons you’ve learned along the way? Looking back, would you say it’s been easy or smooth in retrospect?
When I tried to creating a photography business to shoot clients frequently, it was smooth until I realized I wasn’t enjoying photography anymore. I found myself getting annoyed with client demands asking me to do what other photographers do. I reply to those requests with, “If you wanted that, you should’ve hired that photographer.” Now, if you have inspired shots for ideas that we can work off of, that’s no problem, but I cannot recreate someone else’s work exactly. Each photographer has a different eye of how they will shoot. So, once I took down my booking site and just started focusing on my artistic shots and enjoying the freedom of shooting what I want, how I want. I just want people to love my work because they like the vibe/energy of the shot.
Can you tell our readers more about what you do and what you think sets you apart from others?
I mostly specialize in street photography and candid portraits. I’m known for being the main photographer for the music artist Archielee214. I shoot all of his BTS and create majority of his photo and video content. When I’m not shooting for him, I am shooting what catch my eye when I’m out and about. I’m most proud of my ability to shoot dope photos without having to alter it in photoshop. I cannot recreate my shots because I shoot when the moment is happening, and you cannot get that moment back. Thats why photography is powerful, it tells a real story and brings real memories to those who were a part of it. What set me apart is that I’m not trying to be a perfectionist. If you have flaws and/or got caught in a bad pose, but the photo is dope, I encourage folks to understand this: were you at this moment? Even when I’m not in focus fully or there is a bit of motion blur it doesn’t matter to me because when I look at the shot, I see past the imperfections and take in the vibe and energy it gives off.
What has been the most important lesson you’ve learned along your journey?
Most important lesson I’ve learned is to not compare my work with others, and the gear doesn’t always matter. When I first started, I wanted to be a perfectionist and always wanted to get the expensive gear to make my photos better and create better videos. I eventually realize my gear is just fine. I just had to get better with my settings, and I got a few better lenses to help achieve the portraits I wanted. One day, I will upgrade my gear, but it isn’t something that makes a huge difference in my work at this time.
- $85 headshots
- $150 basic shoot
- $250 Deluxe shoot
- $300 wedding/ parties/ Entire family photo
- $200 Video content
Contact Info:
- Website: https://www.redbubble.com/people/EjKrownP/shop
- Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/krownportraits_/