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Conversations with Herb B

Today we’d like to introduce you to Herb B

Hi herb, it’s an honor to have you on the platform. Thanks for taking the time to share your story with us – to start maybe you can share some of your backstory with our readers?
I started out doing comedy, building a strong following with 50,000 followers on Instagram and two TikTok accounts that had a combined 200,000 followers. Unfortunately, those accounts got deleted, but I saw it as the perfect opportunity to rebrand. While doing comedy, I was also trying to push my music, so I decided to focus solely on my music career from that point forward. Since then, I’ve been working on building a self-sufficient strategy to record and promote my music content right from my at-home studio. I’ve been writing music for five years and performing at open-mic spots like “The Local Seat” and “Frozen Paradise” since 2019. After my accounts were deleted, I went full-fledged into the music industry, officially rebranding myself as an artist in 2023. I also did go ghost during 2021 and 2022 to add more structure and strategy to my approach, which added to my overall competence when it comes to navigating within the music industry.

I’m sure it wasn’t obstacle-free, but would you say the journey has been fairly smooth so far?
My journey ain’t been the easiest. One of the biggest struggles I had was finding folks who were just as serious about this craft as I am. At first, I put my trust in people who were more established, thinking that if we worked together, I could learn from them, provide some value to their brand, and get my own exposure up. But, man, that didn’t always play out how I thought. There were times I got left behind or used up once they didn’t see no more use for me. Some even took my ideas and ran with ’em. That hurt alot.. no fiction! , but it made me a Real Sergeant.. so i digress from that. So then, I started linking up with people on my level, figuring we could grow together. But that came with its own set of issues—..folks not keeping their word -or as i like to say.. “talkin that saga”, shady business moves, or just not having the time and space to focus cause they had their own life stuff goin on. It was a real struggle, especially when I was tryin to keep my finances straight and deal with the pain from broken relationships. But say again- I digress! I pushed through all that. I’m self-sufficient now. I don’t depend on nobody for emotional support, money, or even to make my music and get my name out there. I do it all on my own terms, or i delegate properly now. NO FICTION!

Thanks for sharing that. So, maybe next you can tell us a bit more about your work?
I’m an artist who specializes in witty wordplay and deep storytelling. My music isn’t just about catchy hooks; it’s about using allegory and satire to point out the real, wild stuff I see around me, all while keepin it funny and relatable. I got this activist side too, so you’ll hear me speaking up on things that matter. People know me for that blend of clever bars and realness—whether it’s touching on serious topics or just makin’ folks laugh. I pull a lot of influence from legends like T.I. , and Nipsey for their strength and activist vibe, Nelly for that melodic, feel-good energy, and Kendrick Lamar for his allegorical storytelling. I have also been inspired by Mac Miller’s creativity and depth, and well if im a Sergeant… Isaiah Rashad, and Smino are Generals in the realm of crazy flows. What I’m most proud of is how I’ve been able to create music that makes people think, laugh, and vibe all at once. I’ve been through my struggles, all while being strategic, self-sufficient and and a pillar of strength and wisdom to those around me, and now I’m out here doing it on my own terms! What sets me apart from others is that mix of allegory, activism, and clever storytelling. I am competent in this arena due to my personal thirst for knowledge and search for absolute truth! This is why i refer to myself as a “Sergeant” due to my perseverance in what seems to be the war of modern life, and also why I am coining the term “NO FICTION” because i might tell you a joke but never a lie—my music isn’t just something you hear, it’s something you gotta think about and feel. I’m here to entertain, challenge perspectives, and give folks something real to vibe to timelessly.

Before we let you go, we’ve got to ask if you have any advice for those who are just starting out?
My advice for anyone just starting out is this: ignore the noise from people trying to sway you away from your vision of building your brand. Establish your brand first, ‘cause once you do, it becomes a lot easier to choose the right people who fit and align with what you’re building. When they see you’ve built something solid, they’ll respect it and move accordingly. It’s all about moving with folks on the same frequency who respect your intentions. But at the same time, it’s crucial to know your value and how you can provide it. Find ways to bring value to the people around you, whether it’s through ideas, connections, or skills. That’s how you build real respect and relationships in this game. When you know your worth and what you bring to the table, you won’t settle for less, and you’ll attract people who can truly help you grow. Something I wish I knew starting out was how to move right: understanding self-sufficiency and the power of LISTENING more and saying less. The more you understand your own value, the better you can navigate who’s really for you and who’s just there for their own benefit. So, focus on building you, know your value, align with kindred spirits, and the rest will fall into place.” This hits on all the key points and stresses the importance of knowing and providing value.


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